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AVF Plug-in Change Log

Version 3.7.2 - Released 5/18/2023:

  • The AVF Plug-in was updated to support a directory as a test case location.

Version 3.7.1 - Released 2/28/2022:

  • The AVF differencing features have been updated to make use of Java's more modern process handling for executing custom diff commands. This update provides a substantial performance improvement for AVF regression suites making heavy use of file differencing.

Version 3.7.0 - Released 10/29/2021:

  • The AVF plug-in has been updated to support the integration of AptPlot with SNAP 4.0.0.

Version 3.6.0 - Released 3/4/2020:

  • Updated to work with Java 11. Methods that have been deprecated in Java 11 have been refactored to use the appropriate Java 11 equivalent.
  • Added support for performing regression, template and report cases on SAM code.
  • An issue was resolved that caused the Model Editor user interface to become unresponsive when submitting a Template job from an AVF model that includes models whose Restart File reference is circular.

Version 3.5.1 - Released 10/24/2019:

  • A "Build MELCOR Comment Block Testsuite..." right-click popup menu item was added to the Input Models category which will expand a MELCOR testsuite into a testsuite which exercises each of the comment block cases for each of the contained input models.
  • The KEYWORD batch command was updated to apply the given keyword value to any number of models with the same name.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented file references in the generated Difference report from referring to the right file location when relative locations are used in the Input Model location.
  • An issue was resolved that caused the screen file reference in the Input Errors report to always refer to "screen" rather than to the actual screen file.
  • An issue was resolved in the parsing of difference definitions in the plug-in specific report definition that improperly handled single quotes.

Version 3.5.0 - Released 8/16/2018:

  • The template summary HTML page has been updated to include sub-headings for the results of a template job.
  • The maximum file length of a case in AVF has been updated to 1024 characters.
  • The model notebook differencing capabilities have been updated to take an optional right-file header field.

Version 3.4.7 - Released 2/28/2018:

  • The AVF Plug-in was updated to include a CREATE_DEBUG_VARS batch command.

Version 3.4.6 - Released 2/1/2018:

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with SNAP version 2.6.0.

Version 3.4.5 - Released 6/21/2017:

  • An issue was resolved in the Submit Regression/Report Set dialog that caused input models with the "Location" property specified to be displayed with the "Input Missing" status.
  • The statistics pages defined for a regression report now include links to the associated input models.

Version 3.4.4 - Released 6/16/2017:

  • An issue was resolved in the output file differencing portion of the AVF Report Generator that could prevent very large files from appearing in the results.
  • An issue was resolved that caused the Regression/Report Set Submit dialog to allow a regression set to be submitted without first selecting the required application definitions.
  • An issue was resolved in the "Submit Regression/Report Set" dialog that allowed the "Copy differenced files to results folder" radio buttons (Yes/No) to both be selected at the same time.

Version 3.4.3 - Released 5/12/2017:

  • The Regression Job submission process has been replaced with a "wizard-like" regression submission system. With the new system, either one (Base) or two (Base and Mod) regression jobs can be submitted at the same time as the Report job used to compare the results of the two regression jobs. Either one of the regression jobs can also be a previously submitted regression job. In this case, the previously selected regression information will be retrieved from the Calculation Server and included in the model selection table where the user can choose to keep or re-run any models that were part of the previous job. The model selection table displays the list of suites and models in the current submission along with their status (New Run, Re-Run, Not Selected, etc.). This table will also indicate input files that have been modified since the regression was last run ("Input Modified") and input files that are now missing ("Input Missing"). Any models selected to run or re-run in the model selection table will be included in the regression job(s).
    Models submitted for an existing regression job will be added to the job directly when the regression job is submitted. The Calculation Server will "Restart" the regression job to execute the models selected. This allows additional models or suites to be included in an existing regression/report set without requiring that the entire regression suite be re-run.
  • The Regression Report generation logic was refactored to provide a significant increase in performance and to include additional information in the report. An option has been added to the Report Job submit dialog that allows the user to specify the number of processes to use for diffing files in the Report Job that defaults to the number of available processors. The AVF Regression Report job has been updated to determine success based on the exit code of a given run. The AVF Plugin Report job now generates HTML pages for Failures, Data Comparison and Statistics that include sortable tables.
  • The AVF Regression Report logic was updated to ensure that Report jobs submitted to a Calculation Server will remove all files created as part of the report when the job is deleted. This update also allows Report jobs to be safely overwritten.

Version 3.4.2 - Released 4/6/2017:

  • The AVF Plugin has been updated to support the submission of parallel ECI jobs in a regression run. The TRACE ATF test suite import logic has been updated to include parallel ECI job information.
  • The Related Files property editor has been updated to resolve an issue with adding related files that were modified before the dialog was closed.

Version 3.4.1 - Released 3/15/2017:

  • The AVScript table editor for figures has been updated to include new dialog editors which replace the string editors used to define Axis Bounds, Tick marks and Viewports.
  • Axial plot generation was updated to use APTPlot's PLOTAXIAL command. This eliminates the need to supply axial elevation data in AVScript for most TRACE and FRAPCON data channels. An offset elevation and plot orientation can now be specified for these axial plots.
  • AVF regression report generator was updated to include information on the type of failures encountered in a similar manner as the python based TRACE ATF. The report includes hyperlinks to the screen files for the base and modified runs to permit easy inspection. The TRACE ATF import logic has also been updated to process the XML regression data tags located in the input file headers.

Version 3.4.0 - Released 12/2/2016:

  • The AVF plugin was updated to support the new TRACE ATF Test Suite format in addition to the legacy ATF format
  • A new component called Plot Test has been added to the regression capabilities of the AVF Plugin. This component allows the comparison of two data channel values read from plot files. These comparisons are performed as part of a Report Job stream.
  • A new "PluginVersion" token was added for AVF Template Jobs. This token is used much like the SnapVersion token to include the version number of the desired plug-in. For example: ${PluginVersion: TRACE} would be replaced with the version of the currently installed TRACE plug-in.

Version 3.3.1 - Released 4/11/2016:

  • Job streams have been updated to support multiple file types attached to a single job step input file node. This improves differentiation of file types allowing files such as TRACE XTV and demultiplexed TRACE XTV to have unique file types.

Version 3.3.0 - Released 8/12/2015:

  • Several minor issues were resolved that prevented compiling with Java version 7.  This version now requires Java 7 or newer.

Version 3.2.14 - Released 11/10/2014:

  • The AVF plug-in was updated to support the COBRA Job Step's "Related Files" input. These are the required external data files needed to run a COBRA-IE model.

Version 3.2.13 - Released 8/19/2014:

  • Resolved issues encountered with the legacy AVF model conversion:
    • Data Traces with Legend Text active and set to "none" shall be converted as active and set to empty text. This follows the current method of specifying that a data trace will not have a legend entry in the notice.
    • The legacy Input Type flag has been added to Cases set to ASCII Data. Legacy ASCII Data cases with an Input Type set to values other than XY will now be translated to the new property during the conversion.

Version 3.2.12 - Released 4/21/2014:

  • Resolved an issue where AV Script figure outputs included an unneeded filetype suffix before the file extension.

Version 3.2.11 - Released 10/28/2013:

  • An issue was resolved that prevented AVScript figures from locating plot files when regenerating figures using previously executed cases.

Version 3.2.10 - Released 9/19/2013:

  • Resolved an issue where AV Script components could have a space in the name, leading to problems in submitted runs. Existing AV Script components with spaces in the name will have the spaces converted to underscores.

Version 3.2.9 - Released 6/11/2013:

  • An AV Script issue was resolvedwhere both the independent and dependent data in a parametric data trace were being multiplied by the Slope Factor.

Version 3.2.8 - Released 4/26/2013:

  • Report jobs are now more lenient when validating XML statistics files. The report job will no longer fail when the value attribute of a stat element contains spaces around the numeric value.
  • Resolved an AV Script export issue where RELAP5 3.3 cases were not properly connected to the AptPlot step.
  • RELAP5-3D streams generated by AVF have been updated to account for PIB-based plot files. When connecting restart inputs to base inputs where the associated RELAP5-3D application creates PIB-based plot files, the streams now connect the "restart" and "plotfl" points. Report definitions and APTDiff ignore lists were added for RELAP53D.

Version 3.2.7 - Released 4/9/2013:

  • An issue was resolved where attempting to submit multiple AVScripts would force the user to approve each submitted script with an OK/Cancel prompt.
  • An issue was resolved where the AVScript property editor for configuring a Figure definition from AptPlot was not launching the application.

Version 3.2.6 - Released 3/29/2013:

  • The job stream submission processes were updated to support the new Job Stream naming constraints.

Version 3.2.5 - Released 1/8/2013:

  • Resolved a template job issue where a default keyword value would be replaced by the last input model override for that keyword.
  • Resolved an issue submitting regression runs using an Input Folder whose underlying folder path contained spaces.

Version 3.2.4 - Released 10/31/2012:

  • The ${PathPrefix} and ${LocationPrefix} template tokens have been modified to replace file separators with the @ symbol instead of an underscore.
  • The PARCS report definition was updated to work with the job-stream enabled AVF plug-in.

Version 3.2.3 - Released 9/5/2012:

  • The AVF DIFF command was updated to write out an error message as the difference when attempting to diff missing file(s).
  • Links in generated template job HTML reports now include the "file://" protocol prefix, allowing certain browsers to more easily locate target files..
  • Suites displayed in the Regression and Template submit dialogs are now sorted by name.

Version 3.2.2 - Released 7/5/2012:

  • The global Input Keyword assignment editor for input models (available when the Input Models category is selected in the Navigator) now correctly displays the full path of input models.
  • When an input model cannot be located during a template job, comments and MESSAGE commands are written to the generated batch script to indicate the error (previously the messages were written to the tasklog). This makes it easier to see the mistake by checking the template console output while it runs.

Version 3.2.1 - Released 6/18/2012:

  • Support was added for the COBRA plug-in for SNAP.
  • Two keywords were added for Model Batch in templates: ${PathPrefix} and ${LocationPrefix}. ${PathPrefix} is replaced by the model location and input name (sans extension), with all folder seperators replaced by underscores. ${LocationPrefix} follows the same form, but solely for the model location (the input name is not included).

Version 3.2.0 - Released 4/30/2012:

  • Support was added for the SCALE plug-in.
  • The RADTRAD report definition and diff ignore list were both updated to support better regression reports based on the NRC output file.

Version 3.1.1 - Released 2/27/2012:

  • An issue was corrected in the enabling logic for the Base Run field in the AV Script submit dialog.

Version 3.1.0 - Released 1/17/2012:

  • A ModelEditor batch command was added for the AVF plug-in to support exporting a Template as a batch file rather than submitting it to a Calculation Server. AVF EXPORT TEMPLATE [template name] [target file name]
  • The following ModelEditor batch commands were also added to support the template export command. These set commands only affect the next usage of the AVF EXPORT TEMPLATE' command. Of these, the INPUT_FOLDER and TARGET_FOLDER commands are required before each export.
    • AVF SET TEMPLATE FILTER [model keyword] [True or False] This command enables a filter for the model keyword and sets its value to either True or False.
    • AVF SET TEMPLATE TOKEN [token name] [token value] This command sets the value of the given template token.
    • AVF SET TEMPLATE INPUT_FOLDER [the location of the input folder] This command sets the folder location that will be used when replacing the ${InputFolder} token in the generated template batch file.
    • AVF SET TEMPLATE TARGET_FOLDER [the location of the target folder] This command sets the folder location that will be used when replacing the ${TargetFolder} token in the generated template batch file.
  • Support was added for the FRAPCON plug-in.
  • Resolved an issue with the "Copy diffed files" option of Report jobs. Previously, steps that did not use prefixes for their output files would overwrite each other during the copy. This has been resolved with input-model name folders in the copied results.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented executing AVScript cases with input files located in a folder whose name contains special characters such as ampersand.

Version 3.0.8 - Released 10/11/2011:

  • The AptDiff utility was updated to prevent it from printing an empty string as the result of a comparison with no differences.
  • An optional command line line argument, --ignoreCase, was added to the AptDiff utility that controls whether or not case-sensitive differences are ignored.

Version 3.0.7 - Released 8/16/2011:

  • An issue was resolved that prevented selecting data channels from jobs with a very large numbers of data channels (500,000+).
  • The RADTRAD report definition was corrected. It now uses the attributes required by the AVF 3.x series.

Version 3.0.6 - Released 7/11/2011:

  • Re-implemented support for the RADTRAD code which had been disabled since the SNAP 2.0 release.
  • Re-implemented support for the PARCS code which had been disabled since the SNAP 2.0 release.

Version 3.0.5 - Released 6/10/2011:

  • The differencing engine used by AVF to compare MELCOR output files has been modified to ignore case.
  • The MELCOR report generation logic was updated to correct the path to the differencing engine.

Version 3.0.4 - Released 6/2/2011:

  • In exported AV Script models, files connected to an AptPlot step now use the Reference file mode to prevent them from being copied to the AptPlot step's working directory during stream execution.
  • Resolved an issue where steps connected to the inputs and outputs of AptPlot steps did not always use the correct labels.
  • Reworked the automatic check for the CUSTOM_DIFF executable to check for a ".exe" extension in windows and for a ".sh" extension under linux and osx.

Version 3.0.3 - Released 5/13/2011:

  • Report jobs now provide an option to copy diffed files into the report results directory.
  • An issue was resolved where Template diff summaries were not correctly generated in the results directory.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented exporting or submitting AV Script when a model is open that has not yet been assigned a save file location.

Version 3.0.2 - Released 5/6/2011:

  • AV Script support has been implemented for this release. AV Scripts are edited as before, and submitted as complex job streams in an Engineering Template model. These template models can be exported at any time without submitting the streams, allowing the results to serve as a basis for more complex assessment work.
  • A legacy AVF model converter has been added. Models saved before the SNAP 2.0 AVF series can now be opened in the Model Editor.
  • This release of the AVF plug-in also supports RELAP5 and MELCOR/MELGEN. The corresponding SNAP plug-ins for these codes must also be installed to use these inputs in AVF.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented editing the Type property of Related Files.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented running Regression or Report jobs when the input or target folder contained spaces as part of its path on the target platform.
  • The Type editor for Input Models now correctly shows only AVF plug-in types that support analysis code execution.

Version 3.0.1 - Released 2/28/2011: Please note that this version will not open legacy (pre 3.0.0) AVF files.

  • An issue was resolved that prevented the the AVF submit dialogs (Regression, Report, and Template) from automatically starting the local Calculation Server when necessary.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Regression Submit dialog from correctly identifying applications available on a remote Calculation Server.
  • An issue was resolved where, during a Template job, certain input models could be processed before the inputs they restart.

Version 3.0.0 - Released 2/4/2011:

  • AVF has been redesigned to support the new SNAP 2.0 functionality including Job Stream support and headless capability. Currently, this version supports Regression, Report and Template jobs. Support for Assessment cases is currently under design. Please note that this version will not open legacy AVF files.

Version 2.4.6 - Released 8/18/2010:

  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Parametric Point plots in an AV Script Data definition from working properly.

Version 2.4.5 - Released 6/4/2010:

  • Resolved an issue where using a data-file (ASCII data or NRC databank) could cause an AV Script job to fail.

Version 2.4.4 - Released 5/18/2010:

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the use of an AV Script post-script command.

Version 2.4.3 - Released 5/11/2010:

  • Resolved an issue where invalid names could be entered for AV Script definitions. Case, Figure, Data Trace, Page, and ACAP definition names should only contain numbers, letters, underscores, and dashes.
  • Resolved an issue where the file names of AV Script cases could be truncated when the input name contained multiple period characters.

Version 2.4.2 - Released 4/30/2010:

  • An issue was resolved that would cause ACAP sessions to fail if the independent variable label was not entered.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented the AVF executable definition from being automatically updated in the Calculation Server is new SNAP versions are installed in separate directories..
  • Documentation for the ACAP definition "Config File" property was updated. The documentation incorrectly stated that a config file is specified without a file extension. The file selection editor now also correctly grabs the entire name of the file.
  • An issue was resolved with AV Script jobs that caused incorrect coordinates to be created for line annotations.
  • An %aptdiff construct was added for report definitions, allowing diff arguments to point to the APT Diff utility directly.

Version 2.4.1 - Released 3/5/2010:

  • Custom keywords can now be attached to input files which can be used to control how files are processed. This new functionality is supported in Regression, Report, and Template jobs.
    - A global list of keywords can be specified in Model Options. Each keyword has a value of true or false.
    - Each input model can optionally override the default keyword values.
    - Regression and Report jobs can filter which inputs are submitted based on their keyword value.
    - Template model batch can branch based on keyword values.
  • The "Select Files..." option in the right-click pop-up for the Input Models category can now assign a Type and Location to the selected files.
  • New AV Script definitions added in the Spreadsheet editor are now appended after the current selection. In addition, the names of the copied definition are reset to "unnamed" to avoid confusing the copy from the original.
  • Template components now have "Header" and "Footer" batch commands, which are executed only once, at the beginning and end of the batch commands, respectively.
  • Added two commands for template jobs: SUMMARY_CONFIG and SUMMARY_REPORT. These commands are used to generate an HTML report detailing the various diff reports created by the batch job.
  • When importing from the TRACE ATF, MasterList inputs whose names begin with a period are skipped.
  • When improting from the TRACE ATF, if the proprietary and assessment listings are found in the MasterList, Assessment and Proprietary keywords are created. Any input in the listing overrides the keyword value to 'true'.
  • Resolved an issue with Regression Jobs where only an input model would only be submitted to the first suite that referenced it.
  • Resolved an issue with AV Script Data Trace definitions where the "active" state of the Legend String was not changed by edits in the spreadsheet editor. Setting an empty value in the cell will now disable the property, and a non-empty value will enable it.
  • Resolved an issue with AV Script jobs where a Data Trace definition with a disabled Legend String was receiving automatic legend entries.
  • The AVScript figure generation system was updated to use demultiplexed data files automatically when the MUX data file is unavailable and "Demultiplex plot files" is not selected.
  • An error was corrected in the AVF submit dialogs that prevented overwriting an existing job.

Version 2.4.0 - Released 1/8/2010:

  • The Calculation Server interaction logic was updated to support the new CAFEAN RPC communication package in SNAP 1.2.0.
  • An issue was resolved which could cause Suites to loose input file references after pasting a component into an AVF model.

Version 2.3.0 - Released 11/23/2009:

  • Data Trace definitions now include a "Parametric Point" plot type. This new type is similar to Time Point, except for a parametric trace: a single point in time is used for both the X and Y variables.
  • Both Time Point and Parametric Point may now use the first time step in the run by specifying a value less than or equal to -1e9 for time, or the last time step by specifying a time greater than or equal to 1e9.

Version 2.2.9 - Released 10/26/2009:

  • When creating axial plots in AV Script runs, channels that support fine-mesh renodalization (such as rftn in TRACE runs) will now correctly use fine-mesh elevation data. Data definitions that indicate such channels may now also toggle between an "Explicit" and "Automatic" mode, where "Explicit" uses the elevations specified in the Axial Locations property, and "Automatic" uses all elevations available from the elevation data channels (such as zht in TRACE runs) at the given time step.
  • The Axial Locations dialog has been redesigned to be more intuitive. The "Axial Start Index" index property is now defined in this dialog (instead of the Property Editor) so that changes may be reflected in the table. Several columns have been renamed to indicate their role more clearly. Additionally, a Channel Name column has been added to indicate the name of the data channel associated with each location. Finally, the index information is not displayed when editing explicit locations for fine-mesh data channels, as the indexes are automatically retrieved for these channels by AptPlot.
  • Added support for RADTRAD.

Version 2.2.8 - Released 10/8/2009:

  • The MELCOR plug-in for AVF has been modified to support output file names with a different case than defined in the input file, and to remove bounding quotes on file names if they exist.
  • The label defining the post-processor plugin ID for the MELCOR analysis code has been updated to reflect the MELCOR2X plugin label.
  • The report XML definition logic was modified to allow specifying the bin directory in the snap installation as the source for applications.
  • The MELGEN and MELCOR report definition XML files have been modified to use the APT Diff application to compare output files between runs.

Version 2.2.7 - Released 8/21/2009:

  • The regression job submission process was updated to allow re-submittimg a sub-set of suites. Future reports will include all of the suites for the regression job.

Version 2.2.6 - Released 6/22/2009:

  • The syntax used to identifiy channel names in Data Trace channel expressions has been modified to achieve greater parity with the Perl version of AVScript. Channel names should now be surrounded strictly by curly braces. Legacy AVF models that prefix the braces with a cash symbol ($) will be automatically converted to the new form when the model is opened.

Version 2.2.5 - Released 6/19/2009:

  • Resolved an issue where "time point" AV Script definitions could not be executed properly.
  • Resolved an issue where the error bars in generated figures that contained ASCII data sources did not always appear in the same color as the rest of the
  • Resolved an issue where regression report generation could fail while generating the report summary.

Version 2.2.4 - Released 5/29/2009:

  • Resolved an issue where the Export Figure Template file dialog was not displaying files with the "avffig" extension (the Import Figure Template dialog worked as expected).

Version 2.2.3 - Released 5/12/2009:

  • Added support for MELCOR and MELGEN inputs.
  • Regression and Report jobs now support mixed types. Suites may contain inputs with varying types. When submitting a Regression job, an executable must be specified for each type found in the selected suites. When generating reports, the final report will be broken down into segments by type, i.e. A TRACE section followed by a PARCS section, etc..
  • Added support for HTML definitions in Templates that control the formatting of diff reports.
  • Added the ${FIGURE_FOLDER} token in AV Script pre/post command paths. This token will be replaced by the path to the Figures folder, be it the default location or the overridden server folder.
  • Resolved a regression-job issue where a single long-running job would prevent other jobs from unloading, leading to memory issues in certain cases.
  • Resolved an issue where the Input Folder and Target Folder were not properly saved and restored in the AV Script Submit Dialog.
  • Resolved an issue where the "New Related File" item on an Input Model's right-click pop-up did not always create a new entry.
  • The \ character is now properly escaped for Windows file paths in Template job batch commands.

Version 2.2.2 - Released 2/27/2009:

  • An issue was resolved that could prevent AV Script jobs from running when any part of the script definition contained ampersand or double-quote characters.

Version 2.2.1 - Released 12/19/2008:

  • Submit dialogs now store Input Folder, Target Folder, etc. on a per-server basis. This information is stored in the MED, so that each AVF file can specify different values for these fields.
  • AV Script jobs that do not run cases will check to see if any standalone data files (ASCII data, NRC Databank files, etc.) have been updated or added since the last case submit. If so, the updated data files are copied to the correct location in the job folder.
  • AV Script commands (pre/post script, post case, and pre figure) now have an additional construct: ${TARGET_FOLDER}. This will be replaced by the location of the script's output folder.
  • An issue was resolved where real numbers were displayed with insufficient precision in the AV Script spreadsheet editor.
  • An issue was resolved where the Regression Submit dialog would not appear if a model contained suites with no inputs.
  • An issue was resolved where AV Script jobs could not locate RELAP5 plot files when demultiplexing was disabled.

Version 2.2.0 - Released 11/17/2008:

  • Script components may now define pre-script and post-script commands that are run before and after the script is processed during an AVScript job.
  • Script Cases may now list additional files related to the case. The AVF plug-in attempts to locate and copy any related files to the case folder (preserving their relative folder path) during an AV Script job.
  • Post-Case and Pre-Figure commands have been modified. The command is now executed in the same directory as the case files. Commands located in the SNAP avf/bin directory can be accessed with the ${AVF_BIN} and ${INPUT_FOLDER} constructs. ${AVF_BIN} is replaced by full path to the "<snap install>/avf/bin" folder before the command is run, and ${INPUT_FOLDER} is replaced by the path to the script-job's input folder.
  • Statistical analysis may now be performed on statistics generated during the report job, when the regression job's output files are all known. The process for generating statistics is documented in the AVF user's manual.
  • Analysis code report definitions may now specify formatting strings on a report-by-report basis. Specify the "format" attribute in the "stat" element to define a formatting string for that report.
  • The regression report page now displays a summary of each statistics entry.
  • Regression report definitions may now specify one or more <statGroup> blocks. Each group defines its own stats-file extension and set of statistics. All <stat> elements must now have a parent <statGroup> element.
  • A regression report definition may now define multiple <diff> elements.
  • To facilitate this, <diff> elements support additional attributes with default values that mirror the original behavior:
    - title: the title of the diff report; defaults to "Diff Report".
    - file: the name of the output HTML file for the report; defaults to "DiffReport.html".
    - location: defines the folder that contains the diffs; defaults to "diffs".
    - description: an optional description listed at the top of the diff report.
  • A <diff> element "program" attribute may now also use the %avf_bin construct to indicate the location of the "<snap install>/avf/bin" directory.
  • AVF Jobs now include Info and Warning messages in the screen file.
  • Hidden files (those prefixed with the "." character) are now excluded from the MasterList on TRACE ATF import.
  • Resolved an issue where restarted Input Models with a Location were not properly executed during a regression job.
  • Resolved an issue with XML statistics validation that could prevent report generation on Java 6 Update 10 runtime environments and later.
  • Resolved an issue with the Regression Submit dialog where the executables list could list executables not associated with the selected suites.
  • Resolved an issue with AV Script jobs that prevented pre-figure commands from running.- Resolved an issue with AV Script definitions that sometimes prevented referencing certain Figures, Data Traces, and Cases
  • This version of the AVF plug-in adds support for the PARCS analysis code.

Version 2.1.0 - Released 10/24/2008:

  • Input Models now support an optional Location attribute. The Location defines the relative path in which the input file is located. When an Input Folder is specified for a regression job, that input must reside in the sub-folder named by the Location (blank locations indicate the Input Folder itself). Regression jobs will also be organized by these Locations: folders will be created in the regression job suite directories mirroring the location. To prevent possible filename collisions, the regression jobs will be launched inside these sub-folders.
  • An issue was resolved in the spreadsheet editor that prevented proper creation of script definitions when a script definition was already selected.
  • An issue was resolved in AVScript figure string annotations that prevented the Y-coordinate from being used.
  • Template job support has been added to the AVF plug-in. This provides a method for automatic batch generation based on keyword-encoded templates. This is used to support tasks such as ModelEditor pre-processor regression testing and metrics data generation.

Version 2.0.6 - Released 10/5/2008:

  • A change was made to how data files are handled in AVScript jobs with the "Demultiplex plot files" option enabled. Now, when a demultiplexed plot file is not available for plotting and the aforementioned option is enabled, the script job attempts to demux the standard plot file. Cases can now be demultiplexed in a figure generation run if they were not already demuxed as part of the original run.
  • An issue was resolved with the way that the AVF plug-in requested timestamps when the "Timestamp plots" option was enabled.
  • The AVF plug-in now uses the ".apf" extension for AptPlot Plot Files instead of the legacy ".agr" extension.

Version 2.0.5 - Released 9/26/2008:

  • An issue was resolved that prevented AVScript jobs from properly launching restart cases. A recent change to how AVScript cases are organized in the Target Folder affected how restart runs should be located. Restart cases should now execute correctly.

Version 2.0.4 - Released 9/19/2008:

  • An XML parsing issue was resolved that could prevent submitted AVScript jobs from executing.

Version 2.0.3 - Released 9/4/2008:

This version of AVF represents a significant rewrite of the plug-in. The following is a brief list of highlighted changes. For more detailed descriptions of these features (and more) refer to the AVF Plug-in Users Manual.

  • Suite Sets are a new type of component that allows identifying several Suites as a single unit.
  • The general categories have been reorganized:
    Input Models, Suites, and the new Suite Sets are listed under Regression.
    Executables and Scripts are listed under AV Script.
  • Submitting a regression job is now broken into two distinct submit phases: Submit Regression Job and Submit Report Job. The former is concerned only with running a large number of jobs. The latter reports on previously submitted regression jobs.
  • Added copy and paste for the Cases, Figures, Pages, Data Traces, and ACAP definitions in Script components.
  • AV Script jobs can now be submitted to a Calculation Server.
  • A new Spreadsheet-style Table Editor has been provided for Script case, figure, page, data traces, and ACAP definitions. This window can be used to add, edit, and re-order Script definitions.
  • The AVF plug-in now supports a pluggable interface for adding additional analysis codes and/or data file formats.
  • Several path/tier related properties were moved from individual Script components into the AV Script submit dialog.
  • Script components can be reordered directly from their right-click pop-up menu.

Version 0.1.1 - Released 11/30/2007:

Updates in this version include:

  • Clipboard copy and paste functionality has been added to the Axial Locations table dialog.
  • File selection editors are now provided for any property that indicates a file name or location, including AVScript properties that assume an extension. In those cases, the editor removes extensions from selected file names and provides a text field for editing the value manually.
  • The AVF model load and save logic has been modified to correctly read and write Tier information.

Version 0.1.0 - Released 4/30/2007:

This is the initial version (0.1.0) of the plug-in. The design is based on the TRACE Automated Testing Framework (ATF). This version requires SNAP Version 0.26.2 or newer. The following functionality is supported in this version:

  • The existing TRACE Automated Testing Framework (ATF) files can be imported into SNAP as an AVF Model.
  • Regression suites may be executed on either the local or remote calculation servers.
  • Regression suite reports can be generated on local or remote calculation servers.
  • AVScript input files can be imported, edited and exported.
  • AptPlot can be used to create and edit page and figure definitions for AVScript.