SNAP Core Change Log
SNAP 4.3.1 - Released 9/25/2024:
- A new 2D view feature has been added that will distribute drawn view components vertically, horizontally, or in a grid pattern.
- New animation beans have been added: Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Histogram, and Pebble
- The radial dial animation bean has been updated to improve its appearance.
- The animation beans have been reorganized in the insertion tool. A new group “Graphs” was created to hold elements that resemble graphs.
- The core value selection dialog was updated to have its filtering capability ignore character case.
- The generic tabular editing dialog included in SNAP was updated to allow for adding tabs to divide up and organize the data tables with many columns.
- An issue with the add button action for the table dialog has been resolved that caused exceptions in the screen file.
- The default value for the calculation server communication port is inactive, which allows the system to find a free port.
- The ASCII text comparison behavior has been updated to better identify textual differences. This also resolves issues comparing text elements including HTML control characters.
SNAP 4.3.0 - Released 6/18/2024:
- An issue was found during automated testing which caused a large number of necessary comparisons to occur when building the list for NIF export. This would cause the GUI to seemingly lock up as the export numerics options was selected.
- The ability to search through numerics with a filter has been added to the variable selection dialog.
- A new dialog has been implemented for creating a numeric variable directly from the selection dialog.
- A new dialog has been implemented for managing user-defined variables.
- A stability issue was corrected which could put the ModelEditor in a locked state after submitting a model.
- A new dialog has been implemented for displaying log files in the model editor.
- The progress dialog when opening MED file has been updated to show progress.
- The welcome screen now has a link to SNAP training videos.
- The ASCII plug-in now supports using any application definition in the calculation server.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Model Editor to crash when supplying a model to be opened on the command line.
- A new toolbar button has been added to open the find component dialog.
- The Multiple Object Selection Dialog was updated to have an updated look and feel, which includes striping the rows in the lists and supporting a filter.
- Updated the look and feel of the generic table editing dialog.
- Added the ability to add command line arguments for Black Box job steps from within the model editor.
- Added the ability to place '${taskid}' tokens in the input and output filenames for a Black Box application definition. These tokens will be replaced with the Task Name upon submission.
SNAP 4.2.1 - Released 2/16/2024:
- SNAP model view templates are now exported in XML. The model view template importer was updated to handle both the xml and binary versions of these files. This update allows for simple GIT (or other version control systems) comparison of view template changes.
- The named value selection dialog has been revised to improve the user interface, allow for sorting and filtering values.
- The generic table row editing dialog has been updated to resolve an issue where custom paste behavior was needed.
- Several threading issues were resolved that should improve the stability of the Model Editor.
- The 2D Renderer for integer variables has been updated to support trailing spaces in the custom label text.
- An issue has been resolved which would change the z-order of components after performing a paste special operation.
- The property set panel API was updated to include a routine which will expand all groups.
- The generic floating point table editing dialog was modified to improve the user interface.
SNAP 4.2.0 - Released 11/3/2023:
- Unitless model properties that reference SNAP variables with different engineering units will correctly handle the differing conversion factors for internal comparison in British models.
- The restore session dialog has been updated to provide a more stable launch process.
- The real and integer numeric execution logic was optimized to no longer perform double execution when a value is set.
- The Model Editor initialization logic was updated to add further stability to the application.
- The ability to export and import Numeric Tables using Microsoft Excel formatted files has been added.
- The ability to export and import Numeric Tables using Numerics Import Format formatted files has been added.
- The ability to export and import Python Functions using Numerics Import Format formatted files has been added.
- A line counter has been added to the Python Source editing dialog when the function is using Jython for execution.
- An error will be shown when the line count of a Jython function is too high.
- A comparator has been implemented into ComponentSelectionDialog to handle numerics within the component list.
- Python functions have been updated to allow plug-ins to enable Python binding access inside Python functions.
- An issue was resolved in which an error would be reported during import of a table from an NIF file.
- When exporting tables and functions to an NIF file they are exported in the top of the file in the order in which they appear in the navigator.
SNAP 4.1.4 - Released 8/09/2023:
- The default Navigator was updated to expand and select a recently added component in all cases
- The ASCII viewer has been updated to refresh automatically when a numeric variable referenced by the component is modified.
- An issue has been resolved where storing a condition set may replace or modify an existing condition set
- The Review Properties dialog was updated to load the Component Type combo box and filter the results when the dialog opens.
- Fixed a bug when creating a new connection in the drawn view to connect to the center of an inlet connection point.
- The expanded entries list for parametric job streams was updated to sort the Name column correctly.
- An update has been added to prevent floating the primary toolbars of the Model Editor.
- The standard component selection editor has been updated to allow filtering the displayed components by category.
SNAP 4.1.3 - Released 5/18/2023:
- An issue was resolved in which the 'Move Up' button in certain dialogs would throw an exception when dealing with a dialog that had hidden columns.
- The Model Editor "Revert Modifications" file menu option will now always be enabled when the model has been saved to disk.
- Real Variables have been updated to allow defining a set of enumerated values.
- Unitless model properties may not reference SNAP numeric variables with any engineering unit.
- Table variables have been updated to include add_row, remove_row, and set Python methods.
SNAP 4.1.2 - Released 2/16/2023:
- The email identified in the issue reporting tool has been corrected.
- An issue has been resolved that would cause closed dialogs to appear in the preview display from the toolbar under Windows.
- A library update has been added to allow piggy-back plug-ins to support class path entries in their manifest.
- An issue was resolved where numeric function ordering would not be preserved when the functions were reordered and then model was saved and then loaded.
- Updated the help button for integration cases to go to the correct part of the user's manual.
- Numerics Functions have been updated to support manual and automatic execution modes as intended.
- The comparison method for real values was updated to resolve an issue comparing large negative numbers.
- The SNAP End User License agreements have changed. See the About Dialog for the new license agreement. The new agreement will be presented during installation. Both the governmental and commercial license agreements can be found in the About dialog.
- An issue has been resolved which would prevent the issue reporting tool from parsing SNAP installation locations.
- An issue has been resolved that would prevent executing python job steps under the Windows operating system.
- An issue was encountered in the SubblockArrayTableDialog which prevents move up/move down when the columns have been deactivated
- The error message reported when attempting to select a variable reference for a model parameter when there are no variables with equivalent units in the model has been corrected.
- The update server address has been corrected.
- The email identified in the issue reporting tool has been corrected.
- The ModelEditor Welcome dialog was updated to resolve an issue which could cause it to appear at random times where other UI windows may been open.
SNAP 4.1.1 - Internal Release:
SNAP 4.1.0 - Released 8/19/2022:
- The SNAP End User License agreements have changed. See the About Dialog for the new license agreement. The new agreement will be presented during installation. Both the governmental and commercial license agreements can be found in the About dialog.
- An issue has been resolved which would prevent the issue reporting tool from parsing SNAP installation locations.
- An issue has been resolved that would prevent executing python job steps under the Windows operating system.
SNAP 4.0.4 - Released 7/5/2022:
- Drawn components that contain a self-connected connection will color both connection points blue.
- SNAP's Python Bindings now use a Py4J Gateway Server that limits access to the Java Virtual Machine for any connection made after the first. Py4J is only used when an external Python interpreter such as CPython3 is used.
- SNAP no longer write the Py4J authentication token to an external file when using an external Python interpreter such as CPython3.
- Python directed job streams no longer support being executed through Jython. A valid CPython application definition must be selected to submit a python directed job stream.
- The Submit shell application has been updated to prevent submitting with a jython.jar python executable.
- The DiffMerge library has been updated to support differencing large text blocks without allowing the user to edit the text directly.
- The multiple component comparison dialog was modified to support being opened from inside another dialog, such as the GIT resolve conflicts dialog.
- The export difference report button behavior has been updated to gracefully handle cancelling the operation from the file selection dialog.
- The library has been updated to handle CTableND data structures.
SNAP 4.0.3 - Released 4/29/2022:
- An issue has been resolved that prevents the creation of new Animation models.
- An issue has been resolved that would cause the Find Components dialog to re-open when changing between models, or graphically editing a restart case.
- The logic for opening views from MED files after closing a restart case has been modified to preserve view order.
- The AptPlot Batch script editing dialog has been updated to correctly identify AptPlot VARS file types from the "READVARS" command.
- The Apt Plot job step has been modified to resolve an issue which would prevent the “Delete Upon Completion” option from setting correctly when applied to an input file.
- Added support for the batch_command function in Python directed job streams. This command executes a single Model Editor batch command.
- The model read logic has been updated to gracefully handle the unlikely scenario where a view has a conflicting primary key when opening a legacy model.
- If a model contains duplicated primary key values other than a view, the model will fail to open with a reported error message. Contact APT for instructions on correcting corrupted models.
- The Python directed job stream samples have been updated to match the current library methods.
- The Python Script job step sample for writing an output file has been corrected.
- Logic was added to no longer attempt to process application definitions in the user temp directory. This prevents an issue where the read logic did not have read permissions to files in the directory, causing the global configuration initialization to fail.
- The Diff/Merge Library was updated to support comparison and merge for TRACE heat structures.
SNAP 4.0.2 - Released 2/28/2022:
- An issue was resolved in Configuration Tool that prevented applications in a global site configuration group from being set as the default application for that type.
- The Job Status user interface was updated to include the same filtering tree nodes used for Calculation Servers when interacting with tracking servers ("Active Streams", "This Week's Streams", etc.).
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that caused toolbar buttons shown for selected Calculation Server nodes to be enabled in some circumstances when no job was selected.
- Python SNAP Functions have been updated to use the same Python applications defined in Configuration Tool that are used by other SNAP applications.
- Several issues were resolved that could cause Python streams to fail when using the built-in Jython interpreter.
- The Model Editor's docked views and Python editors were updated to include a tab icon indicating the type of view docked.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Uncertainty Quantification property of Python job streams from being preserved during copy/paste operations between models.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Azure logins from being properly cached and reused when transmitting and submitting jobs to AWS.
- Several small updates were made to support API and library updates for sub-systems, integration cases, and category access, from the diff/merge library and corresponding python bindings.
- An issue was resolved that would prevent exporting views to image files.
- An issue was resolved where undo/redo of an edit in the Model Editor would not cause the model to be identified as changed.
- The python interface was updated to provide a java list creation method for use with the bindings.
- The diff/merge library has been updated in preparation for supporting the TRACE Plug-in.
- The python test harness has been changed to allow generic calls in preparation for providing support for different code plug-ins.
- The python testing of the merge behavior has been updated to fail on the merge operation could not be performed through the user interface.
- The utility classes for comparing and merging 1D Tables has been updated to support cross references to Table Variables. This only affects TRACE tables, as RELAP5 uses separate data structures to support these references.
- The comparison behavior for floating point values has been modified to only compare the digits that are displayed by the variable, instead of full floating point equivalent.
- The library has been updated to improve efficiency of the comparison and merge behavior.
- The utility libraries have been updated to support merging external junction and multiple junction components in RELAP.
- The integer enumeration value based comparison and merge behavior has been updated to show mismatched values in the appropriate location in the array, assuming the values are sorted.
- The value based comparison / merge behavior has been updated prevent merging sub-element floating point properties that reference an orphan numeric variable. Numeric variables must be merged into the target model before merging properties.
SNAP 4.0.1 - Released 10/29/2021:
- The AptPlotand PyPost (if available) applications are now packaged directly with SNAP as optional feature sets. The SNAP application suite has been updated to utilize the new bundled versions of these plotting tools.
- The global find dialog has been updated to support searching by component label.
- Job Status was updated to allow completed job streams that were submitted using Amazon Web Services to be downloaded to the local Calculation Server. Note that the AWS Support plug-in must be installed to submit job streams to Amazon Web Services.
- The job stream system was updated to allow Job Status to display the stream log for streams submitted using a tracking server (TORQUE/Maui, AWS Batch, etc.) both while the stream is running and after it has completed.
- The site configuration properties file (site_config.prop) has been moved to the SNAP/config/ folder. This file has been used to configure the global site configuration location (for platforms and applications). It now also includes configuration information for single sign-on behavior for Azure and Amazon Web Services.
- The Python bindings for the Model Editor and job streams have been updated to prevent a single MED file from being opened more than once without being closed first. An exception will be thrown for the second and subsequent attempts to open the same file. Previously the bindings behaved as if the file were opened again.
- The accordion nodes for tracking servers in Job Status have been updated to display a spinning wait icon while waiting for the connection process to complete.
- The Staging Location dialog in Configuration Tool was updated to include a Help button that opens the corresponding section in the user’s manual.
- The and tokens were added to the available staging location tokens. These tokens will be substituted by the current user's user name in either all upper or all lower case characters.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that prevented the "Show Jobs Completed" filter from properly limiting the displayed jobs in the job list table for Tracking Servers.
- An issue was resolved that could sometimes prevent the stream log from being displayed when openning a job console for a job stream before explicitly loading the stream.
- An issue was resolved that prevented some files flagged to "Delete After Completion" from being deleted at the end of a job stream execution.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that prevented the job list display from updating when switching between platforms of different types if Job Status wasn't connected to either platform.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the AptPlot job step "Parameter File" editor from previewing the selected parameter file in AptPlot.
- Added logic to copy the user's relevant preferences from the ~/.snap/3.0/ folder to ~/.snap/4.0/ on startup if no 4.x preferences are available.
- View comparison and merge has been updated to support the canvas font property.
- The ParaView job step has been updated to support the integration of PyPost with SNAP 4.0.0.
- The ParaView Script Builder utility has been updated to support the integration of PyPost with SNAP 4.0.0.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the token from being properly replaced for job steps that support automatic plot file demultiplexing.
- Job Status was updated to resolve an issue that prevented it from displaying the screen output of tasks executing on a Calculation Server.
- Job Status was updated to resolved an issue that prevented it from connecting to a tracking server with no submitted streams.
- The tracking server interface in Job Status was updated to resolve an issue that prevented it from showing tracking server staging locations unless a job stream had been already submitted to the location.
- The configuration tool custom platform properties dialog was updated to resolve an issue that prevented defining custom property names.
- The Tracker Module API was updated to allow more detailed platform information to be passed to the module during initialization.
- The global search dialog has been updated to improve the efficiency of searching through large models, and to resolve an issue where cancelling a search could result in a user interface lock.
- The global search dialog's "Select in a View" behavior was updated to correctly scroll to show the component when the view is zoomed in.
- An issue was resolved that caused PyPost tasks to fail when submitted to the local Calculation Server.
- The Stream Manager was updated to resolve an issue that could prevent the final messages of the stream log from appearing in Job Status for streams submitted using a tracking server.
- The Python application generator for the Python job step has been updated to automatically find the bundled PyPost installation.
- An issue with the execution order behavior of python scripts in the Python job step has been resolved which could cause Python scripts to execute twice.
- The screen logging behavior for the Python job step was updated to resolve an issue which could cause an error during Python execution.
- The value based merge library has been updated to include a text difference report capability. This may be accessed through the GUI dialog or a SNAP batch command: DIFFMERGE EXPORT <m1> <m2> <TargetFile>
- The value based comparison and merge dialog has been updated to support opening a text comparison dialog when merging properties that consist of large blocks of text.
- The graphical comparison and merge table for comparing component properties has been updated to allow collapsing and expanding properties. By default all properties are initialized collapsed.
- The graphical comparison and merge user interface has been updated to include options for managing property ownership and reviewer status while merging values.
- Supported components may now be merged directly in the multiple-component comparison panel of the value based comparison and merge utility. This allows for quickly merging modified models without selecting each property that contains differences.
SNAP 4.0.0 - Internal Release
SNAP 3.1.9 - Released 8/13/2021:
- The dialog used to edit the custom properties of platform definitions in Configuration Tool has been updated to include informative tooltips that display a description of each property.
- The SNAP site configuration properties file used to configure the location of the Global Site configuration file now allows empty lines and comment lines starting with pound(#).
- An issue was resolved that prevented jobs imported using the Job Status "Import Completed Job" feature from being loaded by the Calculation Server for use in animation.
- The Name and Description table-cell editors in the Initial Condition Sets dialog have been updated so that selecting an entry and typing replaces the existing input rather than appending to the existing input.
- The value based comparison / merge capability has been updated to support the new enumeration types.
SNAP 3.1.8 - Released 7/14/2021:
- An issue was resolved that could prevent Job Streams from running under Windows.
SNAP 3.1.7 - Released 7/8/2021:
- An issue was resolved that could prevent Python Directed streams from determining the default application to use under newer Java versions when using CPython 3.*.
- An issue was resolved that prevented new tasks in Python Directed streams from appearing in Job Status as soon as they were submitted when the stream is executing in a high performance computing environment such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) Batch.
The following issues are still under development:
- The model editor has been updated to include a global find dialog for searching through the components in a model. This dialog may be opened from the Edit main menu, or by pressing Ctrl-f. This dialog replaces the find dialog used for searching through the components in a view.
SNAP 3.1.6 - Released 5/21/2021:
- The Python directed Stream File Search module was updated to support the automatic download of search results when searching for files located in a remote staging location (such as AWS S3). For more information, refer to the HTML API documentation located in: [SNAP Install]/doc/python/snap/streams/search.html]
- The Configuration Tool was updated to support Global Settings stored in a remote repository accessed via URI (such as AWS S3).
- The retrieve and execute setup option for application definitions will now download and install into a [Working Directory].local/[App Name]/ folder. Previously, the task working directory was used which could potentially lead to naming conflicts between task input/output files and the data files included with analysis codes.
- The Job Stream system and associated Python bindings were updated to support platforms (such as AWS Batch & S3) which use a remote location for intermediate files staged between tasks.
- The Python directed Job Stream API was updated to allow platform-specific submission properties to be set on each Actor prior to adding it to the stream. Submission properties objects are platform specific and located in the snap.streams.platforms package. For more information, refer to the HTML API documentation located in: [SNAP Install]/doc/python/snap/streams/platforms.html]
- The ownership reviewer user interface window was updated such that its initial size will now accommodate large category names. The size of the window when it was last closed will still be restored when it is reopened.
- The SNAP File Accessor API has been updated to include a required unique ID. Refer to the CAFEAN API documentation for more information.
- The --userid= command line parameter was added to both the Stream Manager and Execution Wrapper to allow streams to operate using a different user ID. Note that this parameter has no effect on the current system user ID or the current user's permissions.
- The MATLAB numeric function was updated to properly parse strings used in MATLAB 2016b and newer.
- An issue has been resolved where pressing the save model button could result in the model editor incorrectly identifying the change as externally modified.
- A ParaView job step has been developed which provides the ability to configure ParaView XY Chart Views in a Job Stream. The ParaView job step receives one or more plot files as input and creates image files of the plots defined in the step configuration. In addition to the new ParaView Job Step, a stand-alone application is also provided which can be used to generate scripts from outside of a job stream. This standalone application will save and store ParaView configurations and execute the scripts using the PvPython application. Future versions of the step and application will provide additional ParaView plotting capabilities.
SNAP 3.1.5 - Released 2/24/2021:
- The job stream system was updated to allow users to select an application definition that will be used by default by Job Steps of that type. With these updates, the user will only be required to select an application for a Job Step if a specific application version is required.
- An issue was resolved which prevent copying and pasting application and platform definitions in the site configuration tool.
- Support has been added for multiple Version Control System (VCS) plug-ins to SNAP. Currently SVN and GIT are supported as individual plug-ins. Each plug-in automatically detects whether the current model is saved to a VCS controlled directory and activates the appropriate toolbar and menu items.
- The graphical job streams have been updated to remove some seldom used options that increased complexity without improving usability.
- Removed Job stream file grouping.
- Removed the ability for job step inputs to be flagged as non-parametric.
- Replaced the job step filter with a single Boolean variable reference.
- The JS AptPlot job step has been updated to include the EXIT_ON_ERR batch command. This ensures that if an error occurs while reading an expected plot file the script fails rather than generating unexpected plots.
SNAP 3.1.4 - Released 12/23/2020:
- The playback status display bean has been updated to display the current time in the scale selected in the playback controls.
- An issue was resolved in the Submitting Stream progress window that caused it to appear with the progress "NaN" rather than "0%" briefly during the submit process.
- The Python Script editor used by Python Directed streams has been moved from a separate modal dialog to a non-modal editor that is docked as a tab alongside the model's 2D Views. This update includes new toolbar entries for commenting/uncommenting and indenting/unindenting lines of code. A Check Syntax button has also been added for streams using the Jython interpreter.
- An issue was resolved in the Python Directed stream Bundled Files dialog that allowed duplicate files to be added.
- The dialog used to select a single component in the model has been updated to scroll to the current selection when opened.
- The Stream File Search module ( has been updated to include methods for including and excluding files based on the task status. These methods include task_completed, task_failed, task_status_eq, and task_status_ne.
SNAP 3.1.3 - Released 10/25/2020:
- Support for uncertainty quantification analysis using DAKOTA has been added to Python Directed streams.
- An issue was resolved for plug-ins that support Attribute Level Ownership that prevented the "Show Owner" option from appearing in the Property View immediately after activating ownership for the model.
- An issue was resolved that prevented some optional real value editors from properly updating the ownership and last modified time when activating or deactivating the property.
- An issue was resolved in the standard component selection dialog used by plug-ins for components like control systems and materials that caused the list of Available Components to contain duplicate entries after creating a new component to select.
- The Revert Modifications main menu item has been updated to close all dialogs associated with the model prior to reloading the file.
- An issue was resolved in the 2D View's Connection Preferences dialog that caused some non-editable columns to be editable.
- An issue was resolved in the 2D View's Connection Preferences dialog that prevented it from displaying the preferences of a single selected connection.
- An issue was resolved in the Integer Variable and String Variable enumeration editing dialogs that prevented the move-up and move-down buttons from maintaining the table selection.
- The initial condition set editing dialog has been updated to show the values in the current model units.
- The initial condition set editing dialog table has been updated to support cut, copy, and paste like a spreadsheet.
- The initial condition set editing dialog has been updated to sort the rows by name when the dialog opens.
- The initial condition set management dialog has been updated to refresh all open dialogs and frames when the initial conditions are applied.
- The initial condition set management dialog has been updated to select the new condition set after importing a condition set from a file.
- The component selection dialog for managing the components in an initial condition set has been updated to only display filters in the category list that are included in the set of components, and to ensure that the entry indention makes sense.
- The initial condition set import behavior automatically identifies the components included in the condition set.
SNAP 3.1.2 - Released 10/6/2020:
- The bundled JVM included in the installation has been upgraded to OpenJDK 11.0.8 Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM distributions for the 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux platforms.
- Several small docstring errors were corrected in the SNAP and Python directed stream modules that could affect the accuracy and quality of code-completion presented by Python IDEs such as PyCharm and Spyder.
- An issue was resolved in the Python Job Stream's inline source editor that caused the status to be displayed as "1 Lines" regardless of the number of lines in the script.
- An issue was resolved in the Bundled Files dialog of Python streams that caused all newly added files to be displayed with red foreground, indicating they do not exist.
- An issue was resolved that could cause mebatch.exe and python.exe processes to be left behind when terminating a Python directed stream.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that could cause the contents of the stream log for Python directed streams to be displayed more than once when connecting to an active stream.
- A Jython-compatible version of the pathlib module was added to Python Directed streams. This module will be automatically included in the Python Path for streams using Jython.
- An isssue was resolved in the Jython support for Python streams that could cause the error "no such module 'model_editor'" to when the stream completes.
- An issue was resolved that could cause the command line submit stream submit to fail when no bundled files were included.
- An issue was resolved that prevented PyPost log messages from being properly passed to the stream log when using PyPost in a Python Directed stream.
- The Python Directed stream insertion/right shift (>>) and etraction/left shift (<<) operators were updated to raise a ValueError when called with the inputs of an actor that has already been added to the stream.
- The stream name and relative location were added as properties to the Python Directed streams' Stream class.
- The Stream Manager was updated to report an error in the stream log when a task pre-execute or post-execute Python function fails.
- A logger was added to the snap.tasks module that transmits messages to the stream log from the task pre-execute and post-execute Python functions in Python Directed streams. This logger is available via the snap.tasks.get_stream_logger() method.
- An issue was resolved that could prevent files from being dragged into the Bundled Files dialog on Linux systems.
- An issue was resolved that prevented application location tokens such as from being replaced for applications used directly by Python Directed streams.
- Logic was added to automatically create application definitions for "CPython2" and "CPython3" if they are found on the system $PATH.
- Resolved an issue that would prevent opening a SAM Plot file in AptPlot from Job Status.
- Job steps have been updated to suppress the message indicating an optional output file was not generated unless the logging level of the job stream is set to DEBUG.
- An issue has been resolved that would prevent re-opening an ASCII view that were closed by graphically editing a restart case.
The following issues are still under development:
- The animation playback controls have been updated to allow selecting a time scale. The current time scale is saved with the animation model, and controls the value displayed in the main toolbar during playback.
- The Python functions have been updated to include utility methods for interacting with initial condition sets in the current model. These include methods for importing, exporting, and applying condition sets, and adding/removing components to a condition set.
- The condition set management dialog has been updated to include the ability to import and export condition set files (CSF) in an ASCII comma separated value format. The dialog allows changing which components are affected by a condition set if the current model supports partial condition sets.
SNAP 3.1.1 - Released 7/26/2020:
- Python directed job streams have been added to the SNAP suite. This provides the ability to contruct complex job streams customized to address specific requiements of a given analysis. These job streams utilize user provided Python scripting to dynamcally contruct and submit analysis code tasks, and to easily control the flow of information between those tasks. This greatly simplifies adding looping and conditional logic to job execution. These job streams work with Jython, which is bundled with SNAP, or through external CPython (2.7 or 3.8) executables. A tutorial has been developed that introduces the concepts of Python directed Job Streams. This tutorial walks through creating a Python directed job stream that executes the TRACE analysis code using the standpipe model.
- PyPost can be accessed as a library from the Python directed job streams scripts. This allows for extracting values from generated plot files programmatically after an analysis code completes. These values can then be added as keywords to the task, or used to steer downstream calculations. Note that interfacing with PyPost currently requires an external CPython application.
- Job Status was updated to support dynamically adding tasks to a running stream.
- Python functions have been updated to include method signature variations that follow the standard Python naming convention. The previous method names have been depricated to prevent effecting existing scripts.
- The SNAP functions have been updated to include support for Octave. This includes a new function type that supports executing and editing Octave scripts.
- An issue was resolved in the Job Status console for job streams that prevented the stream log from being displayed for completed streams.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the 2D View Insert Tool from automatically switching back to the Select Tool after inserting an Annotation or Display Bean.
- An issue has been resolved that would prevent the Navigator from selecting category objects or root component nodes when highlighting a property from an ASCII view or from the Validation Window.
- The validation window has been updated to refresh correctly when input fields are added or removed from the bottom of the text field.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Animation Control Block and Signal Variable beans from automatically creating an appropriate Color Map when they were inserted.
SNAP 3.1.0 - Released 3/4/2020:
- Updated to Java 11. Starting with this version, Java 11 or newer is required. Methods that have been deprecated in Java 11 have been refactored to use the appropriate Java 11 equivalent. OpenJDK 11.0.6 Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM distributions for the 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux platforms are included in the installation.
- An issue has been resolved which would cause optional editors to fail to update properly when their activation checkbox is modified inside a modal dialog.
- The Model Diff viewer will now properly handle comparisons to components which do not output ASCII.
- The model notebook exporter has been updated to handle optional real values when generating property view tables.
- The zoom size panel panel creation logic will now build in all Java 11 versions. This issue had no affect on the behavior of the UI.
- An extraneous clipboard enabled table message was removed from the screen output. This only pertains to debug mode and has no affect on table display or behavior.
- The File-> Import ASCII menu now displays plug-in icons for loaded plug-ins.
- The model enumeration property view editor was updated ensure that the ability to edit different values is supported.
- Thr framework was refactored to more easily locate and create components which belong to a given category from the category instance.
- Support has been added for defining MOOSE Exodus II and CSV plot file types in the AptPlot job step.
- The Python Script job step was updated to support Python interpreters under Linux/Unix, such as Paraview's pvpython, that require access to an X11 ("X Windows") display even when running as a background process. This support was added as a Python Script Application Definition option called "X11 Display Location". When running these jobs locally on a typical Linux machine, the value ':0.0' (sans quotes) will refer the process to the local X11 display instance.
SNAP 3.0.2- Released 11/8/2019:
- An issue was resolved which prevented opening the right-click pop-up menu for the Numerics category when a python function referenced a numeric.
- View templates have been updated to support custom canvas fonts in 2D Views.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the MED file save process from displaying file names in the message window.
- An issue was resolved that caused the JPEG option of the Export Image feature of 2D Views to appear even when JPEG export is not supported by the version of Java being used.
- An enumeration editor and interface was added to support enumeration data types in plug-ins.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Generic 2D Color Map Configuration dialog from being properly refreshed when undoing or redoing changes to the model or other components.
SNAP 3.0.1- Released 10/24/2019:
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult to move intermediate points on drawn connections.
The following issues are currently under development:
- The drop-down list for range type has been expanded to show all the types when the list is first expanded.
- The logic in color maps that determines when to write out major tick mark values has been updated to make it more likely that the first and last values will be displayed in the view. This especially affects non-linearly scaled color maps.
- The 2D Generic range drawing code has been updated to resolve an issue which would cause the drawn color map to show the incorrect colors for a non-linearly scaled axis in a model using british engineering units.
- The configuration dialog for the 2D generic range has been updated to show the current engineering units for the X and Y axis properties, and to allow editing the minimum and maximum X axis values in British units when the model is set to British. Finally the label for the engineering units was updated to resolve an error where the conversion offset was displayed with the value from the conversion factor.
- The following animation beans have been updated to support using the Generic 2D range component: Stacked elements, COBRA Vessel Ring, Hydraulic Component, Liquid Level, TRACE 3D Vessel Rings, Unrolled Vessel and Vessel Layer.
SNAP 3.0.0- Released 9/3/2019
- The Windows and LINUX Java VMs bundled with SNAP have been upgraded to OpenJDK 1.8.0_222 with Eclipse OpenJ9 (64-bit). This SNAP distribution has been fully tested under this JVM as well as under Oracle Java 1.8.0_162 with HotSpot(TM) (64-bit) and OpenJDK 11.0.4_11 with Eclipse OpenJ9 (64-bit).
- SNAP's Java3D support has been updated to version 1.6.2 which utilizes Java OpenGL (JOGL). This eliminates the need to modify installed JVM's to include Java3D support.
- The highlighting behavior used in the Validation Display and ASCII Viewer has been updated to automatically highlight whatever is under the mouse cursor, avoiding the need to click on each value individually. Clicking on a highlighted value in the ASCII will "lock" the cursor on that value temporarily. Clicking on a non-highlighted area, opening the editor for that value, or pressing the ESCAPE key, will unlock the cursor again.
- Several small optimizations were made to core utility methods used when exporting ASCII input models from plug-ins such as TRACE. These small optimizations were made targeting large models (5+ megabytes) that become sluggish when shown in the Validation Display or ASCII Viewer.
- The ASCII Viewer context-sensitive ASCII support was updated to handle situations where the viewer is displaying input for a model other than the current model. In this situation, opening an editor for a context will also make that model the current model.
- An issue was resolved that could cause the Check Model feature to open an additional model report dialog when one was already open.
- An issue was resolved that caused the items in the Model Editor's main "File->Import" menu to appear unsorted.
- The validation test editing dialog was updated to allow changes made in the dialog to be undone and redone.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Job Status "Stop" menu item from appearing with the correct label in some circumstances.
- Table variables have been updated to be included in the usages list for variables that are cross-referenced inside table variable cells.
- An issue was resolved which could cause the Model Editor to become unresponsive in Java version 11 and later.
- An issue was resolved in the editing dialog for the Python Source property of Python Functions that caused the source editing area to scroll to the bottom of the function when applying changes to the function.
- Python functions have been updated to support displaying an ASCII view, and to be included when comparing models using the ASCII differencing.
- Python functions have been modified to identify input and output variables when showing variable usages. This will identify the actual input and output variables used the last time the function was executed and search through the text for GetVariable and SetVariable calls that include the target variables name explicitly.
- The ASCII viewer has been updated to prevent line wrapping when the dialog is not wide enough to show all of the values. A horizontal scroll bar will be provided if any of the cards are wider than the dialog.
- Several updates have been made to the 2D View "Find Component" dialog:
- The dialog is now non-modal and can be left open while working in the view or Navigator.
- The Find button was updated to apply the dialog's selection to the Navigator and the 2D View.
- If no rows are selected in the Find Component dialog, the Find button will select all listed components in both the Navigator and the 2D View.
- The restart editing logic has been updated to preserve the selected view when graphically editing a restart case or an integration case.
- The numeric function behavior has been updated to ensure that the EXECUDF batch command behaves in the same way as the Execute Functions button. Additionally calling the SETVAR or SETCONST batch command will execute the functions if the function mode is set to Automatic.
SNAP 2.6.9 - Released 4/27/2019
- The model notebook export logic has been updated to prevent a null pointer exception when an attribute document reference does not match an existing attribute.
- An issue has been resolved that would prevent the automatic execution of functions when no data stores are loaded.
- An issue was resolved that could cause category objects to be included twice in the Error Report dialog.
- An error was resolved that caused erratic user interface behavior for job steps with more custom output file keywords specified than automatic keywords provided by the step.
- The Keywords dialog used to manage custom and inherited keywords for job steps and their outputs has been updated to include parametric keywords and a more clear indication of which inherited keywords have been overridden and which custom keywords are duplicates.
- The view component MED save logic has been updated to resolve an issue where changes made by importing a view template might not be included in a resulting MED file. This applied only if a file is saved immediately after importing a view template.
- Resolved an error that prevented models from being compared when model notes were referencing invalid attributes.
SNAP 2.6.8 - Released 2/10/2019
- Generic Color Map have been updated to resolve an error which would prevent editing segment locations when editing a step based range.
- The minimum and maximum valid values for generic color maps with the out-of-range values selected are now displayed using the custom engineering units defined in the generic range.
- The custom engineering units dialog for generic color maps has been updated to support an additive conversion offset, and to revise the graphical layout of the dialog.
SNAP 2.6.7 - Released 1/15/2019
- The Job Status user interface has been updated to add new features that make job streams easier to use.
- An accordion navigator was added that is similar to the one used in the Model Editor. Each platform defined in the Configuration Tool (e.g. "Local") is represented by a separate accordion node and has its own navigator tree.
- New "Filter" nodes have been added to the Navigator that show only job streams. There are nodes that show: all streams, only active streams, streams submitted today, and streams submitted this week.
- A new "Stream Details Display" was added that displays the current status of a stream and its tasks. The application used for each task, current status (Running, Blocked, Failed, etc.), submit/start/end times, and the current value of each keyword applied to the task.
- An issue was resolved Job Status' Job List that prevented the calculation time display of interactive calculations from being updated as the calculation progressed.
- The model validation logic has been updated to handle category objects where the category contains child categories.
- The undo/redo behavior for job stream sequence's Setup and Increment scripts has been updated to prevent a single space between words from being treated as a separate undoable change.
- The table variable reference dialog was updated to automatically begin table variable selection when it is opened with no table selected.
- Job stream sequences have been updated to include an Engineering Units value. This flag indicates the engineering units that will be used when getting and setting variable values from the model while executing the setup and iteration python scripts. The overall model units are unaffected by this property.
- The Job Stream Sequence Setup Script and Iterate Script panels have been updated to have Comment/Uncomment and Indent/Unindent buttons. Additionally, both panels now support CTRL-Z and CTRL-Y as undo/redo hotkeys.
- The job stream sequence dialog has been updated to resolve an issue where the cursor position updated incorrectly when undoing or redoing changes to the script.
- The legacy property for Boolean variables "Parametric" has been removed.
- Numeric Data Source components have been renamed to Data Stores to eliminate a conflict with Animation Model Data Sources.
- The Python Function 'getDataSource' has been deprecated and renamed to 'getDataStore'.
- The model notebook export logic has been updated to resolve an issue which would prevent cross references to SNAP variables from mapping to the correct location.
- The export logic for the numeric summary table in a model notebook has been updated to write the values out in alphabetical order, grouped together by type.
- An issue was resolved with the model notebook export logic where the current value of a Boolean variable would not be exported.
- The following updates were made to the Animation framework:
- The Python Data Source has been moved to the Data Sources category node in the Navigator.
- The Python Data Source user interface has been updated to be a single python source editing dialog including a toolbar that supports cut, copy, and paste, indent/unindent, comment/uncomment and a python validation button.
- The channel selection dialog for animation beans has been updated to sort the channels alphabetically before displaying them.
- An issue has been resolved which would cause the python data source channels to sort alphabetically after selecting a channel in a display bean.
- The Python Data Source was updated to automatically remove tab characters from the Python source when the model is opened.
- An issue was resolved where in some cases a rectangular geometry reflood heatstructure bean did not draw a right and bottom border.
SNAP 2.6.6 - Released 11/7/2018
- The numeric input file (NIF) format has been updated to include a file header block. The file header includes the SNAP version, the exporting model plug-in version, and the engineering unit set in the model where the file was exported. The set of engineering units in the NIF file will be used when importing the values into floating point variables.
- A warning will be reported when importing a NIF file with a different plug-in source than the target model.
- An issue has been resolved importing legacy NIF files into British models that would prevent non-interactive variables from being converted to British units.
- The file selection dialog for NIF import and export initialize to the users home directory correctly if no NIF file has been imported or exported before.
SNAP 2.6.5 - Released 10/25/2018
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Break Link button in the Model Notes dialog from updating the related property icons in the Property View.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the integration case definitions dialog from properly saving its changes after selecting a source sub-system from a model with open views.
- The Python Function has been updated to support versions 2.7 and 3.6+ of the external, command-line CPython interpreter. A "Python Interpreter" property has been added that can be set to either "Built-in" to use the Jython interpreter or "External" to use a command line python interpreter. If External is selected and no interpreter is specified then the function will attempt to find 'python' in the user's path.
- Changes to the description field of a 2D views may now be undone and redone.
- The View template import process has been updated to resolve an issue which caused connections that were not included in the template to be added to the view.
- The view template import and export file selection dialogs have been updated to open in the users home directory unless a view template has been imported or exported before.
- The value based merge dialogs have been updated to show more information in the table headers: When comparing models, the model text label is used for the left and right table column headers. When comparing components, the component text label is used for the left and right table column headers.
- The value based merge behavior for the view component has been updated to support undo and redo 2D View fields, and to support merging drawn connection properties.
- The multiple component comparison dialog has been updated to color the category row of the table with the color of the first difference encountered in that category.
- The integration case editing dialog was updated to prompt the user to select the source sub-system name when adding a new integration.
- The blocking dialog displayed when opening an integration for virtual editing has been updated to indicate Integration Case instead of Restart Case.
- The sub-system integration case has been updated to prevent the case from displaying a save model dialog when a sub-system model is modified during MED read.
- The integration case has been updated to execute all functions when opening the integration model if the functions are set to automatically execute.
- The editor for the Integrations property of the Integration Case component has been updated to allow the selected sub-systems to be explicitly re-ordered. Previously the selected sub-systems were sorted alphabetically.
- The software has been updated to greatly improve the responsiveness when opening the multiple component comparison dialog for models with extensive model notes.
- The merge behavior when copying an entire view between two models has been updated to attempt to copy the view elements across as well.
- An issue was resolved that allowed Integration case components to be included in sub-systems.
- The right click menu for components displayed in a view no longer displays both the Multiple Component Comparison and Single Component Comparison menu items. The Single Component Comparison menu item will be used if a single component is selected. The Multiple Component Comparison menu item will be used if multiple components are selected.
SNAP 2.6.3 - 2.6.4 - Internal Releases
SNAP 2.6.2 - Released 8/16/2018
- The Maximum Concurrent Jobs property in Configuration Tool can now be set to 10240 for very large clusters.
- The Version Control tool bar in the main tool bar may now be hidden through the right-click pop-up menu on the main toolbar.
- The value based comparison logic has been updated to handle comparing categories from the Navigator better. Refreshing the dialog will find new components in the category, and category node components will be included in the comparison.
- An issue was resolved that caused an unsupported "Loops" category to appear as an option in the 2D View Insertion Tool menu.
- A series of standard editors provided by the core API have been updated to allow context selection.
- The undo / redo logic for editing the legacy comment field for components has been updated to ensure changes may be undone and redone.
- The ASCII view and validation display window now allow double clicking on context values to open the associated editors.
- An issue was resolved in the "Trim Excess Canvas" 2D View feature that caused explicitly placed connection segments and points to be incorrectly translated.
- The view component copy/paste logic has been updated to ensure that when an open view is copied between models, all of the drawn elements of that view are included if possible. Also, undoing a paste operation on a view will close the view.
- The view component was updated to resolve an issue where undoing a change to the background color of an open view would not change the property view value.
SNAP 2.6.1 - Released 2/28/2018
- The Job Stream Sequence validation logic was updated to ensure that the files referenced by External Files and File Sets that are set "Bundle With Stream" are specified and available.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Unknown string variables from being properly assigned values by Tabular Parametric stream types during Job Stream submission.
- The conversion factor used to convert "Specific Volume" values to cm**3/kg in the Steam Tables dialog used in the Model Editor was changed from the incorrect 1E3 to 1E6.
- The SETVAR batch command was updated to include support for string variables.
- The graphical editing of restart cases has been updated to wait until the restart case is fully applied before opening the views. This speeds up the graphical editing process and prevents the views from flickering.
- The CAFEAN core logic used to read large double arrays from XDR compliant file formats was optimized to more efficiently handle large files.
- The editor used to change the "Value" property of SNAP variables was updated to more efficiently handle multi-edit with more than 10 variables selected.
- The SNAP jEdit support has been updated to be compatible with jEdit version 5.4.0. This includes updates to automatically install the SNAP plug-in for jEdit.
- An issue was resolved that could cause parametric Job Streams in an Engineering Template to report multiple failures to the Model Editor screen when loading the model from MED.
- The model notebook export for tabular data has been updated to change the exclusion message to indicate that the data was excluded due to size when the table data is excluded from the notebook.
- The Ownership & Reviewer dialog has been updated to include a Take Ownership button, which sets the owner of the selected properties to the current user.
- Sub-systems have been updated to prevent circular references.
- The right-click menu for adding or removing components to a subsystem has been updated to resolve an issue which would prevent the "Remove from Subsystem" menu item from appearing for components inside a nested sub-system.
- The sub-system integration logic has been updated to ensure that the target model is selected in the Navigator after the integration completes.
- The SNAP MED save logic has been updated to preserve file attributes such as permissions and ownership when overwriting an existing MED file.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the component level Model Note Viewer button icon at the top of the Property View from being updated after a Model Note is linked directly to a component.
SNAP 2.6.0 - Released 11/21/2017
- Updated to Java 8. Starting with this version, Java 8 or newer is required. Bundled 1.8.0_152 JVM's are included for the 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux platforms.
- Job Stream Sequences have been added to the Model Editor. These consist of a set of Job Streams that are executed in order. Individual Job Streams within the sequence can be run iteratively, to support analyses that require looping, convergence, or optimization. If looping behavior is required for a particular sequence then it can be repeated as separate "iterations" controlled by a user-defined Python Script. The script can be used to change variable values and to exit the loop.
The Python scripts can also be used to set the file locations in External Files and File Sets by using Dynamic File Replacement. This allows Job Streams to be chained together using the output files of one stream as inputs for subsequent streams. Dynamic File Replacement allows the available files to be searched using a range of criteria including file type, keyword values, and iteration number.
Please refer to the SNAP User's Manual for more information about Job Stream Sequences. - The Job Status Job Console used to display screen and log output for Job Streams and Sequences has been updated to include syntax highlighting for the log output display.
- A minor issue was resolved in the component selection editor that prevented its font from matching that of the Property View.
- Several significant optimizations were made to the "Grid Based Organizer" used to organize 2D Views for some plug-ins.
- A message is now printed to the Model Editor screen file when opening an MED file that indicates the SNAP and plug-in version that saved the file.
- An issue has been resolved that could cause saving a graphically editing restart case to lock the Model Editor.
- The Apt Plot job step has been updated to support using an external file set as the source of plot files.
- When pasting a large table into a SNAP tabular dialog, the mouse cursor will change to the system "waiting" cursor while the paste is occurring. This will only be noticeable when pasting extremely large sets of tabular data.
- The validation display has been updated to resolve an issue where the display could show the incorrect values after a model value is changed.
- An issue has been resolved that prevented the Navigator from updating component counts displayed for component categories when removing a component along with other related components.
- The Calculation Server file accessor was updated to automatically start the local Calculation Server when it is required. This allows a "Check Stream" to verify the availability of files referenced by stream without starting the Calculation Server directly.
- The parametric keywords created when using an external file set have been updated to exclude the shared parent directory of the selected files.
- A relative path parsing issue was resolved in the file selectors used for by local file and local file set references from Job Stream External Files and File Sets.Tabular parametrics have been updated to support selecting string variables as independent variables.
- The ASCII parametrics summary, typically included at the top of generated input files, has been updated to exclude the dependent variable heading line when there are no dependent variables.
- An issue was resolved in which MATLAB Numeric Functions did not use the proper MATLAB installation as specified by the MATLAB Path in the SNAP Site Configuration Tool.
- MATLAB Numeric Functions were updated to support version 2016b or newer.
SNAP 2.5.8 - Released 10/4/2017
- The ASCII Viewer and Validation Display have been updated to include a search feature. This feature supports standard search capabilities including: match case, match whole word, regular expression matching, displaying match counts, highlight, et al. The search feature is available by pressing CTRL-F in either the ASCII view or validation display.
- The Validation Display has also been updated to include "Go To Line", available by pressing CTRL-G. The display will scroll to include the line number entered in the “Go To Line” dialog.
- The view toolbar creation logic has been made more efficient, improving the speed of opening a model that contains multiple open views.
- The model ASCII comparison logic has been updated to exclude job stream components when the job streams are disabled.
- An issue has been resolved which could prevent the right-click popup menu of the model node from opening when job streams are disabled.
- The numeric variable show usages dialog and model notebook usages list have been modified to exclude references job streams when job streams are disabled.
- A burnup slider animation bean was added. This bean functions similarly to the time slider, but displays the rod average burnup value (either as a GWd/MTU or MWd/MTU) rather than a time value. This display bean only works when animating FRAPCON models.
- The StripPlot animation bean was updated to support using average rod burnup as the independent variable. This only works when animating FRAPCON models.
- The DOCX format model notebook export was updated to resolve an issue that would include extra table cells when attempting to merge cells together. Additionally the background color for header rows may be specified when adding header rows to a table.
- The model notebook has been updated to include the numeric functions in execution order. Previously they appeared in alphabetical order.
- The model notebook export logic was updated to exclude model notes linked to disabled properties from the references list for a component, and the references list for those notes.
- The model notebook export logic was updated to ensure that a model note will only appear once in a components references list. Previously an entry was included for each attribute associated with the note.
- The python source editor was updated to resolve an issue which could corrupt the python source of a function saved before SNAP version 2.5.3 if the function is long and contains tab characters. The corruption would occur when opening the source editor for the python function.
- The python functions have been updated to resolve an issue where the value of a local python variable was preserved between function executions. The python state is completely reset every time a function is executed.
SNAP 2.5.7 - Released 7/17/2017
- An issue has been resolved that could cause the right-click pop-up menu for model nodes to fail to open after closing a different model.
- The connection drawing logic used by Job Stream components (steps, external files, etc.) was updated to clearly indicate the downstream direction of "data flow".
SNAP 2.5.6 - Released 6/16/2017
- The Python interpreter included with SNAP, Jython, has been updated to version 2.7.1rc2.
- The Calculation Server's queueing system was updated to support the concept of "pre-requisite jobs". This facilitated updates to AVF to permit submitting multiple regression along with a report job in a single step.
- A scrolling issue was resolved that could prevent the Property View from automatically scrolling to the correct position after editing a property in a large component.
- Several small performance improvements were made to the SNAP Validation Display to better support very large models. The Validation Display and ASCII Viewer were updated to support context indication for disabled properties (where supported by the plug-in). These properties will be displayed in the context toolbar marked with "(Disabled)".
- An issue was resolved that prevented Real and Table Variables from being properly displayed in the Navigator when using the Legacy Naming Convention and names that contain less than, semicolon, or ampersand, characters.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the foreground color of Real, Integer, and String, variables in a 2D view from being loaded and saved properly.
- The "Cannot Submit Stream" message displayed when attempting to submit a stream with one or more errors has been updated to include a "Check Stream" button.
- The Calculation Server "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" property was updated to be an optional property that defaults to two less than the number of available processors (Minimum 1).
- An issue was resolved in several core editors that could prevent a component from being flagged as a restart change when using the editor while graphically editing a restart case.
- Several errors were corrected in the example python code inserted by the "Examples" menu in the job step Custom Processing editing dialog.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Stream Manager from being directly notified of task failures indicated by python Custom Processing.
- The Python Source editing dialog used by Python Functions was updated to include both Interactive and Non-Interactive variables in the displayed list of "Available Inputs".
- An issue was resolved that could prevent animation model Strip Plots from plotting data after loading from MED without opening the "Plot Data" editor and pressing OK.
- An issue was resolved in the Python Job Step that prevented the OutputFile.get_location() method from returning the name of the output file. Several small errors were also corrected in the "Insert Example" menu of the Python Postprocessor Job Step.
SNAP 2.5.5 - Released 5/12/2017
- The Calculation Server's queueing system was updated to support the concept of "pre-requisite jobs". This facilitated updates to AVF to permit submitting multiple regression along with a report job in a single step.
- The Calculation Server support for Job Streams was updated to allow Stream Manager jobs to be selectively re-submitted as an "in-progress stream". The Stream Manager was updated to support tasks that are submitted with the Completed status as placeholders for task data that is already available. These features are used by the AVF plug-in to allow regression jobs to be re-submitted to add or re-running selected jobs without re-running the entire regression suite.
- SNAP job streams have been modified to allow plug-ins that require defining environmental variables before execution.
- The job status plot option was updated to ensure the channel selection dialog is opened for most SNAP plug-in types after the plot data is loaded.
- A potential memory leak has been cleaned up with the component and model comparison logic.
- The simple int spinner has been updated to match the look and feel of existing editors.
- An issue has been resolved where a table that contains a reference to an unknown boolean variable would remove the ability to set the value for the other rows in the table.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that prevented empty folders from being removed when deleting a Job Stream and it's contained tasks.
SNAP 2.5.4 - Released 4/6/2017
- Support for the TRACE ECI and ECI driver was added to the SNAP Job Stream system and the TRACE Wrapper Module.
- The Validation Display update process has been updated to refresh the display each time a component in the model is modified.
- The table variable column matching logic has been updated to allow floating point columns with a British-To-SI conversion factor of 1.0 to be mapped to any table column that is similarly unitless. For example: Time, Reactivity or Hertz columns can all be mapped to a No-unit variable column.
- Fixed an issue where MATLAB Functions with an undefined script file were preventing Model Notebooks from being generated.
SNAP 2.5.3 - Released 2/23/2017
- The file selector used to retrieve and reference files on a Calculation Server was updated to automatically include any job stream keywords that were applied to the selected files while the stream was running. The local file selector (file://) used to retrieve and reference files on the local machine was likewise updated to automatically search for job stream keywords for the selected file(s) in task definitions found in the same directory.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Job Step Custom Processing editor from indicating that pre-execute python or post-execute python were defined if only one of the two was defined.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Job Step Custom Processing editing dialog from being re-opened after being closed with the system-provided "X" rather than OK or Cancel.
- The Model Editor was updated to allow plug-ins to provide multiple help sets.
- The job stream system has been updated to support the output of parametric steps being fanned into a set input of another parametric step. This allows parametric job streams where the output of multiple parametric job steps are fanned into a single parametric job step with a set input.
- Support has been added to the numerics package to allow table variable references to map to specific columns in the table variable. The table variable reference selection displays all the tables that contain columns that can be mapped to the model table parameter columns, and provides a user interface for mapping the model table parameter columns to the table variable columns. The dialog for selecting the table allows for creating a new table variable that matches the model table data.
- The model validation logic has been updated to support verify that table variable columns mapped by model tables exist and match the expected data type.
- The Model Editor save routines have been updated to copy the existing MED file out of the way before saving the model. After the save has been completed, the original file is deleted. This prevents a loss of data if a failure occurs during the model save operation.
- The display label for shared tables in the Navigator and the Attribute ownership and reviewer dialog has been updated to only show the column types if a table contains two or fewer columns. Otherwise the label displays the number of columns.
- The validation test editing dialog was updated to allow changes made in the dialog to be undone and redone.
- The numeric variable model notebook export logic has been modified to include a usage summary for each variable.
- The model notebook export for tabular numerics was updated to support exporting string values, and to wrap tables with a large number of columns into separate sub-tables during the export process.
SNAP 2.5.2 - Released 12/2/2016
- The file selector used to retrieve and reference files on a Calculation Server was updated to automatically include any job stream keywords that were applied to the selected files while the stream was running. The local file selector (file://) used to retrieve and reference files on the local machine was likewise updated to automatically search for job stream keywords for the selected file(s) in task definitions found in the same directory.
- The Job Step "Custom Processing" feature was updated to allow custom processing commands to be specified using python scripts. The utility methods and classes made available to these scripts give them access to the task's input files, output files, file and task keywords, etc.. This allows custom processing scripts to examine the results of a calculation and assign keyword values to both the task and its outputs. It also allows the script to indicate when a calculation has failed.
The "Custom Processing" user interface has also been redesigned to accommodate these new features. The new user interface presents the system commands and python scripting in separate tabs named and ordered by the phase of execution in which they are used. Each tab includes "source code" editing interface with cut/copy/paste, undo/redo, and import/export, capabilities.
Refer to the SNAP User's Manual for more information about the new custom processing user interface and python scripting features.
- The SNAP Validation Display has been added to the Model Editor. This display includes the contents of the current model in ASCII format (as shown in the ASCII Viewer) and a toolbar that indicates the current cursor location and a brief description of the input at that location. Clicking on a supported portion of the input will update the cursor location and enable the "Open Editor" toolbar button. Pressing the "Open Editor" button will open the graphical editor corresponding to the current cursor location.
- The ASCII Viewer has been updated to include the Validation Display selection and "Open Editor" features. These features are automatically enabled for plug-ins with support for the SNAP Validation Display.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Engineering Template's "Import Job Streams" menu item from properly displaying messages for errors encountered during the stream import process.
SNAP 2.5.1 - Released 10/5/2016
- An issue has been resolved which could cause the Model Editor to fail to open when installed under Windows with a non-english locale.
- An issue has been resolved which caused older plug-ins to report that the MED file as modified outside of SNAP after performing a Save As operation.
- The numeric variables have been updated to resolve an error that would prevent multi-editing the value field of multiple variables selected in the Navigator.
- An issue was resolved which could prevent the NIF menu items from appearing on the Numerics Category node in the navigator when opening a model saved prior to SNAP version 2.4.5.
- The following modifications have been made to the Numeric Input File import process:
- The Numerics Naming Convention is taken into account when determining valid names and values in an NIF file.
- Numeric variables are deactivated when a value of 'Null' is encountered.
- Enumerated String and Integer variables can be initialized to Unknown.
- An error is reported if the Unit Type of a Real variable in an NIF file does not match an existing engineering unit in the current model.
- The Navigator is refreshed after the import process is complete, an any expanded children nodes under Numerics will be closed.
- The Numeric Import File report dialog export process has been modified to export all errors to the report file.
- The Numeric Input File export process has been modified to write out deactivated variables with a value of 'Null', and to support writing out Unknown enumerated Strings and Integers variables.
- The String variable value and initial value editors have been revised. The editor has been updated to use a pop-up dialog for changing the value instead of an embedded text field. This allows string variables to support multiple-line values, and the tab character.
SNAP 2.5.0 - Released 9/22/2016
- Updated to Java Version 8. Java Version 1.8.0_102 (with Java3D) is now bundled with SNAP for the 32-bit Windows, 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux platforms.
- The comparison logic for model parameters that can reference numeric variables has been updated produce consistent results when sorting parameter lists containing Unknowns.
- Boolean variables have been updated to display the True and False labels in red when the variable is Unknown. This update applies to Boolean variables, and Boolean model properties that can reference Boolean variables.
- The Configuration Tool will now check to determine whether it is running under IBM RFT and will implement a small delay to avoid a potential deadlock when running automated test suites.
- An issue was resolved that prevented some real value array properties from indicating "Invalid Values" when the property contained one or more Unknown values.
- An issue was resolved which caused the engineering template to report a "null" name for job streams created using the job stream import feature.
- The job stream aptplot and aptbatch job steps were updated to support both ASCII and PIB versions of the FRAPCON plot file.
- An "Open" menu item was added to the right-click pop-up menu available for Model Reference components in the Engineering Template plug-in. Selecting this menu item will open the referenced model directly in the Model Editor.
- Numerics variables may now be imported and exported into a model from a custom formatted (NIF) text file. This functionality is accessed through the right-click pop-up menu on the Numerics node in the Navigator.
- The Model Editor startup routines were updated to check the user preference folder and file (%HOME%/.snap/2.0/.snaprc) to ensure that they are readable and writeable prior to opening the user interface. If this check fails, an error message will be displayed that indicates the specific problem.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Python Function source editing dialog's "Apply and Execution" button to behave differently from the "Execute All Functions" button in the "Functions" category properties.
- The numeric function "Execute" button used to execute a single function has been updated to instead execute all functions.
- The SetIfInactive method has been modified to set the value of a variable if the initial activation state of the variable is false.
SNAP 2.4.5 - Released 8/12/2016
- The Model Editor's automatic update check feature was updated to more clearly indicate a failure to contact the update server.
- The mebatch launcher has been updated to include a JVM argument which corrects an issue encountered with the Java’s new collections sorting routines. This option was previously included in the Model Editor launcher.
- The Extract Data and AptPlot batch job steps have been updated to handle extracting data from FRAPCON runs.
- The POI library has been updated to 3.13 to support OOXML reading for recent updates.
- Integer values in a table now are properly set when executing a MATLAB function.
- Real Values are now converted to the Model's engineering units when run through a MATLAB function with different units.
- MATLAB functions have been modified to report an error when using an Unknown Boolean or String variable as an input.
- MATLAB functions have been modified to check if a selected script file exists before launching MATLAB. An error will be reported if the script file does not exist, and MATLAB will not be launched.
- The engineering template plug-in global units behavior was updated to now allow multiple plug-in units to be mapped to a global unit type. Previously, a plug-in could only assign one unit type to a single global unit type. This behavior allows plug-ins which define multiple real types (ie Length-Ft & Length-Inches) for a global type (ie Length) to be set consistently through the engineering template global variables.
- The Type editor for String and Integer variables has been updated to have the same text between the two components ("Enumeration" and "Single Value").
- The SNAP Numerics system was updated to support dynamically loaded function types. This new feature will allow function types to be added to allow access to site-specific resources. The previously supported function types (python, matlab, and mathcad) have been converted to dynamically loaded function types. The user-interface for each of these function types have also been refactored and simplified.
- SNAP was updated to support dynamically loaded numeric data source component types. This new feature will allow site-specific databases or data files to be used in the calculation of model parameters. Data source components provide numeric functions (such as the Python function) access to data stored outside the model. For example, a spreadsheet data source could provide access to the contents of a user-supplied spreadsheet for use in a Python function.
- Numeric variables have been updated to default the value field to Unknown.
- Model parameters that reference variables are now automatically set Unknown when referenced variables are removed from the model.
- SNAP now supports defining String model properties as embedded variable references. These references take the form of ${var:<name>} where <name> is the case sensitive name of the SNAP variable.
- Table variables have been updated to support columns with String values. String values may include embedded references to other variables, encoded in the form ${var:<name>} where <name> is the name of a variable.
- Table variables have been modified to allow creating multiple rows in a table. A new button has been added to the Table Data editing dialog that allows creating up to 9999 rows at once. Additionally new rows will be created when pasting values into the table if no cells in the table are selected.
- The table variable has been updated to allow modifying the columns after the table has been created. Table variables that are referenced from the model will not allow structural changes to the table.
- Variables in SNAP have been updated to include an activation check box in front of the value and initial value fields. These checkboxes allow variables to control the activation state of optional model parameters that reference a variable. If an inactive variable is referenced by a required model parameter, the model will report an error.
- The editors for integer, real and Boolean model parameters that support referencing variables have been updated to support the activation capability of variables. Optional model parameters that reference a deactivated variable will behave as though the model parameter is deactivated. This provides the capability to enable and disable optional values through the variables and functions of a model. Required model parameters that reference a deactivated variable will behave as though the variable is set Unknown.
- The CAFEAN API has been modified to include support for drop-down list enumeration editors for integer model parameters that allow selecting an Integer Variable to define the current value.
- The MATLAB function has been updated to change how values returned from MATLAB are coerced to be a Boolean. Values are now set to true when passed a non-zero integer value or the string 'true'. In any other case the Boolean will be false.
- The method that returns values from external MATLAB functions into Table variables has been updated to support setting integer values to Unknown when set to NaN.
SNAP 2.4.4 - Released 5/31/2016
- References to Model Notes in DOCX Model Notebooks have been updated to display the section numbering rather than the page numbering as the link text.
- A new PDF driver has been implemented using the Apache PDFBox library. This driver is used when exporting views to a PDF file. Reference document loading has also been updated to use the Apache PDFbox library when loading a PDF pages linked to the selected component.
- The Model Editor has been updated to report a warning to the user when the current model has been modified on disk outside of SNAP. The user will be prompted to open the saved version, or keep editing the open model. A new menu item has been added allowing the user to revert the current model to the saved state on disk. This option is only enabled when the current model has changes.
- An issue was resolved that prevented user-defined "Application Definition Options" set in the Configuration Tool from being read by the Execution Wrapper during Job Stream execution.
- The error messages reported when a floating point value in a component is out of range has been modified to be more descriptive.
SNAP 2.4.3 - Released 4/11/2016
- SNAP has been updated to support the creation of Microsoft Office Open XML (.docx) documents for model notebooks and generated reports. The individual plug-ins will be updated as to generate documents in either LibreOffile/Open Office (.odt) format or the new Microsoft Word (.docx) format.
- An issue was resolved in the Create Job Stream dialog that could cause the dialog to behave unexpectedly when no stream type was selected.
- Job streams have been updated to support multiple file types attached to a single job step input file node. This improves differentiation of file types allowing files such as TRACE XTV and demultiplexed TRACE XTV to have unique file types.
- An issue was resolved that could prevent the previous selection from being restored when re-opening a multi-component selection dialog.
- A focus issue was resolved that intermittently caused the font editor used by the Animation plug-in's Color Map component to discard the current value when focus changed from the editor to a 2D View.
SNAP 2.4.2 - Released 12/18/2015
- Job streams have been updated to support Custom (user-defined), Automatic (Job Step Defined), and Inherited keywords. Custom keywords are user-defined name/value pairs that can be added to external files and stream steps. Automatic keywords are name/value pairs that are added by a stream step whose values will be defined automatically during task execution. Regardless of type, keywords defined for a step or a file will automatically be inherited by all downstream tasks and files. Keyword values can be used during execution by any job step that supports keywords, such as the Python step, to discover additional information about upstream calculation results.
Custom keywords can also be initialized using numerics variables. This allows numerics data generated at submit time to be used in Job stream tasks.
Refer to the SNAP User's Manual for more detailed information about keywords and their use. - The AptPlot and AptPlot Batch job steps were updated to support keyword token replacement for their input fields. This permits any aspect of the plots, (titles, line colors, legend location, etc…) to be defined by dynamically generated keywords.
- The Python job step was updated to include support for Custom, Inherited, and Automatic, keywords during script execution. This includes keywords on individual files provided as inputs to the Python step as well as keywords placed directly on the task. Refer to the Python Job Step User's Manual for more detailed information about using keywords.
- The Job Stream creation process was updated to support a set of user-defined stream templates. Stream templates are a convenient way to save a commonly used Job Stream from one model and quickly apply it to another model. Each stream template includes the stream, stream steps, input switches, files, model nodes, and reference models (Engineering Template models only), that were used in the original Job Stream.
New stream templates can be created by selecting the "Save as a Template" item in the Job Stream right-click pop-up menu. Any of the available templates can then be used to create a new Job Stream by selecting the template in the stream completion dialog. Templates from other locations can be imported into the current user's templates list by select the "Import Template" button in the stream completion dialog. - The reference document loading logic has been updated to support sub-menus, model node reference documents, and default reference document links for all component categories. Currently only the RADTRAD plug-in utilizes this feature.
- A general preference has been added for disabling the 3D displays in the Model Editor. Currently this only affects the TRACE Vessel geometry dialog, and the RELAP5 Multi-dim geometry dialog. Disabling 3D dialogs may be necessary if a misbehaving graphics driver causes the JVM to crash.
- The Model Editor was updated to ensure that the installation information (.snapinst), stored in the user's .snap directory, is automatically refreshed if the data changes.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Demultiplex Plot File" Job Step option from determining the appropriate demultiplexer executable path when submitting Job Streams from a Windows client to a Linux/Unix server.
- The logic used to determine the installation directory for AptPlot was updated to work with the latest AptPlot release.
SNAP 2.4.1 - Released 9/28/2015
- A performance issue was resolved which caused the insertion of very large components (Vessel, etc.) to take significantly longer than necessary.
- Connections have been updated to allow the source and target markers to move as expected when multiple objects in a view are selected. The marker and the component it is connected to must both be selected for the marker to be included in the movement.
- The view organization logic has been updated to layout numeric variables in a grid.
- An "Editable" check-box menu item was added to the multi-selection menu displayed when right-clicking in a view with multiple numeric variables (integers, reals, and strings) selected.
- Several memory optimizations were made to the main Property View to avoid unnecessary Java garbage collection phases during automated testing.
- Several minor compile time updates were applied to to improve Java 7 support.
- The default table editing dialog will no longer interpolate the independent value when a row is added to the table. The value will now be set to unknown. Additionally, open edits will now be completed rather than discarded prior to performing dialog actions for add, remove, sort, and normalize.
- An issue was resolved where Integer values set to "Unknown" could prevent the model notebook from exporting.
- An "Open File" pop-up menu item was added to job stream "External File" components to allow the referenced file to be opened in the system-defined default application for that file type. This menu item is only available for locally referenced files.
SNAP 2.4.0 - Released 8/12/2015
- Upgraded bundled Java VM's to Version 1.7.0_80.
- Several minor issues were resolved that prevented compiling with Java version 7. Java 7 or newer is now required to run SNAP.
- The Python Data Source has been updated to support the addition of user-specified unit strings for virtual data channels. Unit strings can be specified for virtual data channels by using the "setUnits" global method.
- The Python Data Source has been updated to automatically include the "time" virtual data channel. This channel is automatically assigned the value of the current playback time. The units of this channel are automatically set to seconds (s). The "time" channel is guaranteed to be the first channel in the list, cannot be removed, and cannot be reordered.
- The Python Source editor used to edit the Initialization and Transient source properties of the Python Data Source was updated to have a more intuitive user interface. These updates include an easier to use virtual data channel list editor with re-order and sort capabilities.
- The Python Data Source section of the SNAP Users Manual has been updated to include significantly more detail about the features provided as well as the updates in this release.
- An issue was resolved in which the value of a User Defined String Numeric was not printed to the model notebook when exported.
- An issue was resolved in which a stream step would fail if the "Demultiplex Plot File" option was set to true and the APTPLOT batch or shell script was named something other than "aptbach.exe/sh" in its path variable inside SNAP's configuration.
- Several legacy property editor support classes were removed from the SNAP core libraries. Plug-ins and user-interface features using these classes have been updated, as necessary, to use current property editors.
- The model notebook was modified to now always include all model notes in the last section. Previously in situations where a model note was only attached to a property in one location, the note would be included at the end of the section of the component which referenced it. Please note: This item is still under development.
SNAP 2.3.1 - Released 5/6/2015
- The SNAP Movie Generator application was updated to include support for recording animations into H264 encoded mp4 video. H264/MPEG-4 is currently one of the most commonly used formats for the recording, compression, and distributing video content. This format provides greater compression capabilities and is widely accepted through many of the existing players and services (ie Youtube, Quicktime, Adobe Flash Player and others).
- An issue was resolved which prevented using sets of external files with the APTPlot batch step.
- The model notebook export logic has been updated to resolve an issue which would prevent entering an HTML font tag into a model note where the size is specified using the "pt" formatting.
- An extremely rare issue was resolved that could prevent the Model Editor from loading some legacy MED files.
- An issue has been resolved with the Apt Plot job stream step which would prevent the plot files of a parametric run from fanning in when individual tasks in the parametric case are disabled.
- The variable selection dialog used by numeric combination and tabular parametric editing dialogs has been modified to use an editable drop-down list to specify the name filter. Additionally, this drop-down list will remember the last 10 name filters entered, and all filtering will be disabled when opening the dialog.
- An issue was resolved with the component usages dialog where if a component is selected in the usages dialog when the reference from the selected component is removed, further selections in the component reference dialog no longer change the selections in the Navigator.
SNAP 2.3.0 - Released 3/30/2015
- The job stream submission logic was updated to provide additional error reporting to the connection routines used when submitting to a Calculation Server.
- An issue was resolved in the sub-system integrator that caused drawn components for components being removed in the target model to remain after the sub-system integration.
- An issue has been resolved in the drawing logic used by the drawn component for integer variables that sometimes prevented the integer from being drawn correctly after the "UI Widget" property is changed from "Radio Buttons" to "Drop-Down" or "Drop-Down" to "Radio Buttons".
- The optional property “Font" has been added to 2D Views. When this property is activated it will be used for drawn components in place of the “2D View Font" specified in the user's General Preferences.
- The "Show Usages" option has been added to the right-click pop-up menu of all numeric variables and global variables. Selecting the Show Usages menu item opens the component usages dialog, which is non-modal and automatically updates as changes are made to the model. If no component in the model references the numeric variable, the Show Usages menu item will be disabled.
- The numeric combination parametric stream type editing dialog has been updated to allow copy and paste from either the list of independent variables, or the list of dependent variables. When copying or pasting the independent variable values, only the variable reference is included. The actual values for the combination are not copied.
- The tabular parametric stream type editing dialog has been updated to allow the selection of multiple variables when adding independent or dependent variables to the parametric.
- The tabular parametric stream type and numeric combination stream type have been modified to add variable reference copy/paste support to the the independent and dependent variable lists. The parametric properties are not included in the copy/paste behavior so pasting a variable reference will add default values to the stream type. When pasting, error messages will be reported if no variables can be found that match the clipboard contents, or the referenced variables are already included in the stream type.
- The variable selection dialog used by the numeric combination parametric stream type editing dialog and the tabular parametric stream type editing dialog has been modified to include the ability to filter the displayed values by name and by type. The dialog will recall the last selected filter options when opened.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Table of N Independent Variables" dialog, used by several plug-ins, from properly recalling its size when re-opened.
- The editing dialog for component and model descriptions has been updated to include a right-click pop-up menu that includes cut, copy and paste menu items.
- An extremely rare issue was resolved that could cause newly created components to be referenced by existing components soon after loading a model from MED.
- An issue was resolved that could cause incorrect enumerated integer variable values to be exported to the numerics section of the model notebook.
- The Electronic Model Notebook export routines for user-defined Python functions have been updated to export a “See Below" style reference to the python source in the property table portion of the function export.
- A reported issue that caused the Model Editor user interface to become unresponsive in some situations was investigated and traced to a JDK 1.7 bug in the LayoutComparator class used by Swing to determine (among other things) the next focusable component. A workaround for this issue was tested and implemented in this release.
SNAP 2.2.10 - Released 11/10/2014
- Upgraded bundled Java VM's to Version 1.7.0_71.
- Tabbed focus traversal has been added for ModelEditor property views. For most property editors, this behavior will automatically select the next available component property and begin editing when TAB key is pressed. Property editors that are made up of multiple graphical elements, such as the Canvas Size editor, will select the next graphical element and then the next property. This feature will allow the user to enter nearly all of the data for a component with the keyboard before switching to the mouse to create the next component.
- The configuration tool will now mark its state as modified when the plotting tool location is automatically set. The configuration tool will automatically attempt to locate APT Plot installations if the Plotting Tools property is not set to a valid APT plot executable. Additionally, when the APT plot installation location is changed, the APT Plot and APT Batch application definitions will update automatically to the new location (if their current executable location does not exist).
- The parametric properties editing dialog for tabular parametric job streams has been modified to reduce the amount of debugging information written to the ModelEditor screen file. A number of unnecessary debug statements were added to the file when invalid values were pasted into the "Tabular Values" table.
- The python function source editor was updated to support the undo/redo key-bindings CTRL-Z and CTRL-Y.
- An issue was resolved which prevented a downstream parametric task from executing if the following two conditions were met:
- An input is provided by a non-parametric model node
- An upstream parametric task had some of its tasks disabled.
SNAP 2.2.9 - Released 8/19/2014
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server submit process that could cause submissions to fail when automatically starting the Calculation Server on a computer under high load (i.e. starting up slowly). The amount of time that the submit process will wait before failing was increased from 30 seconds to 90 seconds.
- To avoid future conflicts, the period (.) character was removed from the set of allowed characters for most Job Stream and user define d numerics related components. More specifically, the names of the following components may no longer contain periods:
- Configuration Tool: Application and Platform Definitions
- Job Stream : Job Streams, Stream Steps, External Files, Input Switches, Model Nod es
- Numerics: Variables and Global Variables using the "Standard" naming convention.
- In addition to periods, the "Standard" naming convention for variables was updated to require that a letter or an underscore appear at the beginning of the name after the optional '$' or ' - $' prefix.
- An issue was resolved in the "Update Variable Names" window (dis played when converting to the Standard variable naming convention) that could result in duplicate variable names under some circumstances. A related issue was resolved that caused the conversion fall - back for integers to use an incorrect prefix 'i' rather than the correct prefix 'n' when converting names that contain only special characters.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the ModelEditor from automatically enabling the "Legacy" variable naming convention for models saved with SNAP 2.2.7 that contained variables whose names included the period (.) character.
- An issue was resolved that allowed duplicate global variable names to be entered without an error being displayed if the name entered started with or ended with one or more spaces.
- The "Reference Model" component was updated to include the "Short Name" property. A reference model's short name will be used as a prefix wherever the underlying model's variables are displayed in the Engineering Template. For example, a variable in a reference model with the short name "mymodel" would be displayed "mymodel.myvariable". Underlying variables were previously displayed using only the variable name.
- When a global variable reference to an underlying model variable no longer resolves (such as when the model variable was removed or its name is changed), the invalid reference variable name is now displayed in red with the text "Not Found" in the Referenced Variables editor.
- Job steps have been updated to include the capability to change the order of parametric keywords for their automatically combined parametric inputs. This option is activated by pressing the Task Order button in the parametric tasks dialog. Manually combined parametric inputs are preserved.
- The parametric tasks dialog for job steps has been modified to display missing entries for grouped files with the label -- ERROR -- in red.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the correct parametric task permutations from being generated when multiple parametric model nodes with the same keyword value were connected to multiple inputs on a step.
- The Tabular Parametric job stream type has been modified to identify the following states as errors:
- An independent variable is set non-interactive.
- A dependent variable reference is not valid.
- The independent variable list is empty.
- The tasks table contains no rows.
- The Numeric Combination job stream type has been modified to report an error when no parametric tasks are defined.
- The Numeric Combination and Tabular Parametric stream types have been modified to refresh the state of file sets if the job stream uses file groups.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the dependent variable selector in the Parametric Properties editors for the Tabular Parametric and Numeric Combination displaying the source model column for Engineering Templates with only one reference model defined.
- The “Missing Variable" error checks for the Tabular Parametric and Numeric Combination stream types were updated to indicate the name of the missing variable rather than its column number.
- The paste behavior in the Tabular Parametric “Values Table" has been updated to more closely match the behavior expected from a spreadsheet application. This behavior has also been modified to more gracefully fail when pasting in values of an incorrect type. . When pasting values into the table, any cell where the clipboard data cannot be converted to the correct data type will remain unset.
- Model nodes in a job stream will report an error if they are set to parametric but do not contain any variables included in the parametric stream type.
- The "Parametric Keyword Name" token (${pkn_n: <keyword>}) used to include the name of a parametric keyword in a job step storage location has been removed. In addition, the "Parametric Keyword Value" storage location token now requires that the parametric keyword be available or an error will be reported. The previous behavior removed the token from the storage location if the parametric keyword was unavailable. This behavior could result in files being placed in unexpected locations when changing the settings of a tabular or numeric parametric stream.
- The stream check process to report an error for storage locations that contain unsupported tokens or reference parametric keywords that are unavailable.
- The Output Storage Locations Dialog was updated to display storage locations that contain unsupported tokens or reference unavailable parametric keywords in red to indicate that they are invalid.
- Job Stream File Sets have been modified to report an error when they are a member of a file group and the members of that file group are not all the same size.
- A File Set ordering issue was resolved that could cause task inputs to reference incorrect files from file sets bundled with the stream.
- An extremely rare issue was resolved in the job stream export process that could cause tasks to resolve upstream dependencies incorrectly.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the use of optional grouped inputs for Black Box job steps.
- The Name editor for global and numeric variables has been updated to mark the model "Modified" when changing a variable name.
- An issue was resolved that could cause a referenced underlying model to be checked by "Check Model" in the engineering template rather than the engineering template model.
- Changing the engineering units of a model now flags that model as having been modified.
- The 2D view display for integer and string variables have been updated to resolve an issue which would prevent the variable display from updating after adding an enumeration value when the display shows either a drop down list or a set of radio buttons.
- An issue has been resolved in the Engineering Template plug-in which would cause an error when creating a job stream model node if the template model includes closed views.
- An issue was resolved that caused tasks to attempt to convert line endings of files referenced from upstream tasks (i.e. not copied into the task directory).
- An error check was added to indicate stream steps, input switches, files, or model nodes, which have duplicate auto-generated numbers.
- A pair of issues were resolved that prevented Job Streams from being updated (or "refreshed") when editing the list of Referenced Variables for a global variable used by the stream's parametric stream type or when closing an underlying model that was open explicitly.
- The Execution Wrapper auto-reconnect logic has been updated to attempt to reconnect after failures during Stream Manager communication (i.e. during queries and notification delivery). This update allows system administrators to further compensate for failed connection attempts due to busy server-side networks. As before, the number of attempts and the delay can each be specified as a "Custom SNAP Property" in a file called: [SNAP Install]\bin\snap.prop
- The Python External Function editing window has been updated to more correctly handle undo/redo and the management of the "Available" and "Selected" variables lists. Undo/redo is now handled for the python source, Show Console, and External Application Units properties. The Apply button in this window now clearly indicates whether changes have been made to the function. The available and selected lists of input and output variables are now updated when the function is executed. In addition, the add (move right) and remove (move left) buttons have been removed from the window as these variable lists are updated automatically each time the function is executed.
- To follow standard Python idiom, the SetVariable(name, value) method provided to Python functions was updated to use the built-in bool(...) function and to support string variables by using the built-in Python str(...) function. Python functions will also raise a TypeError when attempting to set the value of a real variable to a value that cannot be converted into floating point representation. In addition, the GetValueAt method for tables in python variables will now throw a ValueError when an integer or real table value specified at the x/y coordinates is Unknown.
- An issue was resolved that caused the order of user-defined Functions in the Navigator to be reset when loading from an MED file. A related issue was also resolved that caused the order to change when using the Sub-System Integration feature to update a sub-system that includes user-defined functions. An additional issue was resolved that caused the "Move Up" and "Move Down" menu items for user-defined functions to fail in some circumstances.
- An issue was resolved which prevented the Reference Variables selector for global variables from displaying the correct list of available variables if multiple underlying models contained variables with the same name.
- An issue has been resolved with Boolean numeric variables which could cause boolean variables pasted into a view using the paste-special behavior to update incorrectly.
- Enumerated strings have been modified to prevent the default UI widget (a text field) from being set editable. To edit an enumerated set of strings, use either the drop down List, or the radio button group options.
- An issue was resolved that caused newly created string variables to display "< No Selection >" as the Value after changing the Type to "Enumeration". These Value is now automatically set to the first available enumerated value.
- The "Value" editor for enumerated string variables was updated to display "< Invalid Selection >" for values that do not appear in the list of "Enumerated Values".
- An issue was resolved that prevented string variables of type "Text" in a 2D View from being properly resized when changing the Value to a much longer value.
- An issue was resolved that could cause Enumerated Integer variables to display the first enumerated value instead of the selected value.
- Enumerated Integers whose current Value is replaced in the Enumerated Values list now display the current Value and the text "<invalid selection>".
- An issue was resolved in the "Value" editor for enumerated integer variables that could prevented the first enumerated value from being selected under some circumstances.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Undo from restoring the "Value" property of enumerated integer if the value being restored was not included in the list of enumerated values.
- An issue was resolved that caused an undo event to be created when canceling the creation of a real variable at the units selection prompt.
- An issue was resolved which caused an extraneous undo step to be created when canceling the creation of a numeric table. Undo/redo of this undo step would create an empty table.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Table Data" dialog for table variables from properly refreshing the modified cells after pasting values from the clipboard on some systems.
- An issue has been resolved which would prevent the “Break Link" button in the model notes dialog from removing the last linked component in the list.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the 2D View "Renumber Components" feature from properly refreshing the selected components.
- Added an ASCII Input Type to ASCII Data inputs for the AptPlot job step. This field can be used to set the type of BLOCK command used to read the ASCII data in AptPlot. When selecting types other than XY, error bars can be added to data sets referencing the ASCII data, reading up to four additional columns of data after the Dependent Column.
- Resolved an issue with Parametric data sets referencing ASCII Inputs in the AptPlot job step where the specified Independent Column was ignored and always set to 1.
SNAP 2.2.8 - Internal Release for Testing
SNAP 2.2.7 - Released 3/27/2014
- An issue was resolved in the Multiple Component Comparison window that prevented restart case components ("Cases") from being properly compared.
- The icons in the Numerics components have been updated as an implementation side-effect for automated testing.
- The drawn view orientation option has been extended to support a selection of multiple model components. The intersection of orientations supported by the drawn components are provided in the pop-up menu.
- The editor for numerics-aware Boolean values now correctly disables the select variable button when no Boolean variables have been defined.
- The right-click popup menu items for setting the engineering units of a model have been updated to flag the model as having been changed when the units are set.
- Resolved several issues with multi-edit for optional numerics-aware Boolean and integer values.
- Resolved an issue where certain Boolean values in a clipboard enabled table could not be plotted.
- The snap to grid functionality inside a 2D view has been updated to apply to all drawn elements inside a view
instead of just affecting annotations. - An issue was resolved that caused the original value a Boolean property to be discarded when selecting a Boolean variable. This caused the property to be changed to False when the numeric or the reference was removed.
- A connection drawing issue was resolved that caused connections to be moved by arrow key movement at a higher
rate than other components. The 2D View arrow key movement feature was also updated to create only one
Undo/Redo step when holding down an arrow key to move the components selected in a view. - An issue was resolved in the Job Stream selection editor used by stream elements (steps, switches, etc.), that prevented the Navigator from being refreshed correctly when moving one or more stream elements from one stream to another.
- An issue was resolved that caused the sub-system integrator to add integrated model notes to the target sub-system rather than quietly adding them to the model. This issue did not affect the behavior of either model, however, the appearance of the model notes in the target sub-system was confusing.
- The Review Ownership window was updated to allow the property display to be limited to components contained in a particular sub-system. This window is used to flag properties as "Reviewed" when the Attribute Level Ownership feature has been activated for a model.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Status to display times between 12 am and 1 am as 24:00 instead of 00:xx.
- An issue was resolved in the View Job Bundles window that sometimes caused bundle rows to appear blank when selected.
- The 2D View pop-up menus were updated to make the "Connection Preferences" item available when multiple components or connections are selected. The connection preferences dialog was also updated to display the list of connections that are selected in the 2D View or related to another component selected in the 2D View. The 2D View pop-up menus were updated to make the "Drawing Style", "Straight Line", and "Disconnect" menu items available when multiple connections are selected.
- An issue was resolved that prevented pasting a real variable reference during a component multi-edit by using theeditor's right-click pop-up "Paste" menu item.
- The Select Sub-System Components dialog used to add and remove components from a sub-system has been updated to automatically sort the included and available components by category and number (where appropriate) rather than relying on Move Up/Move Down buttons to sort the lists manually. A "Filter" field has also been added to the dialog to limit the components displayed in the Available and Included lists.
- The "Add To Sub-System" feature available as a pop-up menu in the Navigator and as a button in the main Property View have been updated to include a "Remove From <sub-system name>" feature. This feature can be used to remove one or more components from a sub-system and as a quick way to determine which sub-system contains the component.
- A batch command was added to the ModelEditor to allow the name of the current model to be set or reset. This command is in the form: SET MODELNAME "My Model Name"
- The Stream Manager's job queuing logic was updated to verify the maximum number of scheduled jobs for the platform and/or job stream before queuing each job.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Integer and Real properties from being set to Unknown when entering an empty value into the property view editor or a table cell editor.
- An issue was resolved that prevented integer variable references from being pasted as the new value of an Integer
property in a table. - An issue was resolved that prevented Integer values that reference a variable from being reset to Unknown when the variable is removed from the model.
- The job stream validation logic has been updated to ensure that job steps that expect a fixed number of input files for a set input take into consideration upstream steps with filtered out tasks.
- An issue was resolved in the Animation plug-in that prevented the Display Bean pop-up "Plot Data" option from executing AptPlot if the AptPlot installation path included one or more spaces.
- The Stream Manager initialization routines were updated to ensure that all 'Unprocessed' tasks are moved to the 'Precluded' status when the stream manager aborts during initialization.
- An issue was resolved in the "Break Link" feature of the Model Note Viewer that could cause the wrong link to be broken.
- Model note reference support was added to each of the properties of numeric integers, reals, Boolean, strings, and functions. Model notes can now be referenced directly from these properties.
- The Linear Dial display bean was updated to allow the indicator arrow size to be controlled via the "Indicator Dimensions" property.
- The Configuration Tool save process was updated to list the settings files that were saved and those that failed to
save in separate lists.
Please note: Additional changes to the Configuration Tool are anticipated for the next SNAP release. - The Execution Wrapper was updated to support a configurable number of Stream Manager socket connection
attempts and a delay between them. This update allows system administrators to compensate for failed connection
attempts due to busy server-side networks. The number of attempts and the delay can each be specified as a "Custom
SNAP Property" in a file called:
[SNAP Install]\bin\snap.prop
Placing the following line in the property file for SNAP version 2.2.7 will result in 5 connection attempts with a
delay of 1200 milliseconds between each attempt.
com.cafean.jobstream.server.wrapper.sm_con_retry_delay=1200 - The SNAP user defined numerics system was updated to support a "Standard" naming convention for numeric and global variables. The standard naming convention requires variable names to start with a letter, an underscore(_), a
dollar ($), or a minus (-) followed by a dollar ($). It also limits the characters that can be used after the start of the
name to letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. The previous naming behavior is available as the "Legacy" naming convention. The "Standard" naming convention will be used by new models automatically as will existing models whose
variables already fit within the standard convention. Existing models can be set to use the new convention by
selecting the Numerics category in the Navigator and selecting "Standard" for the Naming Convention property. For
engineering template models, this same property is available for the Global Variables node in the Navigator.
Selecting the "Standard" naming convention for a model with variables that do not conform to the standard naming
convention will automatically open the "Update Variable Names" window. This window displays all of the variables
that do not conform to the standard and allows the names to be quickly and easily changed. A warning message was
added to the model check process for all plug-ins that indicates global or numeric variables with duplicate names
(case insensitive).
Please note: The next version of SNAP will also exclude periods '.'
from the standard naming convention. - A warning message was added to the model check process for the Engineering Template plug-in that indicates model
references, scenarios, or scenarios groups, with duplicate names (case insensitive). The Engineering Template plug-in was updated to display Model References, Scenarios, and Scenario Groups in the
user interface using only the component “Name" in the same way that 2D Views are displayed. New unique names
will be assigned to these component types when they are first created and when opening an existing model if they
are currently unnamed.
Please note: The next version of SNAP will also exclude periods '.'
from the standard naming convention. - The tabular parametric properties editing dialog was updated to ensure that variables referenced directly from an
underlying model are displayed and edited using the engineering units option of the template model. For example:
when referencing a length field from a RELAP model in British units from inside an engineering template that is set to SI units, the tabular parametric values will display meters (m). The value will be converted when the RELAP
model exports to ASCII. An issue has been resolved which would prevent step filtering logic from editing or using the tolerance field correctly for models using British units.
SNAP 2.2.6 - Released 10/28/2013
- Upgraded bundled Java VM's to Version 1.7.0_45.
- An issue was resolved in the sub-system integrator that caused numerics to be duplicated and renamed during a sub-system update.
- The Sub-System Integrator was updated to prevent unrelated or invalid connections from being carried into the master model during a sub-sytem import or update.
- The individual component property editing dialog window has been updated to close automatically when the underlying component is deleted. Additionally the title of this dialog now updates automatically when the underlying component is modified. An issue was resolved which would cause this dialog to to display an invalid title when selecting an array of sub-components.
- An issue was resolved that could cause the components in very small 2D Views to be misplaced when adding a component from the Navigator.
- An issue has been resolved which prevented setting the background color for integer and string variables in a 2D View. The embedded text editors for integer, real and string variables have been updated to prevent changing the editing text background color. This allows a clear distinction between editable and non-editable variables embedded in a view.
- An issue was resolved which caused legacy plug-ins from being compatible with the MED loading routines used by recent versions of SNAP.
SNAP 2.2.5 - Released 9/19/2013
- Upgraded bundled Java VM's to Version 1.7.0_25.
- The Job Step validation logic was updated to remove a redundant check for an up stream input switch that has no connected inputs.
- Resolved an issue where setting the Value of an enumerated integer variable did not execute functions.
- The editing dialog for the numeric combination stream type has been modified to prevent selecting a numeric variable for the start, end and increment fields for a real variable. Additionally, the variable list mode editing dialog also prevents selecting numeric variables for list entries.
- The View Template import feature was updated to ensure that layers that are completely replaced during the import are removed from the view.
- An issue was resolved that caused the ModelEditor to attempt to load some incompatible, legacy, Job Stream module versions. These legacy modules will now be ignored during the application initialization process.
- An issue was resolved that caused incompatibilities with legacy RELAP5 plug-ins.
- The 2D views have been updated to resolve an issue which could cause visual groups and layer data to be cleared when redoing a change inside a view.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Tabular Parametric properties dialog from resizing properly on some systems.
- The site configuration module API was updated to handle a single method call that describes all of the files that were saved by a given save operation.
- An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that caused default properties to be displayed for selected un-readable application definition and platform definition files. The corrected behavior will display no properties when un-readable definitions are selected.
- The ASCII I/O routines for model properties that use a boolean numeric variable have been modified to support unix substitution variables, and to cause a failure when attempting to parse a String that is not true, false, or a numeric variable name.
- The wording was revised in the error message that is reported when a numeric combination stream type has a conflict in the independent variables where a global variable and its underlying reference model variables are both referenced by the stream type. The Tabular function validation logic was updated to report an error when any of real table entries have an Unknown value.
- The editor for numeric Names was updated to ensure that references to the variable from job stream components (input switches, stream types, etc.) are updated to match the new name when the name is changed.
- An issue was resolved that prevented multi-selection edit of real values in sub-components such as the TRACE CSS Controller Liquid/Vapor Massflow Setpoints.
- Inside and Outside ranges in Numeric Combination independent variable filters, input switch branches, and step conditional logic now report a stream error when the minimum is equal to or greater than the maximum
- The Job Status shutdown process was updated to prevent the application from exiting until all background operations (e.g. stream termination) have completed.
- Non-interactive numeric variables have been modified to execute all numeric functions when the initial value is changed.
- An input switch issue was resolved that could cause tabular parametric job streams to fail when using a parametric input switch that had no matching branch for one or more parametric iterations. The expected behavior is for tasks down stream of the input switch to be excluded when no matching input branch is available.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Exportable property of sub-systems (Sub-system Integrator) to be turned off ("False") when undoing changes to the sub-system.
- The conditional logic for job stream step execution, input switch branch selection and numeric combination value filtering has been modified to report an error if the minimum value is greater than or equal to the maximum value.
- Job stream steps have been updated to force output file references that are connected to downstream steps to be displayed in the 2D view.
- Variable references from job stream components have been updated to include the type and engineering units (reals only) of the variable. These components will now fail to resolve a reference if there is no variable with the selected name, the variable with the selected name is the wrong type (e.g. integer vs. boolean) , or the engineering units of the real variable do not match those of the selected variable.
- Python functions have been updated to raise an error during execution when accessing a variable value or table cell that has an Unknown value.
- Matlab and Mathcad functions have been updated to report an error if any of the output variables are flagged as interactive. This verification is also performed before executing the function.
- Changing the values in a Numerics Table will force all of the functions to execute when the functions are set to automatically execute. The execution is performed when the table value dialog is exited using the OK button.
- The Table Data property for numerics tables has been modified to indicate when any of the table cells is set to an Unknown value.
- A job stream issue was resolved that prevented recently changed file set names from appearing in the Parametric Tasks dialog for downstream job steps until after the stream was submitted.
- An issue was resolved that prevented a Numeric Combination job stream from being submitted if a variable of a type other than boolean is created with the same name as the disabling boolean.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Status consoles to disconnect from completed jobs for which no console output (a.k.a. "screen") file was created.
- The application definition description editor and load/save logic was updated to treat tab characters as sets of four spaces rather than invalid characters.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Global Reals that were created using the Insert Tool from being removed from the view when pressing Cancel in the units selection dialog.
- Several issues were resolved that prevented accessing numerics tables from external MATLAB functions.
- The validation logic for global reals has been updated to report an error if any of the underlying reference model variables do not exist, are not interactive, or have the incorrect units.
- The validation logic for global integers has been updated to report an error if any of the underlying reference model variables do not exist, are not interactive or are not integer values.
- The validation logic for global booleans has been updated to report an error if any of the underlying reference model variables do not exist, are not interactive or are not boolean values.
- The selection dialog where reference model variables are added to global variables has been modified to only display interactive variables for selection.
- Undoing edits made to the Value and Initial Value of integer, real, boolean, and string variables now executes user-defined functions.
- The SNAP Numerics features were updated to include support for string variables in addition to the existing integer, real, and boolean variables. The value of a string variable can either be entered directly or a selected from a set of user-defined enumerated values.
- The layout of the ModelEditor's Close All dialog has been improved.
- Int the engineering template, the editor for numeric Names was updated to ensure that references to the variable from job stream components (input switches, stream types, etc.) are updated to match the new name when the name is changed.
- The message displayed when the variable referenced by a scenario is no longer available has been updated to include the name of the missing variable.
- Several minor undo/redo issues were resolved for the variable reference beans used to display and edit underlying model variables from an Engineering Template 2D View.
- When exporting model notebooks, images in model notes will now be capped at a maximum document width of 6.5 inches and a maximum document height of 5 inches.
SNAP 2.2.4 - Released 6/11/2013
- An issue was resolved that prevented line annotations, polygon beans, pipe elbow beans, and pipe segment beans, from being properly exported as part of a View Template using Java 1.7.
- Engineering template models have been modified to allow importing job streams from their reference models.
- The Sub-System Importer was updated to preserve the front-to-back stacking and layer information for drawn components replaced during an sub-system update.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Platform Type from being updated by the ModelEditor when refreshing the user's site configuration.
- Resolved an issue where the last selected directory accessed when exporting 2D Views images was not restored between sessions.
- Input switches have been modified to report an error message if any of the input connections are disconnected. When a connection is added to an input switch the downstream components are now updated automatically. The input switch branch dialog has been modified to remove the input switch from the potential file sources. Input switches are now rendered in red if an error exists with the input switch that would prevent submitting the job stream.
- An issue was resolved that prevented excluded tasks from being properly handled by downstream steps when there was an Input Switch between them.
- An issue was resolved that caused components dragged from the Navigator to a 2D View to be included in the list of selected components rather than clearing the selection and replacing it with the dragged components.
- The Job Status shutdown process was updated to allow the user to wait for the completion of any currently background operations (e.g. stream termination) before exiting.
- An issue was resolved where the property editor label for the user defined function source attribute, was not being updated when function source was applied or executed.
- The Stream Manager logging system was updated to include messages to indicate when the status of a task is changed to precluded, excluded, or terminated.
- Resolved an issue where the capitalization of a user-defined numeric name could not be changed.
- An issue was resolved that caused user defined numeric tables to loose references to user defined numerics when copied and pasted. This issue also affected user defined numeric tables that were part of an imported sub-system when using the Sub-System Integrator feature.
- An issue was resolved that caused newly pasted user defined numerics to appear in "interactive" in the Navigator if the original numeric was interactive.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that caused the "File Listing" table in stream details tabs to refresh each time a changed notification was received for any task.
- An issue was resolved in the ModelEditor's "Tools->Submit Job" main menu item that prevented the "No" option in the "This stream contains a warning. Submit anyway?" message dialog from aborting the submit process.
- The "Check Stream" feature for File Sets was updated to report multiple references to the same file from one file set as an error. A file may be referenced once from any number of file sets but may not be referenced multiple times from a single file set.
- A Job Stream export issue was resolved that caused the value of the storage location token to be inconsistent when exporting/submitting large job streams.
- The support for the java.util.logging architecture in the Stream Manager and the Execution Wrapper was updated to ensure that only error messages use the SEVERE logging level.
- The tabular values display in the Parametric Properties of the Tabular Parametric stream type was updated to support more independent variable columns with automatic column resizing and improved scrolling behavior.
- The ModelEditor component deletion process was updated to ensure that deleted components that are part of a sub-system are automatically removed from the sub-system at the same time.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "View In Job Status" feature of Job Streams from correctly opening the stream details for streams submitted to a platform defined in a group that contained no applications.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the ModelEditor from automatically selecting the "Model Editor Document (*.med)" file type for open and save dialogs.
- An issue was resolved in the Sub-System Integration feature that prevented optional foreign key references, such as the RELAP5 TDJ "Variable" property, from being properly reconnected.
- The dialog used to select an application definition for a Job Step was updated to ensure that the list of application definitions is updated when the user makes changes in Configuration Tool and then returns to the dialog. In addition, a button was added to the dialog to allow the user to quickly open Configuration Tool.
- An issue was resolved that prevented job stream conditional logic from being re-interpreted when changing Global Variables in an Engineering Template. This issue affected integers, reals, and booleans, both in the 2D View and in the properties view.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the displayed status of a stream's tasks from being updated after terminating the stream.
- Job Status and the Stream Manager were updated to support the configuration of their listener port inactivity timeouts.
- The ModelEditor user interface was optimized to more easily handle job streams with large numbers of parametric tasks (10,000+). These optimizations include:
- Opening MED files.
- Changing the files selected for a file set.
- Refreshing the Property View when selecting job steps or changing their properties.
- Connecting or disconnecting files or steps to other steps either in a 2D View or in the Input Files dialog.
- Using the Parametric Tasks dialog (opening, closing, and editing).
- Using the Output Files (Storage Locations) dialog.
- Using the View Job Bundling window. - The Configuration Tool was updated to allow multi-editing of Platform Definition's with different platform or architecture types.
- The Configuration Tool was updated to more clearly indicate which application definitions, platform definitions, and group folders are read-only or unreadable. Unreadable now appear "grayed-out" in the Navigator. Non-group folders in the global site configuration directory now also appear "grayed-out" to indicate that they cannot be created or manipulated.
- The Configuration Tool was updated to support the loading of "Site Configuration Modules" that allow site-specific customization of the Configuration Tool.
- An issue was resolved in Configuration Tool that prevented custom application and platform definition options without default values from appearing when reopening the custom options editing dialog.
- An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that caused empty Platform Names and Site Names to be displayed without the red border that indicates that they are invalid.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Configuration Tool from detecting dashes in platform names, site names, and application names, when performing a "Check Configuration".
- An issue was resolved in Configuration Tool that caused the contents of the Personal site configuration file to be lost if it contained invalid characters. The loading process was updated to warn the user when an invalid file is encountered and allow the user to either exit the Configuration Tool or back up the file and continue. In addition, the application definition Description editor was updated to indicate when invalid characters are present in the description.
- In the AptPlot step, the set property Slope Factor has been split into two properties: X Slope Factor and Y Slope Factor. When opening existing models, the Slope Factor will be read into the Y Slope Factor.
- Resolved an issue where the AptPlot stream step was not generating legend entries for sets that do not activate the Legend Entry property.
- The Scenario component's Referenced Numerics editor was updated to recall its window and column sizes and to allow more than one numeric to be added at the same time. Table column sorting was also added to the Referenced Numerics and Select Numeric windows to allow the table to be sorted by a column by clicking on the column header.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Scenario and Scenario Group components from receiving appropriate numbers during copy/paste. The "Change Order" option was added to the right-click pop-up menu of the Scenario and Scenario Group nodes in the Navigator to allow these components to be re-ordered.
SNAP 2.2.3 - Released 3/29/2013
- The Bundled Java VM's were updated to version 1.7.0_15.
- The "Check Stream" feature of Job Streams in Engineering Template models was updated to indicate errors or warnings in the template model.
- The Stream Manager was optimized to improve the responsiveness of the Stream Manager when handling larger job streams in environments with slow batch queuing systems and tracking servers. The duties of the main stream management thread has been split into three parts: the main stream processor, the outgoing platform request queue, and the outgoing tracking server event queue. These three parts will be handled by separate processing threads that use background queues for communication.
- Platforms Definitions in the Configuration Tool now include combo-box property editors which allow changing the Architecture and Platform Type. Previously these properties could not be changed once the platform definition was created. The Architecture type editor provides either Windows, Unix, or Mac OSX. The Platform Module editor lists each of the currently registered platform modules.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the status of some terminated tasks from being set to 'Terminated' when terminating a stream that was submitted to a TORQUE cluster with many tasks that are in a single bundle.
- The editor for the job step property, "Max. Tasks Per Bundle" was changed from a text field to a "Spinner" (a field with up and down buttons).
- An obscure issue was resolved in the handling of Global Site Configuration that caused application definition locations to be duplicated when re-creating platforms that were removed from the global site configuration via external application.
- The Configuration Tool was updated to report errors for application definitions using the "Additional Setup" feature that are missing an Executable Name or a source location (remote, installer, ZIP file, etc.).
- A minor issue was resolved in the error message displayed when the currently assigned maximum number of scheduled jobs exceeded the limit set by the platform.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Staging Location" property of a Job Stream from being properly updated when the location is changed in Configuration Tool.
- An issue was resolved in the Stream Manager that prevented it from properly updating downstream task status (and thus exiting) if the PlatformModule's submitWrappers method fails while submitting a bundle with downstream bundles that depend on it.
- The BlackBox Wrapper Module was updated to write the full command that will be executed to the task log just before it is executed.
- The remotely stored application retrieval process used by the Stream Manager was updated to handle and report unchecked exceptions thrown by the file accessor during the retrieval. The log messages resulting from these exceptions now also include the location from which the application was to be retrieved.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that occasionally caused the Auto-Start feature to appear to fail.
- The Stream Manager and Execution Wrapper support for the java.util.logging architecture was updated to ensure that any unchecked exception/errors thrown by the JUL Logger/Handler will be printed to STDERR as well as the normal log file.
- Job stream step logic was added to identify output storage locations and external file locations which contain URIs which do not adhere to the specified protocol. Location validity is now determined by the registered protocol handlers (previously location validity was determined based solely on proper URI syntactical structure). The job step's "Output Files" property editor label will now highlight red when an error state exists. The output storage location dialog was modified to dynamically verify the entered storage URI as it is being entered (the text will highlight red when an invalid URI is encountered). Additionally, entering an invalid External File location through either the file selector or textfield will now provide an error message which describes the issue with the entered location.
- An issue was resolved that caused tasks to be bundled incorrectly when the component numbers of corresponding steps were in the opposite order of their input connections.
- An issue was resolved in the Job Stream Task Bundling logic that caused tasks downstream from a "Start New Bundle" to be bundled in the incorrect order in some circumstances.
- An issue was resolved where attribute level documentation shared between multiple components including a root component caused a failure to occur during model notebook export. Additionally, attribute level documentation shared on model options or category components now properly display backward component references.
- The "Options" property of application definitions displayed in Configuration Tool was removed for applications of type "BlackBox". This property is not used by BlackBox definitions.
- The job stream submit routine was updated to now include the SMZ file inside of the named stream directory (previously it was placed parallel to this directory). The job stream name is now provided to the sendToStagingLocation method for PlatformModule implementations. The provided calculation server and torque platform modules were updated to ensure the stream directory exists before inserting the SMZ file.
- An issue was resolved where during a failed Job Submission, Job Status would fail to remove the problematic stream from view. Previously, the tracking node would need to be collapsed and expanded in order for the job to be removed from the current list of steams (the stream itself was still being removed).
- An issue was resolved that occasionally caused Job Status to be disconnected after deleting a job stream from the calculation server.
- The view creation dialog that loads after importing a model has been updated to remember the previously selected categories. If one or more categories are selected, and the "Never show this again" check box are selected, those category views will still be created after ASCII Import. The general preferences editors for these plug-ins have been updated to include a dialog for selecting which categories should automatically create views after importing an ASCII model.
- The name editor used by job stream related components in the Configuration Tool and the ModelEditor was changed from automatically converting the entered name to only accepting valid names. Valid names contain only alpha-numeric characters, underscores(_), periods(.), and, for all but platform names, dashes(-).
- The Configuration Tool, the ModelEditor, and Job Status, were updated to treat each section of the user's site configuration (Personal, Global, Groups in global) as separate "Areas". Applications and Platforms must be specifically selected within the Area they are defined rather than simply by name. Duplicate names/IDs are no longer allowed within an area and will not be loaded by the ModelEditor or Job Status.
- The ModelEditor was updated to detect duplicate job stream, input switch, input switch branch, model node, and external file names.
- The --noalpha command line parameter was added to the ModelEditor to disable partially transparent drawn component feature for improved remote display performance.
- The engineering template plug-in has been modified to automatically update job streams when changing the value of a global variable. This was preventing switches that use global variables from updating which branch was selected when the global variable is modified.
- Input switches have been updated to prevent changing the file set flag when adding connections to a switch. Additionally new connections to an Input Switch are required to be of the appropriate file set type: File Sets to set input switches, Single files to non-set input switches.
- Job step connection logic has been updated to prevent connecting a switch to a step input that already has a connection, and to prevent any other file source from connecting to a step input that is connected to an input switch.
- The Job step validation logic has been updated report an error when an empty stream is connected to a required input file, and to report a warning when connected to an optional field.
- The Input switch branch editing dialog has been updated to disable the OK button when two or more branches have duplicate names, and to display duplicated branch names in red.
- The validation of the input switch has been updated to report an error message when duplicated branch names exist inside a switch.
- The input switch validation logic was updated to report an error message if the file type of a source connection on an input switch is different from the file type set on the input switch.
- The input connection logic for establishing connections to an input switch was updated to prevent connections from file sources where the file type does not match the file type on the switch, provided that both the switch and the file source have a defined file type. File types and input switches that do not currently have a file type defined may be connected together. When a switch with no file type is connected to the input of a step, the file type for that input is automatically applied to all of the connected file sources for that switch.
- The file type selection editor has been modified to update all connected untyped components when the file type is defined on a file, file set, or input switch.
- The switch validation logic has been updated to identify branches with overlapping selection criteria. A warning message is displayed that indicates which branches are overlapping, and which branch will be selected for that overlap. As this message is a warning message, the job stream can still be submitted with overlapping branch criteria.
- The fIle set property on Input Switches has been modified to prevent editing when the input switch has any established connections. The property is not available for editing on any switch with at least one connection, but is re-enabled after the last connection is deleted .
- The Stream Manager's support for task bundling was updated to ensure that the number of currently active batch jobs (queued and running) more closely matches the maximum number of scheduled jobs.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Steps to be incorrectly reordered in the Navigator after saving and loading the model from MED.
- The job stream validation logic has been updated to allow submitting models that contain error messages after user confirmation.
- The tracking server communication error handling logic in Job Status has been updated to present errors to the user directly via message dialog rather than simply writing them to the Job Status screen file.
- An issue was resolved in the Global Integer 2D View editor that prevented entered values from being accepted unless the ENTER key was pressed. The Name editor for Global Variables was updated to ensure that all references (scenarios, switches, etc.) to the variable are updated to refer to the new name.
- The BlackBox application type was updated to support a set of user-defined successful exit codes. BlackBox applications that do not have a set of exit codes specified will continue to treat zero (0) as the only successful exit code.
- An issue was resolved that caused the row selection in the Job Status Stream Details panel to be lost when a job stream notification was received.
- Resolved an issue where dragging components from the Navigator into a 2D View could invalidate the view selection during other operations that depended on it.
- A minor performance issue was resolved that caused the View Job Bundles dialog to export model MED files during the process of determining which bundles may be created during stream execution.
- An issue was resolved in Configuration Tool that caused the "Paste" and "Delete" buttons and menu items to be enabled for read-only portions of global site configuration.
SNAP 2.2.2 - Released 1/8/2013
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Steps to be incorrectly reordered in the Navigator after saving and loading the model from MED.
- The "Change Order" dialog was added to the "Job Steps" category node in the Nagitator. This dialog can be used to quickly re-order the steps of a job stream.
- The "Check Stream" feature of Job Streams in Engineering Template models was updated to indicate errors or warnings in the template model.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Stream Manager from notifying the Tracking Server when a job stream failed to execute due to an application executable that could not be retrieved prior to execution.
- The local file accessor (JSFileAccessor) implementation error handling was updated to include the text of the URI in error messages indicating a faulty URI.
- The "Options" property of application definitions displayed in Configuration Tool was removed for applications of type "BlackBox". This property is not used by BlackBox definitions.
- The Job Stream interface to the Calculation Server was updated to improve the performance of job streams with very large numbers of tasks.
- An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that could prevent the Navigator from being updated when changing the Name or Site Name properties of a Platform Definition.
- An issue was resolved in the Platform Module API that caused the interval returned by getScheduledJobLimitInterval(...) to be treated as milliseconds rather than seconds.
- A warning message was added to the Maximum Scheduled Jobs dialog in Job Status to indicate when the currently assigned maximum number of scheduled jobs exceeds the maximum allowed by the platform.
- The Stream Manager logic for determining the current maximum number of scheduled jobs was updated to use the currently assigned value when failing to retrieve a new maximum from the PlatformModule or TrackerModule.
- A new calendar-based date selection editor has been implemented.
- A table copy/paste issue was resolved that caused the dependent values pasted in to be corrupted when pasting into a single table cell.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that prevented the screen output of jobs from being displayed in automatically opened job consoles in some circumstances.
- The Sub-System Integration feature was updated to ensure that connections re-appear in 2D views after updating a sub-system.
- The dialog that displays an error message when a job stream does not contain any tasks has been updated to prevent the dialog from automatically closing after two seconds.
- Support was added for the multi-editing of global real values.
- The Global Variable (reals, booleans, etc.) removal logic was updated to notify the user when the variable being removed is currently in use by other components and to properly update those components after the removal.
- An issue was resolved in the Global Real 2D View editor that prevented entered values from being accepted unless the ENTER key was pressed.
- An Engineering Template issue was resolved that caused the "Reference Numeric" property of 2D View "Real Reference" components to be reset in some circumstances.
- The Engineering Template plug-in was updated to allow the user defined functions of each referenced model to be executed when a global variable that affects it is changed.
SNAP 2.2.1 - Released 10/31/2012
- An issue was resolved that could cause Job Streams to fail or appear to fail when the computer was placed in stand-by, sleep, or hibernate power saving modes with one or more active Job Streams.
- Support for the "Maximum Scheduled Jobs" Job Stream property was added to allow the user to control how many jobs the Stream Manager can schedule concurrently while the stream is executing. An editor for this property is available for running streams in the details panel in Job Status.
- A display issue was resolved in the Job Status Stream Details tab that prevented the status of steps with terminated tasks from being displayed as Terminated.
- The Stream Manager's shutdown request handling was updated to avoid using the interruption mechanism provided by java.lang.Thread.
- An issue was resolved that prevented a shutdown status message from being reported to log handlers using the java.util.logging system after a shutdown request due to logging failure.
- The Engineering Template's handling of model references and model nodes and was updated to prevent the type of model referenced in the template from being changed inadvertantly. To support this, a model type must now be selected whenever a model reference is created. Also, a model reference must be selected whenever a model node is created. Once a model reference has been selected for a model node then that node is linked to the reference. Removing a model reference from the engineering template will also remove all of the model nodes that are linked to it.
SNAP 2.2.0 - Released 9/5/2012
This version will automatically install and configure a bundled Oracle Java Virtual Machine with Java3D for the following supported platforms:
- 32-bit Windows XP/Vista/7
- 64-bit, Windows XP/Vista/7
- Linux 64-bit
An issue was resolved that caused the job stream Model Node completion dialog to appear twice when creating a model node in an Engineering Template model.
An issue was resolved in the Annotation "Associated Component" editor that caused the Cancel button to discard the previously selected component.
An issue was resolved that caused some Help buttons to display the incorrect Users Manual section after pressing the button multiple times.
An intermittent issue was resolved that prevented the Calculation Server from shutting down cleanly under Windows XP.
All CAFEAN core "Namelist" editor classes were renamed to "Optional" to more correctly reflect their usage. Pass through classes are provided with the previous names for backward compatibility.
The "Generic:BinaryExecutable" and "Generic:AsciiExecutable" file types were added for use by Job Steps their Wrapper Modules. Files of these types retrieved automatically by an Execution Wrapper will be assigned executable permissions after they are retrieved.
An issue was resolved in Job Status Stream Details tabs that could prevent the files list for a task or a step from being displayed correctly.
An issue was resolved that caused the following intermittent warning message to appear in the Stream Log when running large Job Streams on a Calculation Server: "Task [task name] completed without notifying the Stream Manager."
The Job Stream "Linear Execution" option was updated to take into account dependencies between job steps (i.e. step inputs) and prioritize the task execution by step number rather than relying on step number alone.
The Server Logger utility used by the Execution Wrapper and Stream Manager was updated to better insulate server processes from errors encountered by custom log handlers.
An issue was resolved that prevented the Stream Manager from shutting down in response to the streamManager.requestShutdown() method in some circumstances.
An issue was resolved in the Job Status "Terminate Job" feature for clusters that caused the task name to be prefixed with 'null' in the "Failed to terminate" error message.
The default value of the "Save to Staging Location" property of Job Step inputs was changed to "off". This property was also separated from the "Delete After Completion" property used when executing the same step on a Calculation Server rather than a cluster.
An issue was resolved that caused the Model Notes Viewer window to open slowly the first time it is opened in each ModelEditor session.
An "Open Folder" menu item was added to the right-click pop-up menu of local Calculation Server folders in Job Status.
The Stream Manager startup checks were updated to improve the initialization speed of streams with many tasks (1000+).
An issue was resolved that prevented the SNAP File Viewer (Job Status) from displaying the last two lines of some files.
An issue was resolved that prevented some Job Streams running on a Calculation Server from being overwritten after being terminated.
An issue was resolved that allowed creating Calculation Server root folders with duplicate or overlapping paths. Any existing configurations that contain duplicate or overlapping mounted root folders will automatically remove duplicates, retaining the root folder at the highest parent folder in the hierarchy.
An issue was resolved in the editors for Custom Processing on a job stream step: the editor will now correctly allow commands that contain escaped backslashes.
An issue was resolved where undoing the insertion of an annotation (such as ellipse, polygon, etc.) would leave the annotation in the current selection.
- The Parameter File property editor used in the Animation Plug-in was updated to reflect the CAFEAN core "Namelist" editors being renamed to "Optional".
- An issue was resolved in the Engineering Template plug-in that prevented the Referenced Numerics editor from opening if one or more referenced models were unavailable.
SNAP 2.1.3 - Released 6/18/2012
- An issue was resolved in the Job Status file viewer that caused the incorrect line to be highlighted when selecting a Point of Interest (error, warning, etc.) that appeared in the last page of the file.
- The default value of the "Save to Staging Location" property of Job Step outputs was changed to "off". This property was also separated from the "Delete After Completion" property used when executing the same step on a Calculation Server rather than a cluster.
- The PlatformModule API was updated to include the "check(boolean,PlatformDefinition)" method used by Configuration Tool to notify the user of misconfigured platforms.
- A "Check Configuration" button was added to the main toolbar of the Configuration Tool. Pressing this button will open a list of the errors, warnings, and other messages resulting from a check of the current SNAP configuration.
- An issue was resolved that prevented global site configuration groups from being created under Linux.
- A 'Background Operations' indicator was added to the bottom of the Job Status main window that displays the background operations (currently only cluster process termination) currently in progress.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Stream Model Nodes to be assigned incorrect node numbers when created using the 2D View's Insertion Tool.
- The Job Stream Platform Module API was updated to include methods that indicate whether the module supports SSH/SCP, Tracking Servers, or configurable timestamps.
- A confirmation message was added to the Job Stream submission process that indicates the number of tasks that will be executed.
- The Job Stream File Accessor (JSFileAccessor) API was updated to allow the File Mode (bundle with stream, etc.) to be passed to the validateLocation and isValidLocation methods.
- The Job Stream File Accessor (JSFileAccessor) API was updated to include the isOverwriteCheckEnabled(URI) method. This method is used to enable and/or disable the overwrite check performed during storage location validation.
- The BlackBox wrapper module was updated to require that the application return exit code 0 and that all required output files be created. BlackBox tasks that do not match these criteria will be considered failures.
- The Tracking Server API was updated to allow Job Status to limit the display of streams to those that were submitted to the selected platform.
- The Job Status file viewer's Points of Interest window was updated to perform long running operations in the background to prevent Job Status from becoming unresponsive.
- The Job Status file viewer shortcut keys for Find and Goto now correctly use the Command key on Mac OS.
- Model variables accessed from DAKOTA Uncertainty can now exclude certain probability distribution rules.
- Support was added to the Job Stream system for installing additional site-specific logging features using the java.util.logging system.
- Resolved an issue in the Output Viewer where pressing the Points of Interest button multiple times duplicated the list in the Points of Interest window.
- The dialog displayed when submitting a Job Stream from a 2D View, "Submit SampleStream to Platform?", was removed in favor of the new confirmation including the number of tasks.
- The AptPlot batch scripts generated for the AptPlot step now clean up any intermediate Equation Interpreter vectors created with the DELVAR command. This resolves some issues where data could be carried across plots when channel names defined in the step don't exist in the plot input.
- An issue was resolved in the TRACE "Vessel Layer" Display Bean that caused rendering artifacts to appear in each cell of the layer.
SNAP 2.1.2 - Released 4/30/2012
- The 2D View "Zoom" menu was replaced with the "Zoom and Size" embedded window that allow the zoom percentage to be entered directly or selected using a slider.
- Several improvements were made to the file viewer used by Job Status. The viewer now supports forward and reverse text search with highlighting. The search routine includes options for case sensitivity and whole word search. Standard key board shortcuts were added to the dialog for searching and page manipulation. The "Points of Interest" dialog was also redesined to provide a more intuitive and useful dialog.
- The job stream submission system was updated to prevent job submission when the stream contains an error. If the stream contains only warnings, the user will still be prompted to continue with the submission.
- Models that contain error messages are reported as a warning when performing a check-stream operation.
- Model variables provided to DAKOTA Uncertainty Job Streams can now represent a set of values such as a column of tabular data.
- An issue was resolved that allowed selecting non-interactive user-defined reals as model variables in DAKOTA Uncertainty streams.
- An issue was resolved that caused some foreign key editors to open a component selection dialog with the main application frame as a parent.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Job Consoles in Job Status from opening correctly for Job Steps with the "View in Job Status" property set to 'Yes'.
- An issue was resolved that caused Tasks with very short input file names (less than 3 characters) to fail to execute.
- An issue was resolved in the validation of Storage Locations while checking streams that prevented error messages from being displayed for file accessors that fail during availability and overwrite checks.
- An issue was resolved that caused stream records to be added to the Tracking Server database for streams that failed to be submitted.
- An issue was resolved that prevented removing more than one File Sets from a Job Stream at the same time.
- The Stream Manager's batch queuing system interaction logic was updated to routinely check the status of running tasks to determine if they have been terminated without notifying the Stream Manager.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Configuration Tool from opening under Windows when global site configuration files were not readable due to NTFS or Shared File-system mount access control list permissions.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the task log files from being copied to the selected staging location when submitting to a TORQUE cluster.
- The stream execution dependency logic was updated to treat Execution Wrappers (i.e. Tasks) that are unable to send files to the staging location (Auto-Stage or required downstream) or to a Storage Location (if one is specified) as failed.
- The Configuration Tool's support for Global Site Configuration was updated to more correctly handle file systems that do not support file permission access for files or folders such as some remote UNIX file systems mounted under Windows.
- A new TRACE bean, 3D Vessel Rings, has been added. This bean allows creating a stack of 3D vessel "slices" that can be tilted and rotated to view the contents of a TRACE Vessel.
- An issue was resolved in the Strip Plot animation bean that caused the bean to scroll past all valid data at each timestep when the animation model contained both an active Python Data Source and a Dynamic Range.
- An issue was resolved that prevented new AptPlot steps created in default and predefined streams from allowing the PDF output to reference the default plot definition.
- An issue was resolved with the AptBatch step that prevented it from recognizing certain ASCII read commands.
SNAP 2.1.1 - Released 2/27/2012
- The job step validation logic has been updated to identify the case where an invalid parametric step has been generated.
- The logic that combines parallel parametric input data for a single job step has been updated to support combining the output of a parametric step that has grouped input nodes.
- The Stream Definition submit/export process was updated to more correctly handle critical failures that occur while building a stream definition.
- The Job Step connection logic was updated to prevent a Step from being accidently connected to itself using the Connect Tool, and to prevent building invalid parametric cases.
- An issue was resolved that caused the start/end date and priority displayed in Job Status for each job to be lost when the job completed and reset when the job was reloaded.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Configuration Tool from opening when a group level global site configuration file was defined and available but not readable.
- An issue was resolved that caused buttons in the Property View act as if pressed twice under some circumstances.
- The job stream system has been updated to refresh downstream components parametric data when a step's input connections are changed.
- The Job Stream "Check Stream" operation will now automatically refresh the parametric data for all of that streams steps.
- The Job Stream submission process was updated to ensure that the user is notified before submission if the stream being submitted contains errors.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Timestamp Format editor for Platform Definitions to fail when deactivating the property (i.e. un-checking the checkbox) after changing the format to a non-default value.
- The Storage Location feature was updated to support the storage location token (Stream Name with timestamp). The storage location token was also updated to be the user-specified Stream Name without the time stamp.
- A Job Stream validation check was added to the "Check Stream" process that identifies Job Steps that have recursive connections. For example, a stream made up of steps A through D connected like this "A->B->C->D->B" In this example, Step B requires the outputs of D and C which require the output of B.
- The Stream Manager was updated to support removing the intermediate output files of each task from the staging location after all downstream tasks that require the files are finished.
- The Stream Manager was updated to prefer network interfaces with names that begin with "eth" when determining the callback address for Execution Wrappers.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Stream Manager from exiting after the stream completed on some systems.
- Support for the FRAPCON and FRAPTRAN codes has been added to the APTPlot job step.
- A fuel rod animation bean has been added to the animation plug-in to support the FRAPTRAN fuel performance code.
SNAP 2.1.0 - Released 1/17/2012
- Updated to work with Java 7 under Windows.
- An issue was resolved that could cause Job Status to become unresponsive after receiving a notification from a Tracking Server indicating that a new stream was added.
- An issue was resolved that caused the login dialogs of some Tracking Server implementations to appear under the Job Stream submit progress dialog.
- The Tabular Parametric properties window was updated to more correctly handle independent variables that are added, removed, or missing during the edit.
- An issue was resolved that caused integral components (Job Stream types such as Numeric Combination) to be duplicated during copy/paste operations.
- Updated the logic that parses relative file paths to ensure that an erroneous file separator is not inserted before the file name.
- The floating point pasting logic for the model editor has been enhanced to allow a wider range of floating point formats, including using the D character for exponential notation, and including a + sign in the exponential magnitude.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Execution Wrapper to fail on some systems when local security settings prevented opening the SNAP Interactive port.
- An issue was resolved in the Stream Manager that prevented downstream tasks from being submitted when a task failed to notify the Stream Manager that it completed.
- The "INCLUDE [batch file]" batch command was added to the ModelEditor to support calling one batch file from another.
- A mouse movement tolerance was added to the 2D View Insert Tool to make inserting components easier when using a mouse that moves slightly when clicking.
- The support for Job Stream submission to Calculation Servers was updated to ensure that streams using the "View In Job Status" feature are properly expanded and selected.
- The View Template import/export routines were updated to more correctly handle Job Steps.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Drawing Properties dialog for Job Streams in a 2D View to discard the user selected "Font Style" when reopening the dialog.
- An issue was resolved in the Tabular Parametric stream type that prevented submitting streams with large numbers of independent variables.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Streams running on a Calculation Server to prefix all tasks with 'null' when the server had root folders mounted with similar names (e.g. /MyJobs/ and /MyJobs2/).
- The model validation system has been made more robust so that an error occurring during the validation process will not prevent the model report from opening.
- The Show ASCII and Model Comparison logic for Sub-Systems have been updated to sort the components by category and component number before writing their ASCII.
- The process for GUI editing a restart case has been updated to handle the case where an error occurs which prevents the GUI editing mode from beginning.
SNAP 2.0.8 - Released 10/11/2011
- An Issue Reporting Tool is now included in the SNAP distribution. The Issue Reporting Tool guides user's through the process of generating and submitting a bug report or feature request.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Animation Plug-in's "Record Animation" feature to produce zero-length files when the mask being recorded included the Playback Controls bean.
- The Job Stream framework was updated to ensure that the stream submission progress dialog is passed as the parent window to the submitStream method of the PlatformModule for the target platform. This allows PlatformModule implementations to request additional information (e.g. login/password) before a stream is submitted.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the line endings of ASCII input files from being converted to the system-dependent line endings before execution.
- The built-in Python interpreter (Jython) was updated to version 2.5.2.
- An issue was resolved that caused erratic scrolling behavior when creating a connection using the Connect Tool by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the connection line rather than clicking and dragging.
- The "Lower Head" display bean was updated to allow a "Vertical Height Fraction" to be entered for each vertical segment. The fractions entered for this property are normalized automatically.
- The "Strip Plot" display bean now draws lines starting from the left side of the plot and begins scrolling only when the plot is full.
- Resolved an issue that prevented 2D Views from displaying anti-aliasing on Mac OS X.
- Resolved an issue that prevented submitting new streams created with certain application types.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Axial Plot and Strip Plot beans to be displayed without legends the first time they were displayed in a 2D View.
- An issue was resolved that allowed an Animation Mask to connect to a job with the wrong file label.
- The following updates were made to the AptPlot Job Step:
- An issue was resolved that caused the "Delete After Completion" and "Auto-Stage Input" options to be ignored for inputs to the AptPlot and AptPlot Batch job steps.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the correct output of parametric sub-sets to a variables file.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the display of several output definition properties in the outputs editor.
- The calcserv:// file accessor module used to retrieve files from the local calculation server during job stream execution was updated to more clearly indicate when the Calculation Server is unavailable.
- The file selector for job stream file sets using the calcserv:// (Calculation Server) protocol was updated to support copy to and paste from the system clipboard.
Version 2.0.7 - Released 8/16/2011
- The Local File selection dialog (file:// protocol) used by the Job Stream system was updated to use relative paths for input files (External Files) when possible and absolute paths for output files (Storage Locations).
- A "Check For Updates" feature was added to the ModelEditor. This includes an explicit "Check For Updates" accessed through the Help menu as well as an automatic check which is performed each time the ModelEditor is started. If new updates are available a notification will appear in the Welcome screen and on ModelEditor's main toolbar. The automatic check can be enabled/disabled by changing the "Check for Updates" general preference.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the ModelEditor's port files ($HOME/.snap/2.0/.me.port.*) from being removed when the ModelEditor runs out of memory or is terminated by the operating system.
- Jobstream parametric filtering now includes an option to specify an inequality condition as well as a tolerance value for real valued numerics. This capability is available for the global stream parametrics, Job Step conditional parametric overrides, and Input Switches.
- Files contained on the Desktop or in a file browser window can now be dragged onto a 2D view to create file and fileset components. The model which owns the view must have a stream defined. Additionally, the fileset file selection dialog now allows files to be added through drag and drop.
- The Strip Plot display bean now includes a property to define the Y-axis value format.
- An issue was resolved that caused the AptPlot WrapperModule to attempt to send input files to the staging area (Auto-Stage) that were referenced in the previous task location rather than copied into the AptPlot task's folder.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Streams to fail to execute when the path to the Staging Location included certain characters (ampersand(&), less than(<), etc.).
- The logic that controls updating a job stream after changing the files selected for a file set has been updated to ensure that undoing/redoing the change updates the parametric task information of the downstream job steps correctly.
- The Stream Manager and Execution Wrapper no longer copy their log files to the Staging Location before exiting when executing on an HPC or clustering system. Log file staging will now be handled by the Platform Module implementation managing the jobs (e.g. TORQUE). This change does not affect jobs running on a Calculation Server.
- The Model Note Viewer search/filter routines were updated to ensure that notes recently added to the "Notes View" appear in the list regardless of the filter settings (category, note content, etc.).
- An issue was resolved in the Animation Plug-in's "Select Data Source" dialog that prevented selecting jobs in locations that included a space or other special character.
- An issue was resolved that prevented animating or retrieving initial conditions from jobs with a very large numbers of data channels (500,000+).
Version 2.0.6 - Released 7/11/2011
- The undo/redo logic associated with completion dialogs was updated to ensure that a single undo step is added when creating a new component (even if multiple components are added at once) and no undo step is added when the dialog is canceled.
- An issue was resolved that could result in empty Calculation Job Files (*.cjf) when terminating active Job Streams.
- The Model Note Viewer user interface was updated to be more intuitive.
- An issue was resolved that caused incorrect paths to be selected for Model References when the reference's location was selected before saving the Engineering Template model.
Version 2.0.5 - Released 6/10/2011
- An issue was resolved that prevented non-interactive jobs from automatically unloading if the console was opened with Job Status. This issue caused the "Retrieve Initial Conditions" feature to fail as it requires that non-interactive jobs be reloaded before timestep and end time data is available.
- The Animation Plug-in's handling of "Slave" (i.e. not "Master") Data Sources was changed to use the last available data values for slave sources when no data is available at the currently displayed calculation time.
- A set of EXTDATA Channel Name Patterns were added to Data Sources in the Animation Plug-in to support using beans that rely on "Volume IDs" with jobs of type EXTDATA.
- Support has been added for post-run model evaluation. Plug-ins may now evaluate a model and return a short message describing the run, which will be shown in Job Status in the "Evaluation" column.
- An issue was resolved in the local file selector for Job Stream External Files and File Sets that caused unexpected behavior when selecting files with special characters in the path such as spaces, commas, quotes, etc..
- The Stream Manager was updated to handle the termination Execution Wrappers from Job Status or other means.
- An issue was resolved that prevented some Property View editors from accepting the currently entered edit when ending the edit by changing the 2D View or Navigator selection.
- An issue was resolved in the Data Source "Source Run URL" editor that resulted in invalid URLs when selecting from a job with multiple graphics files.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes prevented Display Bean icons from appearing in the Insert Tool's drop-down list.
- Model notebooks (odt format) exported by SNAP plug-ins will now include table of content entries with hyper-links to their respective sections.
- The following updates were made to the AptPlot job step for this release:
- Plot outputs may now have the same name, so long as their types are different.
- An issue was resolved that prevented using file sets as inputs.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes caused AptPlot tasks to fail under MS Windows.
- An issue was resolved in generated AptPlot batch scripts that caused extraneous comments for output definitions.
- An issue was resolved in the Animation Plug-in's "Select Data Source" dialog that prevented selecting jobs in locations that included a space or other special character.
- A dynamic update issue was corrected that prevented the Polygon Bean from sending notifications its Dynamic Range for properties set to use Volume IDs.
- An issue was resolved in dynamic Generic color maps that sometimes caused the "Out of Range Color" (which is disabled) to be used for values that lined up with a segment minimum or maximum value.
- A Polygon Bean issue was corrected that caused the specified "Upper Channel Name" to appear in the "Plot Data" list when the channel was not being used.
- The Polygon Bean's "Use Level Data Channel" property editor was updated to ensure that the Polygon's list of data channels is re-initialized after changing the property.
- An issue was resolved in the "Channel Name Patterns" dialog of the Animation Plug-in that prevented previously defined entries from appearing in the list of defined patterns.
- An issue was resolved in the Linear Dial bean that failed to properly convert the data values when the animation model's engineering units were set to British.
Version 2.0.4 - Released 5/6/2011
- Custom Processing is now supported for job steps running on a Calculation Server. Each step now has a Custom Processing attribute group with several command lists, each corresponding to a phase of task execution. These commands can be run: before the step or its inputs are evaluated, immediately before application execution, immediately after application execution, and before the task is deleted.
- An issue was resolved that prevented External Files in Job Streams using the "file:" protocol from being located when the location included a space (encoded as %20).
- The "Pre-Defined Job Stream" feature was updated to support more complex pre-defined views.
- Support was added to enable Applications and Platforms to define a set of supported "Custom Options" that can be specified using the Configuration Tool.
- The Tracking Server support in Job Status was updated to provide tracker callback diagnostic messages in the screen file when running in debug mode.
- A threading issue was resolved that could cause the Stream Manager to freeze when receiving notifications from Execution Wrappers.
- An issue was resolved that prevented Job Steps from being refreshed when selecting a new application definition.
- The "Delete Job" feature of the Calculation Server was updated to automatically delete the following files from the task folder: ".DS_Store" (Mac OSX), "Thumbs.db" (Windows), "Desktop.ini" (Windows)
- An issue was resolved that caused a NullPointerException to be displayed in the ModelEditor screen file when checking a stream with an External File with an invalid URI (e.g. "file:file:").
- An issue was resolved in Configuration Tool's "Remote Locations" dialog that prevented the protocol selection menu from being displayed when "Additional Setup" was set to retrieve the executable.
- The "Linear Execution" property was added to Job Stream components to request that the stream be executed one step at a time in Step Number order. Note that in this mode the Stream Manager will not check normal dependencies but will rely solely on the user-specified ordering.
- The "Move Up" and "Move Down" operations from the right-click pop-up on job stream components can now be undone and redone.
- An issue was resolved that caused tasks running on a Calculation Server to write out a 0-length task definition when unloaded via Job Status immediately after completion.
- The SETVAR and SETCONST batch commands were updated to support explicitly positive exponents in scientific notation (e.g. -3.0E+10 rather than -3.0E10) without enclosing the number in quotes.
- The Job Tree in Job Status was updated to ensure that the running/active/paused badges are correctly updated on Job Stream folders when the job stream completes.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the SNAP Installation location from being properly identified for Job Streams with a remote Calculation Server specified.
Version 2.0.3 - Released 4/1/2011
- An issue with parametric job streams has been resolved which could prevent job steps after the first job step from being defined as parametric.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes prevented Job Streams from appearing in the Navigator when pasted as part of a "Paste Special" operation of one or more Job Steps, Model Nodes, or Input Switches.
- An issue was resolved that caused the platforms and applications in global site configuration "Groups" to be read in alphabetical order rather than platforms first followed by applications.
- Job Stream "External Files" may now refer to files on the Local Calculation Server (calcserv://) as well as local files (file://).
- The restart case support for job streams was expanded to support multiple restart cases from a model that can generate different input file types.
- The Scenario value variable selection editor was updated to correctly handle the case where a model reference is lost.
Version 2.0.2 - Released 3/23/2011
- The Calculation Server's Delete Job and Overwrite Job processes were updated to properly handle deleting streams that include job steps that reference files from earlier job steps.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the user-specified "Animation Model" from being carried through to the server for non-interactive steps.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Job Console from retrieving the entire Task log for newly submitted jobs.
- An issue was resolved that caused jobs on the Calculation Server to be placed in the 'Running' status rather than the 'Initializing' status when first executed.
- The automatic scrolling behavior in the Job Status Job Console was improved.
- An issue was resolved that caused demultiplexer output to appear in the Job Console in Job Status.
- A "Pre-defined Job Streams" feature was added to allow plug-ins to automatically create Steps, Model Nodes, etc. for a Job Stream based on selected description. Support for this feature was added to the TRACE plug-in and will be added to other plug-ins in future releases.
- An issue was resolved that caused stream elements (Steps, etc.) to not appear in the target model when pasted in from another model.
- An issue was resolved that could prevent completed tasks from being reloaded on single processor computers.
- An issue with the "Open Animation" toolbar button in Job Status was corrected that prevented the animation model from being opened if the Model Editor was not already running.
- An issue was resolved with the Job Step "Open Animation" property that prevented jobs with multiple graphics files from properly updating the Data Sources job URLs before activating them.
- The log files for job streams and tasks are now displayed as "Stream Log" and "Task Log" in the "View Files" menus in Job Status.
- The Job Status "View Files" menus no longer display the size and date of each file. This change resolves an issue that caused these menus to appear with blank entries on some systems.
- Resolved an issue where the file protocol selector was inconsistent between the File property of a Job Stream File component and the locations editor for applications in Configuration Tool.
- Right-clicks on an unselected node in Job Status will now select the node and display its pop-up menu, consistent with the Navigator in the Model Editor and the Configuration Tool.
- The right-click pop-up menu for a multi-job selection in the Job List tab now enables the Terminate item when at least one job in the selection is running, consistent with the Terminate button in the toolbar.
- The Job List toolbar now contains buttons for Playing, Pausing, and Stopping interactive jobs.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Custom Label text of Drawn Shared Real components from being loaded and saved with the model.
- Copy/Paste was added to the Shared Integer Enumerated Values editing dialog.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that could cause Job Status to freeze when terminating a Job Stream that was actively submitting new tasks.
- An issue was resolved that could cause Out Of Memory errors to be encountered while saving MED files with a 32-bit Java Installation.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Restart Case" property of Model Nodes from being checked in "Check Stream" non-Engineering Template models.
- The connection tool will now scroll the 2D view when a connection is dragged off the bounds of the view.
- The Model Editor will now attempt to install Java 3D libraries if they are not available in the selected JVM. This feature requires that a user has write permissions to the Java directory.
- An issue was resolved in the External File, Model Node, and Input Switch insertion logic that prevented the Cancel button from removing the file/node/switch.
- An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool's Remote Application Locations that caused the first row of the table to use the wrong editor.
- The SNAP installer will now ensure that both the installer and application java versions meet the minimum requirements. The installer and SNAP applications require Java 1.6 or newer.
- An issue was resolved where executing user-defined functions in a batch script run by MEBatch would fail with headless errors.
- The Lower Head Bean was refactored to properly handle the case where the Lower Head Type property was set to Cylindrical and duplicate entries were specified in the Segment Radials property.
- Resolved an issue in the load/save code of the Lower Head Bean that would improperly load the Lower Head Type property when set to Cylindrical.
- An issue was resolved that prevented loading 2D Views from Animation Models saved with SNAP version 0.26.4 or earlier.
- Resolved a performance issue in the Strip Plot Bean that would cause the bean to animate significantly slower when the Time Base property was set to a large value.
- Resolved an issue in the AptPlot job step where sets that specified the engineering unit type would not correctly specify either SI or British units to AptPlot.
- Resolved an issue in the AptPlot job step where some data set types and format settings would not display properly on graphs other than g0.
- Resolved an issue in the AptPlot job step Axial Locations dialog that prevented it from being displayed properly when the underlying Dependent Data channel provided dynamic elevations.
- Resolved an issue that would cause Data Set definitions to lose their Input reference when an AptPlot step was copied and pasted into another model.
- Resolved an issue that would cause Variable Output definitions (both PIB and ASCII) to lose their Set reference when an AptPlot step was copied and pasted into another model.
- Resolved an issue where specifying a scale or offset on a data set could cause a graph to appear empty.
- An issue was resolved that was preventing the Show Title property of Scenario Group drawn components from being saved and loaded with the Engineering Template model.
- An issue was resolved in the Edit Scenario Variables dialog that was improperly displaying the On and Off values for Boolean scenario variables.
- Exporting or submitting a Job Stream using the DAKOTA Uncertainty stream type now updates the progress bar for each set of model files exported.
- Resolved an issue where updating the parametric properties of an Uncertainty stream did not update the parametric tasks of downstream steps.
Version 2.0.1 - Released 2/28/2011
- An error message was added to notify the user that the paste failed when pasting drawings that were copied from a model that is no longer open.
- An issue was resolved in the base component drawing routines that could cause unexpected drawing behavior (due to a NullPointerException) after a Sub-System Import.
- The foreground and background colors of Drawn Shared Reals and Integers were added to the View Template import and export routines.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Steps with grouped inputs to appear valid until the Job Stream was checked or submitted.
- A display issue was resolved in Job Status that caused folders to appear as though they were Job Stream folders after the Stream was deleted.
- The list of File Selectors provided in the Storage Locations dialog was resorted so that each file selector appears only once with the list of protocols it provides.
- The Job Stream Model Node drawing routines were updated to appear invalid (i.e. red) when have invalid connections.
- An issue was resolved that prevented using protocols with non-hierarchical URIs as Application Locations.
- The Calculation Server Platform Definition properties no longer include "SNAP Installations", "Client SSH Command", and "Client SCP Command" as they are not used for Calculation Servers.
- The Job Stream support for the Calculation Server was updated to notify the user when attempting to submit a stream to an incompatible SNAP version.
- The Job Stream submit logic was updated to avoid attempting to submit a stream when the stream definition could not be transmitted to the server.
- Pressing the button that represents a Job Stream in a 2D View now prompts to confirm that the stream should be submitted to avoid accidently overwriting a previously run stream.
- A "View in Job Status" property was added to Job Steps to request that a console window be opened in for the job in Job Status.
- The Calculation Server shutdown routines were updated to terminate all active jobs before shutting down.
- An issue was resolved that caused Stream Manager jobs to appear as "Completed" after being overwritten by a newly submitted job stream.
- When creating new External Files and File Sets the "File Mode" property will now be set to the last mode selected.
- When creating new Job Streams the Platform will now be set to the last Platform selected.
- Specifying application locations has been simplified. When selecting an application in the Configuration Tool, all location settings are now listed under an Application Locations attribute group, which is expanded by default. The Local locations for an application definition are now specified as properties.
- When editing a restart case Virtual Model, a restart panel is shown above the Navigator tree. This panel indicates that restart case is being edited, and also provides shortcuts to both saving and closing the restart case.
- An issue was resolved that could cause applications defined only for remote platforms to appear as though they were also defined for the Local platform.
- Two placeholder icons have been replaced in Job Status. The Job Console toggle buttons for displaying the job console and stream console now have unique icons more in line with their purpose.
- The JSFileAccessor interface was updated to support more detailed location validation. In addition, the location validation process used to validate output Storage Locations was implemented for External Files and File Sets.
- The SHOW, HIDE, LOCK_VIEWS, and UNLOCK_VIEWS batch commands will no longer close the MEBatch when encountered in a batch script. The commands still write an error message when run in batch mode, as before.
- Resolved an issue where executing user defined functions in MEBatch would throw a HeadlessException.
- The External File Set selection dialog no longer prevents typing in duplicate file locations.
- The JSFileAccessor runtime loading system was updated to prevent the accessors for the file, jsstage, and task protocols from being replaced at runtime.
- Exporting or submitting a Job Stream using the Numeric or Tabular Parametric stream types now updates the progress bar for each set of model files exported.
- An issue was resolved that caused Job Streams to be partially checked when pressing the Check Model button. To check a Job Stream use the "Check Stream" item in the right-click pop-up menu of the stream.
- The exception displayed in the ModelEditor screen file to indicate bundled External Files that are missing or unreadable during the submit process was replaced with an error message in the Message Window.
- The External File and File Set location editors were updated to more correctly handle file paths under Windows.
- A Check Stream message was added to indicate External Files set to "Bundle With Stream" that are not currently available.
- The Job Status Job Console now only scrolls to follow newly added log/console messages when the last few lines are already being displayed.
- The Storage Location validation process for Job Stream steps was updated to reuse File Accessor instances for location overwrite checks where possible.
- The Configuration Tool was updated to allow the outputs of a Black Box application to be "required" or "optional."
- An issue was resolved in the wrapper module for Black Box type applications that caused an incorrect file name to be used for screen output.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the TORQUE cluster support from creating the required folders on the selected Staging Location when set to use SSH/SCP for submission.
- A copy/paste issue was resolved that prevented pasted Job Stream Steps from being assigned appropriate step numbers.
- A copy/paste issue was resolved that caused Job Streams of types other than "Basic" to be inadvertently duplicated when pasting Job Steps in a view.
- A "Clear" button was added to the External Function Output Console dialog to clear the output of previous executions. In addition, this dialog is no longer activated each time console output is added.
- An issue was resolved in the Tabular Parametric Properties dialog that prevented the dialog from opening after removing Global Variables or Shared Values that were in use by the tabular parametric.
- Resolved an issue where selecting a Restart Case in a job stream model node removed undo/redo functionality from the model.
- Support was added for viewing JPEG files within Job Status.
- The layout of the Front Matter Organization dialog for Model Notebook export was modified to follow standard SNAP UI conventions.
- A method was added to the Wrapper Module API to allow the Task Definition to be updated to match the current job's output files after the application execution is finished.
- An issue was resolved that prevented some plug-ins (such as RELAP5) from loading Model Notes from MED files saved with SNAP version 1.2.6 or earlier.
- The dialog that opens when creating a new shared real inside a model now displays the available unit types in alphabetical order.
- An issue was resolved in the Job Console that sometimes prevented the console from closing when the selected job was overwritten.
- Resolved issues in the Core Degradation bean that could corrupt the bean geometry when editing (and subsequently performing undo/redo operations on) the Axial Lengths and Radial Lengths properties.
- Resolved an issue that would add duplicate entries to the undo/redo stack when editing the Axial Lengths, Radial Lengths, Channel-Control Volume Map, and Bypass-Control Volume Map properties.
- Resolved an issue in the Core Degradation Control Volume Dialog that could cause core cells to lose their volume percentage data when a new control volume was added.
- Added a check to the Control Volumes dialog in the Core Degradation bean that will display an error message when a control volume currently referenced by the Channel/Bypass-Control Volume Maps is set for deletion.
- Added the Lowest Vessel Elevation property to the Core Degradation Bean. This property represents the absolute elevation of the lowest axial level represented by the bean, and is used in conjunction with the Core Support Plate Elev. property to describe the relative location of the core support plate.
- The playback controls were updated to allow the animation to be disconnected after the "Master" property of the master data source is changed to False.
- Added the Y-Axis Scaling property to the Strip Plot Bean. When this property is set to Logarithmic, the logarithm of each value is plotted instead of the value itself, and the major divisions of the Y-Axis scale are only powers of 10. Values less than or equal to 0 are not plotted when Logarithmic scaling is set.
- An issue was resolved in the Strip Plot Bean that would improperly scale the X-Axis values when the Time Base Units property was set to a value other than Seconds.
- Resolved an issue in the Vessel Rings Bean that would commit changes to the Radial Rings property even when the Radial Rings dialog was cancelled.
- Updated the display label of the Vessel Rings Bean's Azimuthal Sectors property to indicate the number of azimuthal sectors defined for each radial ring.
- An issue was resolved that caused the "New Model" button to fail after creating a Datasource of type Calculation Server in another Animation model with the TANDS plug-in installed.
- The empty "Number" column was removed from the "Select Color Maps" dialog.
- The Lower Head Bean input has been refactored. The bean's geometry is now defined by the Inner Radius, Lower Head Thickness, Thickness Scale Factor, and Lower Head Height properties. Lower head segments are no longer uniformly spaced, their relative spacing is defined by the values of the Segment Radials property. The ring thicknesses are defined by the Ring Thicknesses property.
- The Lower Head Bean was updated to include a Color Map reference. During animation, Lower Head "cells" will be colored in based on the cell's associated data value and the specified color map.
- An intermittent issue was resolved that prevented the Animation Plug-in from resuming playback after overwriting an active job while animating it.
- Resolved a potential performance issue in the Strip Plot bean that would cause the bean to animate slowly when a small time base was entered after a large time base.
- The "Input Model" editor and Undo/Redo behavior for Model References in the Engineering Template plug-in was updated to ensure that any Job Streams affected by selecting an Input Model are immediately reflected in the 2D view.
- An issue was resolved in the Engineering Template plug-in that prevented Job Stream Steps and Models from being properly updated when removing a Model Reference.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Numeric Display annotations from appearing on the toolbar of 2D Views in Engineering Templates.
- An issue was resolved that caused an obscure error message "Error writing task" to be displayed when submitting an Engineering Template Job Stream undefined or invalid Model References.
Version 2.0.0 - Released 2/4/2011
This release of SNAP brings a host of new features and improvements to the SNAP application suite:
- SNAP now supports Job Streams, a means of automating complex sequence of applications. A Job Stream is defined by stream steps (single application
executions), files, switches (logical operations used to control job stream
work flow), and reference models. A model may have more than one job stream, each stream defining a different set of applications to be executed. See: What's new in SNAP 2.0 for a more detailed look at these changes. - The SNAP runtime framework has been extensively redesigned to support submitting jobs streams to High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. The Job Status application can be used to display the run-time progress of these streams. Site specific API's have been created to provide access to site-specific computing resources and file management systems.
- Configuration Tool has been overhauled to include support defining site-specific application definitions across multiple platforms.
- A "View Files" feature was added to Job Status to support various document and image types for local Calculation Servers. This update allows HTML, Spreadsheet, or image outputs from a job to be opened in the appropriate application directly from Job Status. Any AptPlot supported graphics files will be included in this list and opened in the currently selected AptPlot version.
- The "Import Local File" feature of Job Status was replaced by an "Import Completed Job" wizard that includes code-specific support routines. For example: when importing a TRACE job the expected set of TRACE inputs and outputs will be displayed with file selectors to select each one. In addition, code-specific job detection routines were added to automatically find any available jobs in the selected location that match the code's naming convention.
- Support was added for animating multiple graphics files for a single job on the Calculation Server. This allows the PARCS BPF and TRACE XTV output files from a coupled TRACE-PARCS job to be animated side-by-side during execution.
- SNAP user preferences for version 2.0 are stored in the current user's home folder in a folder named ".snap/2.0/". This allows legacy versions of SNAP to be installed simultaneously on the same machine.
- A new approach has been developed for restart editing which replaces the "Begin/End editting restart case" functionality. This approach supports multiple "Restart Cases" which are managed in the base model. These restart cases can be edited either as ASCII files or using a "Virtual Model" which will track modifications to the model and save the resulting restart input file into the base model as a "Restart Case." This functionality is fully implemented in the TRACE plug-in and is partially implemented in the RELAP5 plug-in.
- The ModelEditor and all ModelEditor plug-ins have been updated to allow "Headless" execution mode. This allows the ModelEditor to be run in batch mode n situations where there is no graphical display available. For example: batch processing of input models on a remote cluster.
- SNAP now supports defaulting specific integer values (CInteger) to unknown. The model check logic was updated to verify that those values have been specified as valid integers. The property/table editors and renderers were updated accordingly.
- The Engineering Template plug-in is included in SNAP 2.0 which provides the ability to contruct a Model that can modify a set of reference models through user defined numerics.
- A new Uncertainity Analysis plug-in is included in SNAP 2.0. This plug-in works in concert with exsiting code plug-ins to perform uncertainty analysis calculations with Sandia's Dakota Software package using the new Job Stream functionality.
- A Drawing Mode property has been added to the Core Degradation animation bean. This property controls whether both halves, the left half, or the right half of the core are drawn.
- A Lower Head animation bean has been added foe MELCOR animations.
- The TRACE 3D Vessel Animation bean has been refactored to build the 3D component based directly on the vessel's geometry. A wireframe drawing mode was added. In the wireframe mode, the TRACE 3D Vessel bean displays the velocities (or mass flow rates) of each vessel cell along each axis. The velocities/flow rates are drawn as a series of colored arrows in the center of each vessel cell. The length and orientation of each flow indicator is calculated based on the appropriate plot data for each cell.
Version 1.2.6 - Released 9/29/10:
- The Property View now contains a sub-system indicator for plug-ins that support sub-systems. Pressing this sub-system button will display a pop-up indicating which sub-system the component belongs to (selecting the item selects the sub-system in the Navigator). If the component does not belong to a sub-system, selecting the pop-up item will allow it to be assigned to one.
- The Model Note Viewer's Component View tab now contains a note preview panel, similar to the Notes View tab.
- Multiple notes can now be selected when attaching notes to attributes in the Components View tab.
- Model Options attributes are now available when attaching attributes to notes in the Notes View tab.
- The Model Notes editor was updated to use a shared spell checker dictionary rather than creating a unique copy for each editor instance.
- An issue was resolved that could prevent dialogs from opening when forwarding SNAP from a remote machine running an X server (such as Linux) to a Windows machine using the Cygwin X server.
- Several issues were resolved related to exporting the current perspective of a view as an image. When exporting the current perspective to the clipboard, the correct perspective is now used instead of the upper-left corner of the view. When exporting the current perspective to a non-SVG image, such that the view does not completely fill the scroll pane, the extra area is no longer included in the image as transparent space. When exporting the current perspective to an SVG image, the current perspective is used instead of creating an "entire view" image.
- Imported sub-system's description are now carried through to the dependent sub-system.
- A key accelerator has been added to the user defined variable completion dialog for selecting the engineering unit type.
- The Core Degradation bean has been updated to improve performance and address some drawing issues. Beans with a Hemispherical lower head type and a large number of cells will no longer significantly slow down animation and view editing. The Vessel Inner Radius property has been removed, the value is now derived from the outer radial ring property. The Lower Head Curve Radius property has been added. The Lower Head Elevation property has been renamed to Core Support Plate Elev.
- The polygon animation bean has been updated to resolve an issue that would prevent the background of the polygon from being painted when some of the polygon segments are hidden.
Version 1.2.5 - Released 8/18/10:
- The 2D View connection tool was updated to improve target point selection behavior when creating multiple connections to the same connection point.
- The “Playback Controls" animation bean has been updated to render scalable vector graphics (SVG) images, allowing the button panel to be scaled to any 2D view resolution without degrading image quality.
- The polygon display bean has been updated to resolve an issue where non-display data channels were being registered with dynamic color maps. This could result in a color map range that includes the value 0.0 even though all data values are non-zero.
- Resolved an issue which prevented the ordering of views from being saved in the med file.
- The movie generator was updated to include a statically compiled version of libtheora 1.1.1. The previously included encoder was linked against libraries not included in standard Windows distributions, which would cause the encoding to fail. Additionally, an issue was resolved where the movie generator would sometimes incorrectly indicate that an encoding failed to complete.
- A Windows installer is now included in the distribution for the Theora Directshow filters which will enable Windows Media Player or any other Directshow application (e.g. BSPlayer) to play Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, Ogg Theora, Ogg FLAC, native FLAC, and WebM files.
- An issue was resolved where editing the function source of user defined functions which had been duplicated through a copy/paste operation would modify the function source of both functions.
Version 1.2.4 - Released 7/16/10:
- An issue was resolved in the Model Note editing window that prevented the model from being marked as "Modified" when adding, removing, or editing a note.
- The "Visual Grouping" and "Visual Layers" features was updated to include support for pasting drawn components into Animation views.
- An issue was resolved that caused components in locked 2D Views to be selected by the "Follows Navigator" "View Selection Mode" preference.
- The SNAP configuration(.snaprc) loading process was updated to ensure that corrupted configuration files are properly replaced under Windows.
- The strip chart animation bean has been redesigned and implemented to provide additional functionality and to address several performance issues. Legacy strip plot components will be automatically converted to the new strip plot beans when animations are opened. The new strip plot was designed to eliminate the choppy and pixelated behavior produced by the legacy bean. The new bean will animate plot data from multiple sources. Each data set's plot representation can be modified via the following properties: legend label, line color, line type (solid or dashed), line thickness, symbol type, symbol size, and symbol skip factor. This information is also carried forward to the AptPlot instance through the right-click Plot Data menu item. A new memory buffering routine was implemented for this bean based on the results of memory profiling. The buffering routine which significantly improves memory usage during animation has also been applied to the axial plot bean.
- An issue was resloved with Plot Definitions that could prevent restoring the Plot Definition buttons added to views when opening an Animation model. This issue may appear in existing models until they are saved with this version.
Version 1.2.3 - Released 5/11/10:
- A "Connection Preferences" option was added to the 2D view tools menu. This option provides a dialog which displays each of the connections in the selected view. Options are provided to allow specification of the individual connections drawing mode. The connections can be sorted by source component name, target component name, connection type, or drawn mode type.
- An issue was resolved which prevented image annotations from scaling to their set size when loaded from a save file.
- The Animation Playback controls enabling logic was updated to ensure that the "Connect to Data Sources" button is disabled for non-animation models.
- The "Submit Job" menu item is now disabled for plug-ins that to not provide per-processor support such as the Animation plug-in.
- A Paste Special issue was resolved that caused all pasted drawings to be placed in the Default drawing layer.
- A Polygon Bean issue was resolved that prevented individual polygons from being moved if every segment was hidden.
- The 2D View undo/redo logic was updated to improve repaint performance for Views that contain large numbers of layers.
- An issue was resolved in the Polygon, Pipe Segment, and Pipe Elbow beans that caused segments and points to be unexpectedly moved when clicking to select the bean.
- An issue was resolved with exported model notebooks and converted model notes. This prevents Text located inside of a <center> tag within table cells from being lost in the conversion.
- A Copy/Paste issue was resolved that caused shared components (such as TRACE materials) that were not explicitly selected for copy, to be pasted when there was an identical shared component already in the model. This issue only occurred when copy/pasting between models who's shared components were created in precisely the same order.
- A 2D View copy/paste issue was resolved that caused a new copy of each shared component to be pasted into the target model when the original selection was made in a 2D view.
- The Show Title property has been added to Color Maps. This field allows the user to decide whether or not to include the title and name of the color map with the map when it is embedded inside a view.
- The "Plot Data" dialog that can be opened from the right-click pop-up menu off display beans has been modified to prevent duplicate entries.
- The Stacked Elements and Stacked Volumes display beans have been modified to initialize the values of a dynamic color map.
- An issue has been resolved that prevented editing the channel name for the control rod display bean.
- Support was added for dynamic color maps for animation beans driven by python data sources.
Version 1.2.2 - Released 3/5/10:
- An issue was resolved that could prevent Job Consoles from being notified after a job is forcibly terminated.
- An issue was resolved in the submit dialog that prevented the selected executable from being recalled when submitting the next job.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes prevented animation playback from continuing while the connected job was paused.
- The tool tip placement logic for buttons, check-boxes, etc. embedded in 2D Views was updated to more correctly handle zoom.
- The Polygon Bean and Line Annotation straight-line assist logic was updated to decrease sensitivity at high zoom factors.
- The Polygon Bean was updated to support animation of the upper region when using a level channel. A phase option was added for the upper and lower portions and provides the ability to set a 0.0 void fraction on the lower range and a 1.0 void fraction on the upper range when determining the range color values.
- A "Change Order" right-click pop-up menu item was added to the Views and Sub-Systems Navigator nodes to allow these components to be reordered.
- "Move Up" and "Move Down" pop-up menu items were added to Sub-Systems to allow reordering directly in the Navigator.
- Resolved an issue that could cause 3.2 to display messages that indicate corruption of the generated model notebooks.
- An issue was resolved that could cause Job Status to freeze when the Output Viewer was open for a job that was being removed or overwritten.
- The Job Status "Job List" tree was updated to include additional icons that indicate folders that contain running, paused, or waiting jobs. These icons update on a continuous basis in response to changes in job states.
- The Sub-System Integrator was updated to include support for replacing user defined numeric drawings during import.
- Several improvements were made to the component differencing tool. The Multiple Component Comparison Window was extended to allow multiple table rows to be moved up and down. The movement of components is now restricted to their individual component categories. The background of cells in every other component category group are tinted to provide an indication of category group boundaries. An option for sorting the table components by category and component number or just by category was also added. A toggle button was added to the Multiple Component Comparison Window that controls whether or not component comparisons with no differences are shown. Multiple component comparisons are now restricted to selections of components from the same Model Editor plug-in type.
- The color selection dialog launched from the color editor has been redesign. The new window combines the HSB and RGB tabs into a single, more flexible display. In addition, user selections such as window position, selected tab, and selection mode in the RGB tab will now be restored when the dialog is reopened. The new color selection dialog can be used to adjust the Alpha value of the selected color, when enabled. Variable alpha has been enabled for standard view Annotation beans, and the On/Off colors of the Break Spray bean.
- Plot Definitions now support additional formatting options when displayed in a view. The following properties may now be modified: display label font, displayed icon, icon dimensions, button text, button text font, icon and text orientation, and general text color.
- A new Power-Flow Map display bean is now available under the indicator set of animation model display beans. This mapping bean animates the percent power and flow rate values over a set of user specified mapping lines. The map provides a series of configurable properties including the ability to specify the maximum and minimum displayed boundary values.
- The animation "Refresh" button was updated to ensure that the data channels used by newly created display beans are registered with the server before refreshing the displayed data.
- The following beans now support variable transparency in their color editors: Break, Break Spray, Check Valve, Circle Pump, Control Rod, Control Valve, Fill, Gate Valve, Simple Pump.
- The Movie Generator was updated to support encoding model editor animation files in ogg video format using theora encoding. Theora is a free, open source video compression format that replaced the Dirac encoding previously used in SNAP. Freely downloadable Direct Show filters provide decoding support on Windows operating systems including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. It is also supported on many newer versions of Linux operating systems. The movie generator now includes a YUV converter for generating theora video in either 4:4:4 or 4:2:0 sampling formats. Theora video encoded using 4:2:0 sampling yields a more compressed video file with the compromise of a slight reduction in color quality in comparison to the 4:4:4 sampling format.
Version 1.2.0 - Released 1/8/10:
- A number of improvements have been completed for the 1.2.0 SNAP release. The most obvious of these is the Job Status user interface which was redesigned to include to include the previous Job Console window features . The new Job Status includes tool-bars for frequently used features that previously appeared only in pop-up menus. Job Consoles are now displayed as as additional tabs in the main Job Status window. A "Select In Job List" button was added to each console tab that will select the Job in the main "Job List" tab. In addition, the Job Console now retrieves all of the screen output for the job as soon as it is opened rather than just echoing new output. See: What's new in SNAP 1.2.0 for a more detailed look at these changes.
- The JacORB CORBA infrastructure has been replaced with a lightweight PIB based system that uses direct sockets between applications rather than indirect communication through a request broker. This replacement includes all communication with the Calculation Server as well as the "Singleton" Job Status.
- The logic used to handle pasting a shared real name as a table value updated to ensure that the shared real's units match the table cell.
- A "Select In Job List" button was added to the job console. This button will expand the Job List to the containing folder and select the job in the table.
- The "Target Folder" selector used in the submit dialog was updated to automatically expand to and select the previously selected folder.
- An issue was resolved in the Message Window that prevented the overwriting of exported message window output files.
- The bundled Python interpreter (Jython) was updated to version 2.5.1.
- Animation playback (i.e. while the job is paused or completed) is no longer limited to displaying 10 timesteps per second.
- The "Source Run URL" editor for Animation models was updated to automatically expand to and select the previously selected job.
- A notification was added as an alert message to indicate the calculation time that each interactive command was delivered to a job.
Version 1.1.9 - Released 11/19/09:
- An issue was resolved that caused the Sub-System integrator to import commonly used model notes multiple times.
- The load/save logic for Display Beans and Annotations was updated to include support for Unicode characters (UTF-16).
- Certain trip indicators pasted from pre-processor models are now drawn as standard gate symbols. This change is supported on a plug-in basis.
- An issue was corrected that caused incorrect colors to be displayed for segmented color map types (such as Pressure) when animating a job whose plot data is stored natively in british units (such as COBRA-IE).
- An issue was resolved in the Control Rod Bean that could cause portions of the Control Rod to be clipped if the value of the associated data channel exceeded the values for the Inserted Position and Withdrawn Position.
- Resolved an issue in the Deflagration Bean that would inaccurately draw the ignition region in a situation where the ignition region took the shape of a triangle.
- Added the Core Degradation Bean, which models the volume percentages of fuel, water, debris, and structure in core cells based on a core geometry and associated data channels.
Version 1.1.8 - Released 11/2/09:
- A copy/paste issue was resolved that prevented components from being considered part of a "Restart Change."
- The Display Bean initialization routines were optimized to greatly reduce the connection delay for very large models.
- The "Dynamic" Color Map feature was updated to work with dynamically changing slave data sources.
- The Data Value display bean was updated to include "Custom Units" display. This option allows the selected data channel to be displayed in using a user defined set of units strings (such as 'ft/s') and conversion factors to convert from the base SI value to the desired units.
- The read and write routines for Animation Models have been modified to improve performance, and to significantly reduce the size of the resulting MED files.
Version 1.1.7 - Released 10/8/09:
- The "Select Sub-System Components" dialog was updated to allow double-clicking on a component to move it between lists.
- An issue was resolved that caused recently created text annotations to begin in-view editing when switching between models with open views.
- An issue was resolved that prevented properly restoring the angle of a text annotation on open, undo, and redo operations.
- An error in the Line Annotation undo/redo logic was corrected that prevented line's layer and group from being properly restored.
- A new "Connection Preferences" right-click menu item was added for all drawn components which have drawn connections. This menu item provides a dialog which displays each of the connections for a selected component and allows defining the drawing style for those connections.
- An issue was resolved where the text annotation display component could be moved in locked views.
- An issue was resolved where using the view right-click menu "Select" items would ignore layer constraints.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the property view from updating when undoing or redoing a change to a display bean or annotation.
- A Line/Polygon insert issue was corrected that prevented these annotations from properly canceling when pressing a different insert button (such as rectangle).
- The 2D View Select Tool was updated to prevent selecting the view's background as part of a set of selected elements.
- An issue was resolved in the color selector that caused the selected color to be ignored under some circumstances.
- A Copy/Paste issue was resolved that sometimes prevented components from being pasted into a View using "Paste Special".
- Logic was added to detect invalid (old/broken) or missing AptPlot installations during the plot segments of the Model Notebook export.
- An issue was resolved where resource imports could merge the contents of views.
- The Associated Component feature was updated to be compatible with the View Template import/export process.
- An issue was resolved which could result in registering invalid window reference during a remote submit.
- The numerics enabled boolean table cell editor and renderer were updated to include a numerics selection button and display field.
- Shared Boolean and Integer numerics now validate components (and may fire execute all functions) when their values are changed.
- The Sub-System Integrator was updated to ensure that model notes are brought in with the imported sub-system.
- The copy/paste ownership handling was updated to preserve owners and reviewers and to allow taking ownership of pasted components (paste special only).
- The 2D View Select Tool was updated to allow control points (such as those used by the Polygon bean) to be dragged even when the bean is behind other components.
- The Sub-System Components dialog was updated to ensure that the "Available" list is sorted in a similar fashion to the Navigator.
- The DataValue display component was updated such that no additional white space is appended to the displayed value when units are disabled.
This allows proper alignment of DataValue components. - The Pipe Elbow display bean has been overhauled to provide greater flexibility. Instead of dropping the pipe into the view, it is now placed as a series of four points in a path that define its center line. Once placed, the point path, width, and curve can all be edited directly in the view. The new bean also supports specifying either a Volume ID or a Channel Name for determining its data. Legacy pipe elbows in existing models will be automatically converted to the new bean upon opening the model.
- The Pipe Segment display bean has been introduced. This bean functions similarly to the new Pipe Elbow described above, except with a path of two points and no bend. Like the new pipe elbow, this bean may also specify either a Volume ID or a Channel Name. Because of the functionality offered by this bean, it replaces both Single Element and Single Volume. Legacy single elements and volumes saved in existing models will be automatically converted to the new bean upon opening the model.
- Added support for the "Up" and "Down" orientations of the Linear Dial Bean. These orientations display the sliding scale horizontally.
Version 1.1.6 - Released 9/8/09:
- The polygon and line annotation display component draw routines were optimized to provider greater rendering efficiency.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the 2D view Select->Annotations->Polygon menu item from selecting Polygons in the view.
- The undo/redo logic for the 2D View 'Delete' routine was updated to restore the Z-Order (in front, in back) of the restored components.
- The Text Annotation drawing was updated to include a small margin.
- A right-click pop-up menu was added for polygon's in a locked 2D View.
- The View Template import process was updated to handle importing some older view templates.
- A units conversion issue was corrected that prevented the animation plug-in from displaying british units for some analysis code types.
- The "EXECUDF" batch command was updated to resolve an issue that prevented it from completing when the ModelEditor was hidden.
- A "set initial values" button was added to the properties of the "Functions" Navigator node to allow the "Initial Value" of user numerics to be set to their "Current Value."
- The batch commands for setting user defined integers and booleans were implemented:
- To assign a boolean value from batch: SETVAR "Name of User-Defined Boolean" [{true,1} | {false,0}]
- To assign a scalar integer value from batch: SETVAR "Name of User-Defined Integer" [Real Value]
- To assign a enumerated literal value from batch: SETVAR "Name of User-Defined Integer" "Enumeration Literal"
- To assign a enumerated value from batch: SETVAR "Name of User-Defined Integer" "Enumerated Integer Value" - Logic was added to ensure that old temporary files created by the JavaHelp system are removed at startup. Due to a bug in some versions of Java on Windows, these files are not removed at shutdown on some systems.
- The 2D View Template import/export routines were updated to handle visual grouping, 2D View Layers, and Animation Color Maps.
- The selection tool was updated to open a Mini-Navigator (A.K.A. "Properties Dialog") for components when double-clicking on their drawn components (or associated annotations) in a locked 2D View. Note that double-clicking on embedded views will open the view rather than a Mini-Navigator.
- The "Select Shared Real" button in the editor for optional (or "namelist") real values was updated to appear disabled when no shared reals are available.
The "Plain Text" Text Annotation was updated to more correctly handle font sizing at different zoom levels. - A new Circle Pump display component was added for use in animation models. The pump provides forward and reverse flow indicators at user specified angles as well as customizable color options.
- A Control Rod bean has been added for animation models, which displays the position of a control rod relative to a set of bounds.
- A Command Button display bean has been added for animation models. This element provides a button which, when pressed, can send any number of interactive commands to a running calculation.
- Plot Definitions may now specify their Parameter Files as either absolute paths or files relative to the location of the MED file.
- Paste support was added to the Stacked Volume and Element beans.
- The Polygon annotation was updated to permit the outline to be disabled on individual line segments and to include a the Level Foreground Color property. This property defines a color which will be used for level tracking when no volume or data channel values are available relative to the color map.
Version 1.1.5 - Released 8/21/09:
- Layer functionality has been added for 2D Views. Display elements can now be organized into view-specific layers whose visibility and locked status can be toggled independently. For more information, consult the ModelEditor user's manual.
- The select tool was updated to select components in the Navigator when clicking on their drawn components in a locked 2D View.
- The data channel selection editor will now register channel names when the enter key is pressed after a channel name is entered in the textfield.
- The 2D multi-selection logic was updated to draw a red box around Line Annotations when more than one object is selected in the view.
- The "Associated Component" property was added to the Rectangle, Line, Ellipse, and Polygon annotations for non-animation views. After specifying this property, clicking on the annotation in a locked view will select the associated component in the Navigator.
- PDF export is now handled using the iText PDF library instead of the Batik SVG toolkit. This change allows exporting PDFs that contain actual character data instead of utilizing glyph drawings to render text.
- The polygon bean was updated to draw its outline in red when selected.
- An issue was resolved that prevented components using user defined numerics from properly redrawing after changing a numeric value in a 2D View.
- An issue was resolved that prevented updating non-interactive variables displayed in a 2D View when functions were executed.
- An issue was resolved that prevented setting the Border property to None on 2D View elements.
- An issue was resolved that caused connections to be selected when selecting grouped elements in a 2D view.
- An issue was resolved that was adding two menu items to the right-click menu of model navigator nodes that were both top-level nodes and contained their own ASCII input. Such nodes are now only eligible for single component comparison.
- An issue was resolved that prevented a model's accordion node from being repainted after changing the model title or name.
- An issue was resolved that caused 2D View visual groups to be lost when closing a view.
- An issue was resolved that caused shared components with references to other shared components to be improperly duplicated during copy/paste.
- An issue was resolved that caused newly pasted Polygons to shift slightly when zooming immediately after the paste operation.
- An issue was resolved that prevented ESCAPE from canceling the insertion of a line annotation.
- An issue was resolved in the polygon bean that caused dragged movement to ignore the view's "Snap To Grid" property.
- An issue was resolved in the polygon bean that sometimes prevented undo/redo from handling very slight drag movements.
- An issue was resolved in the Polygon Bean that prevented the bean from properly repainting after a scale or reshape operation.
- An issue was resolved in the Analog Dialog Indicator that prevented it from properly displaying its borders.
- A new Check Valve display component was added for use in animation models. The valve provides an open and closed state based on a threshold value and +-360 degree rotation.
- An issue was resolved which could result in the orientation editor throwing a NullPointerException.
- An issue was resolved in the vessel ring display component azimuthal node editor which resulted in the data being modified when the cancel button was pressed.
- An issue was resolved where setting the number of rows/columns displayed in the 3D graph resulted in the values dimensioned as columns/rows.
- A Deflagration bean has been added for animation models, which monitors the concentrations of combustible gases within a containment volume relative to an ignition region.
- A Linear Dial bean has been added for animation models, which displays the values of up to two data channels along a scaled vertical axis.
Version 1.1.4 - Released 7/17/09:
- The Sub-System Integration feature (a.k.a. "Master Integrator") was added to allow sub-systems to be imported from one model to another, connected,
then later updated to match a more recent version without having to reconnect. Refer to the SNAP User's Guide for more information on Sub-System Integration. - An issue was resolved in the properties view color selector that prevented the recent colors bar from being properly updated.
- An issue was resolved that caused the line annotation properties window to appear after completing a line annotation insertion by double-clicking.
- The 2D View mouse handling was updated to allow scrolling and zooming using the mouse wheel.
- The "Add To Sub-System" menu was added to the Navigator.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Insert Tool from being completely cancelled using the Escape key.
- A "Curve Segment" option was added to the right-click pop-up menu of polygon segments that converts the segment to a bezier curve.
- The polygon bean was updated to allow unfilled polygons to be "clicked through." Also, the Polygons can now be dragged around a 2D View by clicking any point or segment as well as the filled area of the polygon. To drag by points or segments simply hold the SHIFT key when clicking.
- Pattern Fill and Outline Style properties were also added to the polygon bean.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the line annotation's rubber band lines from being erased when canceling a line annotation insert.
- An issue was resolved in the "No Root Folders Mounted" notification that would sometimes cause the ModelEditor to freeze under Windows.
- An issue was resolved which prevented user-defined tables from being properly added to mathcad shared functions.
- Added the ability to create drawn components that correspond to User-Defined Tables. The drawn component is a button bearing the name of the associated table that opens the User-Defined Table Editor for the corresponding table when clicked.
Version 1.1.3 - Released 5/29/09:
- An issue was resolved that prevented copying and pasting a component that has a connection to itself.
- An issue was resolved that prevented copy/paste from a restart model (using Begin Restart Editing) to a new model.
- An issue was resolved in the ownership Review Ownership dialog that prevented search option changes from refreshing the display in some circumstances.
- An issue was resolved in the Sub-System "Entries" editor that caused deleted components to appear as UNDEFINED entries.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Sub-System entries editor from flagging the model "Modified."
- An issue was resolved that prevented choosing "None" as an option in the Enabling Boolean property editor.
- The User Defined Function Matlab/MathCAD handling was updated to allow a file path to be specified relative to the model's MED file.
Version 1.1.2 - Released 5/12/09:
- An issue was resolved in the Message Window "Export" feature that prevented the selected file from being properly closed.
- When closing the model editor, the dialog that propts the user to save modified files cancels the close process if the user presses escape, or the dialog close button.
- An issue was resolved that caused the connection tool to prevent connecting to a single connected target point multiple times.
- An issue was resolved in the logic used to copy and paste components between models that caused the pasted components to later be considered restart changes when they were not modified for that restart.
- An problem was corrected that required floating point data to be quoted when entered in scientific notation in batch commands.
- The default property view editor for CReal was modified to properly display the name of a selected shared numeric value when the names starts with the letter E.
- An issue was resolved that caused the model note viewer button to appear in the properties view for sub-component properties that have the same name as a parent component property.
- The Data Range category used for Animations has been renamed to Color Map.
- A copy/paste issue was resolved that prevented copying a Plot Definition originally created by a paste operation.
Version 1.1.1 - Released 3/23/09:
- An issue was resolved which would occasionally cause the Model Editor to lock when opening a file selection dialog (see Java Bug ID 6741890).
- An issue was resolved which prevented Drawn Numerics from automatically updating their values after the execution of User-Defined Functions.
- An issue was resolved which prevented the instantiation of any Matlab/UDN interface objects associated to a model whose name contains an apostrophe.
- An issue was resolved that would cause the path to the Matlab/UDN interface JAR from being improperly resolved in Windows.
- The Strip Plot animation bean was modified to include Small Value Threshold and Small Value Window attributes. These values are used to provide improved user control over scaling of the dependent axis when the span of dependent data is very small (<1.0E-6).
- The animation plug-in was modified to include support for Plot Definitions. Plot definitions are implemented ad model components that are used to define persistent plot formatting information for graphing data channels in AptPlot. For more information, please refer to the SNAP User's Manual.
Version 1.1.0 - Released 2/27/09 (Please note: This version requires Java Version 6.0 or newer.):
- The "drag handles" displayed around selected components in 2D views were updated to be displayed in a consistent size regardless of the current zoom factor.
- An issue was resolved that prevented ranges from being reconnected properly for display beans copied and pasted between animation models.
- An issue was resolved that prevented repeatedly pasting range components from one model into another.
- The range drawing logic was updated to remove the display of "Generic" for ranges of type Generic.
- An issue was resolved that caused a large negative number to be displayed in the Animation plug-in for data channels that were not available from the Calculation Server for that time step.
- An issue was resolved that prevented a running interactive job from being properly deleted and terminated when overwriting the job with a newly submitted job.
- An issue was resolved which could cause the Model Editor to become unresponsive when run under Java version 6.0u10 and newer.
- SNAP's User Defined Function capability has undergone a significant redesign in order to support additional functionality.
- User-Defined Functions can now refer to external Matlab and Mathcad worksheets.
- The execution order of User-Defined Functions is now customizable via the "Move Up/Down" right-click popup menu.
- The execution of individual User-Defined Functions can now be controlled using a new "Enabling Boolean" property. This feature can be used to implement conditional logic for execution of the User Defined functions.
- Drawn Components have been added for User-Defined Integers and Booleans.
- The "Input Variable" property of User-Defined Numerics has been renamed to "Interactive Variable".
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "SETCONST" batch command from working with User-Defined Numerics. This batch command should be considered deprecated and has been replaced by the SETVAR command which can be used to set the value of interactive variables.
- Help buttons were added to the Single Component Comparison, Multiple Component Comparison, and External Function Editor windows. These buttons open the User's Manual and display the corresponding manual sections.
Version 1.0.4 - Released 1/14/09:
- The single value selection dialog was modified to scroll to the selected value when first opened.
- The animation plug-in was modified to permit plug-ins to set a default view name.
- The TPR classes were moved from the core distribution to the TRACE plug-in.
Version 1.0.3 - Released 12/19/08:
- Spell checking was added to the model notes editor.
- The table paste logic was modified to resolve an issue which could result in unknown values being inserted into the table when pasting values copied from a spreadsheet
- An issue was resolved which could cause the right-click popup menu to fail to open after selecting an inappropriate component for comparison.
Version 1.0.2 - Released 11/19/08:
- The Model Notes viewer was updated to include support for Model Options and "root components" (such as RELAP5 Reactor kinetics).
- The ModelEditor selection "rubber-band painting" was updated to improve its performance under OS X and Windows with Java JRE 1.6.0.
- The "Import View Template" operation was updated to include the "Replace Annotations" and "Replace Display Beans" options.
- An issue was resolved where changing a model's view lock did not carry through to its unopened views.
- An issue was resolved where closing the last open model did not remove its model panel from the Property View.
- The viewable files listing in Job Status and the Console Dialog was updated to list only files that are actually available and to display the size and last modified date of each file.
- An "Editing Restart" indicator icon was added to the model accordion node.
- The Animation plug-in's Generic range was updated to include a Segment Style (stepped, gradient and the new Enumeration). The enumeration segment style can be used to display values such as flow regime which are integers presented as floating point values.
- An issue was resolved that prevented a model's "model panel" from being closed when closing the last open model.
- An issue was resolved that prevented assigning user numerics to real values for plug-ins using the legacy numerics framework.
- The opening logic for MED files has been modified: selecting a file that has already been opened in the ModelEditor will now select that model in the Navigator instead of opening a second copy of the model. In addition, attempting to Save As over the save file of another open model is denied with an error message.
- The shared python "Functions" for the new numerics were updated to handle all values in the current model units.
- Executing user defined functions will now automatically update the property views, 2D views, and ASCII views that are currently open.
- The flow indicator display bean was modified to allow specifying line thickness and arrow size.
- The editor for selecting the font used when displaying ranges inside a 2D view was modified to allow any font size.
Version 1.0.1 - Released 10/24/08:
- Core support for the "Component Sub-Systems" feature was added. Component sub-systems provide a convenient means to organize model components. This permits components to be grouped into sub-systems (such as a steam generator) which can then be treated as a single object within SNAP. Note that support for this feature is must be implemented by the individual plug-ins. Limited support, (copy/paste, show ASCII, diff, and create/add to view operations), has been implemented for the TRACE and RELAP5 plug-ins.
- Undo/redo buttons were added to the Model Notes editor.
- An issue was resolved that caused the CTRL-TAB keyboard shortcut for switching between models to become unresponsive after closing all but one model.
- The Open MED button, and menu item, and command line parameters were updated to allow any number of models to be specified at once.
- An issue was resolved in the Properties View Real editor that prevented the pop-up menu from functioning properly.
- An issue was resolved in the Properties View that could prevent Real values from being multi-edited.
- The table editors for real values were updated to display the name and the current value of the shared numeric real in the table cell (if one is selected).
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Configuration Tool from displaying more than the first connection in the "Show Server Status" dialog.
- Copy to clipboard options were added to the View's Export image menus. These options allow the current perspective and the entire view to be exported to the clipboard for subsequent pasting into word processing applications such as MS Word.
Version 1.0.0 - Released 9/19/08:
- Session support was added to the model editor. The list of open models is now saved when the ModelEditor is closed. When the ModelEditor is started, the previously open models are either reopened, ignored, or the user can be prompted to decide what to do. This behavior is controlled with the new "Restore Session" property of the ModelEditor preferences.
- An issue was resolved in the Component Differencing Utility that prevented the export of comparisons between different "versions" of the same component.
- Improvements were made to the syntax coloring and line gap algorithms for the Component Difference Viewer.
- The selected view is now preserved when saving and opening a model.
- Tool tips were added to the window mode buttons located on the main toolbar.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the name attribute from appearing in the 2D view Property View.
- The Acrobat Reader launch tool was updated to work under 32 and 64 bit Windows architecture.
- The Create Views dialog now remembers the selected categories for view creation. Note that views are now automatically built when importing the model if the "do not show" check-box was selected.
- A modification was made to the animation plug-in to eliminate an extraneous separator which was included in the model popup menu.
- Undo/Redo buttons were added to the Model Note viewer.
Version 0.28.0 - Released 9/4/08:
- The ModelEditor has undergone a number of significant user-interface improvements for version 0.28.0 including a new Navigator, a component differencing utility, and a new Numerics package. See What's new in 0.28.0 for a detailed look at these changes.
- Support was added for Attribute Level Documentation references. This means that each attribute in a model can refer to any number of model notes. Note that although the CAFEAN core now provides this support, each plug-in must also be modified before attribute level references will be available for that plug-in.
- The ModelEditor Undo/Redo system was updated to handle each open model separately. The undo/redo buttons will now only undo and redo changes made to the contents of the model currently selected in the Navigator.
- The underlying implementation of the ModelEditor Properties View was rewritten to allow automated testing tools to more easily interact with property editors. Its appearance and behavior was modified only slightly as a result of this change.
- Components displayed in the Navigator can now be added to a 2D View via "Drag-n-Drop" of their Navigator nodes.
- The ModelEditor window placement logic for child windows was updated to more correctly handle windows that appear outside the bounds of the current desktop. This update includes handling of multiple monitors and swapping back and forth between single and multiple monitor setups.
- Several minor message display issues were resolved in the Model Error Report Dialog.
- The 2D View Zoom and Pan tools were updated to be available in locked views.
- An issue was resolved in the Playback Controls that occasionally caused the refresh button to repaint in an incorrect location when placed in a view set to zoom other than 100%.
- The Configuration Tool "Start Automatically" logic was updated to ensure that if "Start at Login" is selected "Start Automatically" is also selected.
- An issue was resolved when setting a dynamic range to static range which would cause problems when the dynamic range minimum and maximum are essentially the same.
Version 0.27.5 - Released 7/12/08:
- The user interface was updated to utilized the system-defined keys for invoking user-interface shortcuts.
- Support for Mac OSX 10.5 was improved. The property view no longer renders with a dark blue background.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Polygon Bean from being properly animated when set to use a channel name rather than a volume ID.
- An issue was resolved that could cause newly inserted rectangular annotations to be placed in the incorrect location on the view.
- The animation plug-in was updated to ensure that display beans are rendered in a "No Data" state when the current time of the animation exceeds the time range of the connected data source.
- The animation plug-in was updated to disable editiing the minimum and maximum times for slaved data sources.
- An issue was resolved that prevented slaved data sources from being properly initialized when first connecting to an animation mask.
- The general range bean was modified to resolve an issue repainting dynamic ranges when the min and max values are very close to each other.
- The range bean was updated to properly handle switching from dynamic to fixed data ranges in situations where the calculated minimum and maximum values are nearly the same.
- The logic that controls preserving the current max and min values was modified to select a range of values when the current max and min values are the same.
Version 0.27.4 - Released 6/20/08:
- A feature was added to the Job Status application to permit jobs to be submitted directly to the calculation server.
- An issue was resolved which prevented the construction of 2D drawn connection source/target markers during view template import.
- An issue was resolved which resulted in an exception being thrown when closing the Model Report dialog using the window close shortcut key.
- An issue was resolved which prevented template file locations from being remembered in the file selector when importing and exporting view templates.
- A update was added that will set the value entered into the 2D drawn User Values whenever the component loses focus. Previously, pressing enter was the only way to assign the value.
- An issue was resolved where the Drawn View tools option "Reset Connections" did not work properly. Selecting "Reset Connections" will remove any custom path adjustment points and restore the paths to their initial layout.
- An issue was resolved which prevented the pasting of MS Word data into the Model Notes Editor.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Navigator from updating in response to undo/redo after adding or removing component sub-nodes.
Version 0.27.3 - Released 5/7/08:
- Support was added for the Windows 64-bit Java VM.
- An issue was resolved which prevented horizontal alignment of objects contained within the Model Notes Viewer.
- The Model Notes Viewer hyperlink selection utility was updated to include the ability to select files which reside on the local filesystem.
- Support was added for pasting copied images and text directly into the Model Notes editor from applications such as Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Word.
- An issue was resolved in the optional integer editor that caused the value to be uneditable in some rare circumstances.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that prevented running calculations from being properly terminated when overwritten by a newly submitted job.
- An issue was resolved which could cause the navigator to collapse when model components were inserted into 2D views.
- The ModelEditor splash screen was updated to include NRC notice.
- The Welcome screen was updated to include the list of recent files.
- The Animation plug-in was modified to include support for Stepped and Dynamic ranges. Dynamic range components will recalculate the min and max range values at each time step from the ascociated data channels. Stepped range components will apply a solid color to each range segment.
- A refresh button was added to the Animation playback controls. This button will refresh all of the current views within an Animation model without advancing the time step.
- A memory management issue was resolved that would prevent models from deallocating their resources when they are closed.
- An update was provided to address an problem in which connections to the calculation server would terminate prematurely.
- The connection point 2D rendering routines were refactored and optimized.
Version 0.27.2 - Released 3/7/08:
- An issue was resolved in the editors used for optional integer, string and boolean values that could cause the editor to become inoperative after a multi-edit.
- An issue was resolve that caused the attribute group pop-up help button to be hidden after collapsing the group.
- The Copy/Paste and New pop-up menu items in the Navigator were updated to display as disabled when the features are unavailable for the selected node.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the silent failure of a drawn component paste when the source view is closed after copying.
- An issue was resolved in the View's Select menu that prevented previously grouped annotations from being selected in some cases.
- An issue was resolved in the View tab title assignment logic that caused an incorrect title to be displayed for the last View tab when closing a View.
- The Open Views item was added to the right-click pop-up menu of the Views category in the Navigator.
- The Move Up and Move Down pop-up menu entries for View Components were updated to re-order open view tabs.
- An issue was resolved in the model notes editor that caused the cursor location to move too far to the left when pressing backspace in a new model note.
Version 0.27.1 - Released 1/31/08:
- The default integer editor was modified to fail when an invalid input such as 1.23 is entered.
- The property editor was modified to ensure that the last property editor in each attribute group is sized correctly.
- An issue was resolved with selecting messages in the message window which would prevent associated components from being selected in the navigator.
- The configuration tool was modified to automatically select the SNAP installation directory when configuring the jEdit application.
- Support was added for the MAC look and feel for all SNAP applications. The MAC menu bar now displays the SNAP menu bar whenever the application is activated.
Version 0.27.0 - Released 12/21/07:
- A Model Report Dialog was added to the "Check Model" button to display the results of a model check sorted by component, validation test, etc. The contents of the model check can then be exported to an HTML formatted report. The dialog includes toggle buttons for filtering messages by type (Note, Alert, Warning or Error). Choosing a message from a component selects that component in the Navigator.
- The "Submit Job" menu item was updated to include a model check prior to submitting the job.
- The SNAP plug-in for jEdit was updated to support jEdit version 4.2 or newer.
- Automatic jEdit configuration support was added to the Configuration Tool as part of the "jEdit Editor" property. The setup routine modifies all required configuration files and copies the SNAP jEdit plug-in into the current user's jEdit folder. The current version of jEdit can be downloaded from -
- Job Status updated to allow it to be run by multiple users on the same machine at the same time.
- The reference documentation feature was updated to add support for relative named destinations. The absolute named destination targets are configured when the plug-in defined PDF document is loaded.
- An issue was resolved in the Model Documentation note editor which caused the backspace key to improperly move the cursor, and prevented the ENTER key from inserting line breaks.
- Several dialogs were updated to ensure current edits are completed when the dialog is closed. This eliminates the need to hit the enter key prior to hitting the 'OK' or 'Close' button on the dialog.
- The Animation plug-in validation tests were updated to support the new Model Error Report dialog.
Version 0.26.7 - Released 10/23/07:
- JobStatus was updated to use dynamic port numbers and check process ownership on running instances. This update permits each user on the machine to run their own JobStatus instance. The SNAP jEdit plug-in was also updated to support dynamic port numbers when spawning JobStatus.
- An issue was resolved that could result in additional category nodes in the Navigator to expand when adding new components via the "New" right-click pop-up menu item.
- An issue was resolved with opening MED files that could cause the Model Editor to enter an infinite loop if a file has been corrupted.
- The warning dialog that informs a user when Java3d is not installed was modified to only appear when not running the model editor in batch model.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that caused the server "Idle Timeout" to shutdown the server even while active jobs were running.
- SNAP was modified to allow plug-ins to specify reference documentation using an external XML file. Plug-ins which implement this XML based documentation format can dynamically filter the pop-up menu reference documentation based on model specific properties such as code version. A Reference Documentation Management Tool is currently under development which will be used to create and edit the plug-in documentation links defined in the XML file.
- The SNAP User's Manual was updated to include information on newly added features.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Vessel Layer animation bean from properly updating when the "Axial Level" property was changed.
- The channel selection dialog inside the 3D Graph bean was modified to resolve an issue that prevented the table editor from functioning when the first column is selected.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Graph3D bean to cause an unrecoverable failure when the range property is set to a fluid condition range.
- An issue was resolved in the Data Value bean that prevented the display
of negative values below -1.0E-8.
Version 0.26.6 - Released 8/24/07:
- Embedded views were modified to support grouping with other components and annotations.
- The user defined numeric renderers were modified to support grouping.
- An issue was resolved that caused the OPEN batch command to fail when executed from the command dialog.
- The default integer value editors including those with a disabling checkbox have been modified to be right justified.
- An issue was resolved that prevented opening a view by double-clicking on the view icon embedded in a locked view.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Properties View divider location from being properly saved for the "Multiple Window" ModelEditor window mode.
- An issue was resolved that would prevent the JobStatus window and the animation plug-in's Source URL editor from opening if certain columns are hidden.
- Support was added for the Calculation Server "Calculation Port Number" preference to control which port is used by the Calculation Server to communicate with interactive calculations.
Version 0.26.5 - Released 8/9/07:
- The 2D View connection renderer was updated to support 4 Drawing Styles:
Single Line - The previous behavior rendering a single segmented line to represent a connection between two components.
Source Marker - A "marker" connected to the source component that displays a short description of the target side with a segmented line connecting it to the source component.
Target Marker - A "marker" connected to the targetcomponent that displays a short description of the source side with a segmented line connecting it to the target component.
Source & Target - Both source and target markers simultaneously. - A check was added to the open file logic to prevent files saved under a newer TRACE, RELAP5, or Animation Plug-in version from being opened by older versions of the plug-in.
Version 0.26.4 - Released 6/30/07:
- The 2D view component dragging logic was updated to support horizontally and vertically constrained dragging. Holding the shift key while dragging components in a 2D view constrains component movement along the X or Y axis.
- A "Close Views" item has been added to the right-click pop-up menu of the "Views" node inside the Navigator.
- An issue was resolved in the 2D View repaint logic that could cause the region surrounding the usable portion of the view to be to large at zooms larger than 100%.
- The Image Annotation resizing logic was updated to automatically shrink the annotation when the image size exceeds the size of the view.
- An issue was resolved in the "Trim Excess Canvas" feature of 2D Views that could prevent the new canvas size from being properly saved when closing and re-opening the view.
- An issue was resolved in the Text Annotation that caused newly created text annotations to appear bold when set to a non-bold font.
- The Optional checkbox in the property view was removed for all plug-ins except CONTAIN.
- An issue was resolved in the Text Annotation that caused multiple property views to be displayed when double-clicking on the annotation.
- A Visual Grouping issue was resolved that allowed sub-groups to be selected separately from the parent group by using rubber-band selection.
- The connect/disconnect button in the Animation playback controls was updated to allow the currently connected Animation to be disconnected regardless of the currently selected model.
- The 2D View mouse handling logic was updated to properly set the "current model" when clicking in a locked view.
- An issue was resolved which could result in grouped components being improperly reordered during a "To Front", "To Back", or Copy/Paste operation in a 2D view.
- A"Model Documentation" feature plug-in was added to allow user- defined "notes" to be added to components in any existing ModelEditor plug-in (such as TRACE). New notes can be created by pressing the "Create a Note" button in the top, right-hand corner of the main Property View.
Version 0.26.3 - Released 5/25/07:
- An issue was resolved that prevented the proper placement of message dialogs and file selectors when using the Multiple Window mode on a system with multiple monitors.
- An issue was resolved that prevented component nodes in the Navigator from properly expanding in some circumstances.
- The logic that controls updating the components following a user defined numerics update was modified to include properties in category nodes.
- The "View Selection Mode" preference was added to the Model Editor General preferences. When this preference is set to "Follows Navigator" the selection in 2D views will be updated based on selection changes in the Navigator.
- An issue that prevented line annotations from being able to undo foreground color changes has been resolved.
- The "Straight Line" property was added to drawn connections to allow specified connections to be drawn directly from one connection point to another.
- Fixed an issue with drawn connections failing to paint that occurred when a newly created view was closed and reopened.
Version 0.26.2 - Released 4/19/07:
- An issue was resolved that caused the run console "Terminate" button on the Job Console to become unresponsive in some circumstances.
- An "Export to PDF" issue was resolved that caused 2D views to be corrupted (unable to close or copy) after exporting an image of the view (JPG,SVG,PDF,etc.) This issue only affected those using Java 1.6.0.
- An issue was resolved that would cause the Calculation Server to shutdown as if idle while jobs were running.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that caused some jobs to disappear from the job table when several hundred jobs were submitted or removed in programmatically.
- An issue was resolved in Job Status that caused the current job table selection to be changed or discarded when new jobs were submitted.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes prevented Job Status and Job Consoles from displaying the current status of a job. (i.e. showing"Initializing" rather than "Interactive.")
- The Output Viewer Points of Interest dialog was updated to recall the dialog location, size and last selected point of interest type when the dialog is re-opened.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the Output Viewer from being closed when the job being displayed was removed.
- A "View Files" button was added to the Run Console to allow the Output Viewer to be launched directly from the console.
- An issue was resolved in the User Defined Constant units selector that caused the displayed unit type to be blank.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the interactive job features from working properly when using the "Submit Into Separate" folder option in the Submit Dialog.
- The LOCK_VIEWS and UNLOCK_VIEWS batch commands were added to the batch command processor. Refer to the SNAP User's Guide for more information
on these commands. - The User Defined Constant "Units" selector was updated to ensure that the displayed value of the constant does not change when the units are changed.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes caused the ModelEditor to lock up when opening models with large 2D views.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the TRACE and RELAP5 help sets from loading in the ModelEditors online help.
- The help set for the Movie Generator Application was added to the distribution.
Version 0.26.1 - Released 3/26/07:
- The "Canvas Font" general user preference was added to control the font used in drawn components in 2D views.
- Several small Job Status to Calculation Server communication and repaint issues were resolved.
- An issue was resolved that prevented annotations (including polygon) from being edited during "Restart Editing."
- An issue was resolved in 2D Views that sometimes caused the Copy, Paste and Paste Special buttons to be enabled for locked views and disabled for unlocked views.
- An issue was resolved that caused submitted jobs to silently fail if the target folder did not exist on the Calculation Server.
- The SETCONST and EXECUDF batch commands were added to the ModelEditor batch command syntax. Refer to the SNAP User's Manual (or online help) for detailed information on these new commands.
- An issue was resolved in the "Export to PDF" feature for 2D Views that dramatically reduced the quality of text in the resulting PDF.
Please note that "Export to PDF" works properly in Java 1.5, however, this operation may cause the ModelEditor to fail under Java 1.6. This issue will be addressed in the next release.
Version 0.26.0 - Released 2/20/07:
- The 2D View was updated to include scrolled tabs for view selection. This is currently the default behavior for view tab layout, however, it can be toggled to a stacked tab layout using as a General Preference.
- The 2D View repaint logic was updated to improve performance for large models.
- The "Open Recent" file menu was updated to include sub-menus for each of the available plug-ins.
- An issue was resolved in the SNAP Welcome Dialog that caused the OK button to appear as "..."
- An issue was resolved that prevented multi-select edit for table cells using Sun Java version 1.6.0.
- An issue was resolved with Sun Java version 1.6.0 that prevented the proper save/load of annotations.
- An issue was resolved that would prevent the proper printing and export of 2D Views with Text Annotations that contained HTML entities such asΑ (alpha) and ♥ (heart).
- Support was added for grouping visual objects (annotations and display beans) in a 2D view. This feature allows the user to create a "visual group" for a set of selected visual objects (annotations, display beans, etc.) Once created, a visual group is treated as a single object in the view. Selecting any part of the group will select the entire group. Moving, cutting, copying, etc. all affect the entire group. Groups can be dissolved at any time by pressing the Ungroup button.
- The 2D view "Align" menu was updated to provide a more intuitive selecion list.
- An issue was resolved in the line annotation that caused the view to fail to repaint when the line thickness was set to 0.
- An issue was resolved in the job submission dialog that prevented temporary files from being properly removed.
- Several issues were resolved in the job submission dialog's routines for validating new and restart job names.
- Several improvements were made to the online help documentation.
- The "AcGrace Executable" preference was renamed to "Plotting Tool" in the Configuation Tool and the pop-up help was updated to indicate that the AptPlot package is also supported by SNAP.
Version 0.25.3 - Released 12/17/06:
- New JavaHelp files were added based on the Draft SNAP User's manual is currently under development.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the proper deletion of Calculation Job Files (*.cjf) when deleting a job under Windows.
- An issue was resolved in the component description editor that prevented the tooltip from being properly updated for empty description properties.
- The "Orientation" menu was removed from the drawn user defined numerics pop-up menu.
- An "Overwrite" option has been added to the Submit Dialog that allows handling an existing job with the same name. This option can be set to Yes, No, or Prompt. If set to Prompt and a job exists with
the same name and location the user will be prompted to overwrite the job. If set to No, the current job will be submitted with a numbered suffix such as -02, -03, -04, etc. If set to Yes, the job will be
quietly overwritten. - An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that prevented the Server Idle Timeout property from being set to 0.
- An "Open Recent" sub-menu that contains the 10 most recently opened files was added to the main File menu.
- The last opened file property is now saved on a plug-in specific basis.
Version 0.25.2 - Released 10/24/06:
- The submit dialog was updated to allow the Calculation Server to be started automatically from the jEdit plug-in.
- Logic was added to the root folder mounting procedure to ensure that root folder aliases are valid names.
- An issue was resolved that sometimes prevented newly imported jobs from appearing in the job table.
- The "Import Local File" feature of the animation plug-in's "Source Run URL" editor was moved to the right-click pop-up menu of each folder node for the local Calculation Server. To import a local file
simply select the mounted folder (or sub-folder) that contains the file, right-click and select the "Import Local File" item. - An issue was resolved that prevented Job Status job nodes from being properly updated when a job's status changes.
- The Unmount feature for root folders was updated to provide better error messages.
- An issue was resolved that would cause the Job Status job table to display incorrect job data when a job being shown is unloaded.
- The default timeout used to determine when a job should be unloaded from the Calculation Server was increased from 10 minutes to 60 minutes.
- A cancel button was added to the Configuration Tool's "Connecting to the Calculation Server" dialog.
- An issue was resolved that caused run consoles to stop displaying additional screen output after pausing and resuming the job.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that prevented the proper animation of jobs starting at calculation times other than 0.0.
- The user defined constant was modified to update all the components in the model when its default value is changed from the property editor.
Version 0.25.1 - Released 10/8/06:
- An issue was resolved which caused improper multi-edit behavior in some table editors.
- A view pop-up menu was added to "locked" views containing many of the items found in the menu of an "unlocked" view. The pop-up menu is displayed when right-clicking in an empty section of an open view.
- The Job Status UI was updated to include job nodes in the server/ folder tree. In addition, when selecting a job in the tree a job information panel will be displayed (rather than the job table) that shows more detailed information about the job.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the proper update of the Job Status display when deleting jobs that were not loaded.
- An issue was resolved in the submit dialog that prevented the automatic job name generation feature (the checkbox next to job name) from properly generating a new name.
- The submit dialog was updated to allow calculation type selection for jobs submitted via the jEdit plug-in.
- An issue was resolved in the Calculation Server job loading routines that would cause some previously completed jobs to be flagged "Running" when loaded.
- The Calculation Server job loading routines were updated to include the"Loading" status. This status indicates that the job is currently being read into memory and/or indexed for access by client applications.
- The logic for detecting and reporting incompatible plug-ins was updated to give a more readable log file message: "This plug-in is incompatible with your SNAP version: some_plugin.jar"
Version 0.25.0 - Released 9/17/06:
- The SNAP runtime system has undergone a major overhaul:
- The Calculation Server was updated to include support for multiple Root Folders (with sub-folders) that can contain any number of jobs. These Root Folders can be mounted in Job Status, the Animation plug-in's source run selector or the submit dialog's folder selector by selecting the "Mount Root Folder" item from the right-click pop-up menu of the local Calculation Server node ("localhost"). These folders can be un-mounted by selecting the "Unmount" item from their right-click pop-up menu. Sub-folders can be created by selecting the parent folder and selecting the "Create Folder" item from the right-click pop-up menu.
- The submit dialog was updated to include remote submission capability and restart job selection capability. In addition, the local restart file selection was updated to allow selecting a local file to submit as the restart file for a remote job.
- Optional remote connection capability (disabled by default) was added to the SNAP client applications to allow access to remote Calculation Servers for submission of jobs and animation of the results.
- Jobs managed by the Calculation Server are no longer loaded and processed at startup. Instead, the calculation job files (CJF) that are stored with each job are parsed on-demand and released from memory until needed.
- Support for sequences of restart jobs was added to the job queue. This allows a sequence of restarts to be submitted before the preceding jobs have started so long as those jobs have been submitted.
- Note that with this update, existing submitted jobs will not be automatically available as jobs in the Calculation Server. The data files produced under earlier versions of SNAP must be selected directly to be used by animation masks.
- The ModelEditor Java3D support was revised to allow running without Java3D installed. Note however that features that depend on Java3D will not be available.
- The Archive, Database servers have been removed. Support for distributed access control has been moved to the individual Calculation Servers.
- The jEdit SNAP plug-in has been updated. Previous version of the jEdit plug-in are not compatible with this SNAP release.
- The legacy RELAP5 code plug-in has been removed from the distribution along with the TACT and R5UPD feature plug-ins.
Version 0.24.4 - Released 8/14/06:
- An issue was resolved in the user numerics (constant and variable) drawing that caused the user-specified label to be discarded when changing other properties of the user numeric.
- Undo logic was added to the drawn component "Orientation" property.
- An issue was resolved in the display bean creation for pasting connections into animation views that would cause the resulting line annotation to display more points that the original connection.
- An issue was resolved that would prevent the Preferences dialog from being properly displayed on some systems.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the ModelEditor from properly repainting when switching from "Single Window Mode" to "Multiple Window Mode."
- The Job Status job table repaint logic was optimized to improve performance for Calculation Servers that contain a large number of jobs.
Version 0.24.3 - Released 8/3/06:
- Updated to Jython Version 2.1.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Welcome window to be displayed when starting the ModelEditor even after selecting the "Do not show this dialog again." checkbox.
- An issue was resolved in the Navigator that could prevent contents of View component nodes from properly updating in some circumstances.
- An issue was resolved in View component that prevented the View from properly redrawing when the "Show Connection Points" property was changed.
- A "Maximum Log Size" preference was added to the Calculation Server configuration to control how large the log file can become before it is rolled to the next file. Note that a total of 10 files are created and these file names reused as the log is rolled over.
- An issue was resolved in the undo process for deleting components that could cause the process to fail after repeated undo.
- An issue was resolved that prevented the "Terminate Job" feature in the Console dialog and Job Status from updating the job's status to "Completed".
Version 0.24.2 - Released 7/21/06:
- An issue was resolved in the ModelEditor batch interpreter that would cause user defined numeric references from being lost when saving a file in batch mode.
- The Text Annotation resizing logic was updated to more correctly determine the size of the rendered string.
- A Preserve Ratio checkbox was added to the "Scale Drawings" dialog that locks the length and width scale factors to the same value.
- An issue was resolved that could cause a boolean editor (yes/no, true/false, on/off) to continuously redraw itself.
- An issue was resolved in the Animation plug-in that prevented newly added beans from being properly animated without disconnecting and reconnecting the animation.
- An issue was resolved on Windows that would prevent the calculation server from shutting down if any client applications were running.
- The Start Server Automatically preference was added to the Calculation Server section of the configuration tool. When activated, the Start Server Automatically preference will enable the local server to startup when needed by local client applications. When not activated, the user will be prompted to startup the server instead. Client applications are considered local only if they are running on the same computer as the server (referred to as "localhost") and running as the same user as the server.
This property will enable the local server to startup automatically:
- when submitting a job
- when browsing the local server via Job Status
- when selecting a run for an animation from the local server
- when connecting an animation to the local server
Activating the Start Server Automatically preference enables the Server Idle Timeout preference. This is the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the Calculation Server will stay active while no clients are connected. Specifying 0 for this value will prevent the server from shutting down automatically. Note that the Calculation Server must be restarted for this value to take effect.
- Remote calculation server connection capability was added. This feature is controlled by the Allow Remote Connections property and defaults to No. Note: This feature is only supported under Java version 1.5 or above.
To allow remote connections from other users, first change Allow Remote Connections property to Yes and restart the calculation server. Then, export the server's public key to a convenient location by selecting the Export Public Key item from the File menu. This key can then be transferred to those users who require access to the server.
To connect remotely to another user's calculation server, first open Job Status. Select the Add Server item from the File menu. Enter the server's host name or IP address in the Server Host Name field and their calculation server port in the Server Port field. Then, select the Server Key File received from the remote user that started the calculation server. After pressing OK, the remote server will appear in the server list in Job Status and in the Animation plug-in's run selector.
Version 0.24.1 - Released 6/8/06:
"One Touch Expand" buttons were added to the divider bar between the Navigator and Views tabs. These buttons can be used to completely hide the Navigator or the currently open Views by clicking the appropriate left or right facing arrow button.
An issue was resolved in the Executables portion of the Configuration Tool that caused the "Supports Interactive Execution" and "Defaults to Interactive Execution" properties to be reversed.
An issue was resolved in the submit dialog that would prevent the last selected executable from being used as the default for the next submit.
Undo capability was added for the "Add to View" feature available for component and Category nodes in the Navigator.
Logic was added to many of the component selectors (i.e. the blue S) that will ensure that the row containing the currently selected component will be visible in the selector dialog when it is opened.
An issue was resolved in the Property View that would sometimes remove the last character from property tooltips.
Version 0.24.0 - Released 4/27/06:
Resolved an issue that prevented parametric export using a temperature as the iterative constant.
The editor for modifying the size of connection handles was modified to limit the range of acceptable values.
Job Status was updated to more accurately display the dates and times included in the job table.
Modified the model import and load routines for every plug-in to cancel correctly if the cancel button is pressed during an import or a load.
An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that would prevent the calculation server status from being properly reported.
An issue was resolved in the Configuration Tool that prevented the "jEdit Executable" property from being saved.
A performance issue was resolved in the Calculation Server that could cause completed runs to be considered idle after 30 minutes even when the runs are currently being accessed.