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MELCOR Plug-in
This plug-in provides pre- and post-processing support for the MELCOR 2.1/2.2 code.
Change Log
Version 2.8.9 - Released 9/04/2024
- MELGEN 2.2 ASCII import updated to resolve an issue importing multiple transfer package matrix components.
- The following volume variables were updated to only support Atmosphere (A/ATM) and Pool (P/POOL): CVH-PSAT, CVH-TSAT, CVH-VEL, CVH-VIRVOL, and CVH-VOID
- The CVH-RHO volume variable was updated to support removing the Material component reference
- Support for the FL-VISC path variable has been added.
- The FL-V-N-OC path variable has been updated to support an integer property for the second word.
- Updated the following heat variables to use the Surface property: HS-FILM-ENTH, HS-FILM-THICK, HS-MTC, HS-PRS-ATMS, and HS-DELE-SURF.
- Added an enumerated property to support the RN1-XMRLSE nuclide database variable
- The Other Structure (OS) core component is now supported by Core Database Variables in MELGEN 1.8.6.
- The Core Rod Group selection is now only enabled for core database variables: 'CellMassFU', 'CellMassCL', 'CellMassNS', and 'M'.
- Support has been added for the missing core database variables.
- MELCOR editing dialogs have been modified to allow testing framework control.
- MELCOR sensitivity coefficients have been updated to support all new and unsupported values for both the 1.8.6 and 2.2 versions of the input specification. Additionally, sensitivity coefficient parameter values have been updated to provide clarification as to what each value represents. An editor is included for the first and second index parameters which will allow the selection of an enumerated type or strict integer value. Finally, the sensitivity coefficient components will now include description information in their names to identify what the selected coefficient defines.
- The SPR-SUMPHT and SPR-SUMPMS sprayer database variables have been updated to support selecting a Control Volume component in MELGEN 1.8.6
- Plot variable and unit type support has been added to support the MELCOR 2.2 input specification.
- The cavity concrete composition property was updated to be disabled when the concrete type is set to standard concrete. Additionally, the 'CAV_C1' record will now only be exported to ASCII if the concrete type is standard concrete.
- The cavity radial coordinate center of ray system property will now be disabled for MELGEN 2.2.
- The cavity rupture and overflow property editor was updated to have the Overflow Catch, Rupture Trigger, and Elevation Control only editable when the Rupture Action is set to 'Catch'.
- The cavity field NTPOT2 (option to separate the liquid and solid debris into two physical data files) is now supported for the CAV_TP record.
- The enabling logic for the 'HTRINT Multiplier' property within the 'CAV_U' attribute group now correctly checks the value of the 'Between Debris Heat' property
- The cavity editing logic for the multiplier applied to the internally-calculated thermal conductivity of crust mixtures (COND.CRUST) was modified in accordance with the input manual that the value provided must be a real value.
- Sprayers can now remove the component selection for the 'Logical Ctrl. Func.' property.
- The Radionuclide Molten Pool Concentration editor was updated to provide a more intuitive look and feel.
- Updated the look and feel of the RadioNuclide Iodine Pool Ph Calculation table dialog.
- Updated the RadioNuclide Transfers dialog to have an updated look and feel.
- The material package was updated to include default material Inconel.
- The RadioNuclide has been updated with missing properties from both the 1.8.6 and 2.2 manuals.
- The Turbulent deposition surface dialog has been updated to include six new optional properties and has a new updated dialog.
- A new attribute group has been added named Other Sources containing the RN1_CS, RN1_FS, and RN1_DSS cards.
- RN1_SL, RN1_CL, and RN1_DL have been added to the Initial Conditions attribute group.
- INTERP has been added to the RN1_AS and RN1_VS cards.
- RN1_VISUAL has been strictly added to a restart case and is unavailable in MELGEN.
- RN1_FP00 has been updated to include the two missing release model flags as well as the addition of the User Multiplier within the Generalized Release Class Multipliers.
- The LHC_MLT records are now enabled or disabled as an entire group as all values are required if provided.
- The LHC_CPF records are now exported with default values for those fields which are not enabled. Previously, Unknown values were used instead of the appropriate default values.
- Support for the 'GRAVMULT' word has been added for the HS_LBS and HS_RBS records.
- Support for the 'ROUGHNESS' word has been added for the HS_LBAR and HS_RBAR records.
- The Flow Path component was updated to only enabled properties if they can be exported.
- The Fuel Dispersal Interactions properties have been updated to be enabled any time the export is supported.
- Updated the properties that are editable within MELGEN and MELCOR (restart) to only include the properties exported to ASCII.
- Updated Version 1.8.6 to support exporting the 'UNDEF', 'PLOTxxx', and 'MACCSnn' records.
- Removed the 'CRTOUT' record from being exported in version 2.2.
- All of the Global Data records are now exported together before the MELGEN model input.
- Decay Heat properties have been updated to support modifying and exporting as expected. Some properties were disabled erroneously.
- The Core Component was updated to support the 'COR_HPM2' record as a table.
- The Core Component was updated to support the 'WF_ID', 'TF_SL', 'TF_CL', and 'TF_BL' words found on the 'COR_HPD' record.
- An issue was resolved with the CAV-CPUT and CAV-CPUC cavity variables that caused them to export a Cavity component reference.
- An issue was resolved that caused importing the CVH-CPUE volume variable to fail
- An issue was resolved that caused the Path Variables with the names appended with '-TR' to be imported as the wrong path variable type.
- A typo within the FL-I-EFLOW-TR variable has been corrected
- Resolved typo within the HS-PRS-ATMS heat variable.
- Resolved bug that allowed the HS-ENERGY-STORED and HS-ENERGY-INPUT heat variables to allow the 'FLUX' type erroneously.
- Resolved issues with the properties enabled for the following Nuclide database variables: RN1-MDT, RN1-PH, RN1-IOT, RN1-IOD, RN1-MCA, RN1-MMDC, RN1-GSDC, RN2-AMFLTS, RN2-VMFLTS, RN2-FLT-QTOT, RN2-FLT-QLOS, RN2-VFLT-TMP, RN2-VFLT-RAD, RN2-VFLT-BUR, RN2-VFLT-THR, RN2-DFBUB-W, RN2-DFBUB-A, RN2-DFBUB-V, RN2-DFBBT-W, RN2-DFBBT-A, and RN2-DFBBT-V.
- An issue was resolved that caused the 'SPR_SRD' record to export extra properties
- Resolved an issue that caused the Radio Nuclide ASCII export to fail when the Ph Calculation table had missing values.
- Resolved an issue that cause RadioNuclide Transfers to support a site with an unset Source or Target Heat Surface.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Core Cell for record 'HS_LBF' to not be exported.
- An issue was resolved in MELGEN 1.8.6 that caused the Heat Structure Radial Geometry to indicate invalid values when all of the values are valid.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Flow Paths Package 'Two-Phase Friction' property label to display 'jLabel1'.
- An issue was resolved that caused the 'Pump Trip' property to support selecting an EDF component erroneously.
- An issue was resolved that caused the 'FL_MACCS_SFP' record to export the wrong value for the 'ncvhflag' property
- An issue was resolved that cause the RN Transfer component references to be exported to ASCII when teh RadioNuclide component is disabled.
- Resolved an issue in MELCOR (restart) that caused the 'Initial Timestep' property to export the wrong value.
- Several issues were resolved that caused the Control Volume properties for the 'CV_THERM' record to not be enabled or exported correctly.
- An issue was resolved that caused the Core Heat Pipe Model 1 and Model 2 properties to not be enabled correctly.
- An issue was resolved that caused the 'Insulation Layers' property to be exported even when it is deactivated.
- An issue was resolved that caused the default values for the 'COR_LP' record to not be exported for inactive properties.
- An issue was resolved that cause the Core 'Cell Support. Struct.' 'Structure Model' property to be disabled when 'Structure Option' was set to 'Parametric'.