Symbolic Nuclear Analysis PackageThe Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package (SNAP) consists of a suite of integrated applications designed to simplify the process of performing engineering analysis. SNAP is built on the Common Application Framework for Engineering Analysis (CAFEAN) which provides a highly flexible framework for creating and editing input for engineering analysis codes as well as extensive functionality for submitting, monitoring, and interacting with the codes. |
A guide to downloading and installing SNAP and its prerequisite software.
Users' manuals, on-line instruction, tutorials, and other SNAP related materials.
Find information about the various SNAP plug-ins available to users.
Technical support is available to CAMP members, NRC contractors and SNAP User's Group members.
Change Log
SNAP 4.3.1 - Released 9/25/2024:
- A new 2D view feature has been added that will distribute drawn view components vertically, horizontally, or in a grid pattern.
- New animation beans have been added: Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Histogram, and Pebble
- The radial dial animation bean has been updated to improve its appearance.
- The animation beans have been reorganized in the insertion tool. A new group “Graphs” was created to hold elements that resemble graphs.
- The core value selection dialog was updated to have its filtering capability ignore character case.
- The generic tabular editing dialog included in SNAP was updated to allow for adding tabs to divide up and organize the data tables with many columns.
- An issue with the add button action for the table dialog has been resolved that caused exceptions in the screen file.
- The default value for the calculation server communication port is inactive, which allows the system to find a free port.
- The ASCII text comparison behavior has been updated to better identify textual differences. This also resolves issues comparing text elements including HTML control characters.