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PARCS Plug-in Change Log

Version 2.9.2 - Released 4/01/2024:

  • Updated to support PARCS version 3.4.3.
  • The code version selector for the ASCII import dialog was updated to be a drop-down list
  • The Depletion Cycle component was updated to fully support the PARCS version 3.4.3 CYCLE_DEF updates. This includes reading in the data in tabular format. A Depletion Step property was also added to modify the independent variable for the cycle definitions.
  • The HCR_TREAT record on the Core Depletion Component has been updated to support an array of values in PARCS version 3.4.3, as well as the additional value of -1, Pyrex or BP Insert Weighting
  • The Core Geometry component has been updated to make the Rect. Symmetry property an optional property as it is no longer affecting the simulation.
  • The Transient Component has been updated to show the default value for Global and Local Fission from the Parameter Component if they are not active within the Transient Component but must be shown.
  • The Transient Component has been updated to include a new optional attribute group named Biasing Options.
  • The Temp. Convergence value will not be shown on the CONV_TR card if the models version is greater than or equal to 3.3 and will only be shown on the CNV_TH_TR card. if the version is less than 3.3, the Temp. Convergence value will be shown on the CONV_TR card.
  • A fix has been implemented for the caching the incorrect import path for various files being used within a PARCS model.
  • An issue was resolved when importing the Multi-Cycle component LOCATION card without the Assembly ID Control Flag property.
  • An issue was resolved in Model Options that resulted in some External TH properties being disabled in Coupled mode.

Version 2.9.1 - Released 8/09/2023:

  • PARCS has been updated to support version 3.4.2.
  • Xenon and Samarium enumeration properties have been updated to have the correct options for version 3.4.2.
  • The Core Depletion component has been updated to accommodate the PRED_CORR card.
  • Support was added to the MCYCLE block.
  • An issue was resolved with the Rectangular geometry dialogs preventing additional edits.
  • Updated the PARCS and TRACE job steps to prevent writing backslashes for file paths. GitHub 39

Version 2.9.0 - Released 4/29/2022:

  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support version 3.4.0 of the PARCS input specification. The import dialog version selector now includes Version 3.4. The PARCS batch ASCII import command now allows version tag "V34".
  • An update was made to support the new HYBRID_DEPL CNTL block record.
  • The display name and help text for the Boron Initial Coolant Concentration property was updated to match the description for the user_pc word on the CNTL_PPM record.
  • Added a model warning indicating that the Control Rod Bank Positions (BANK_POS - cbpos) will be ignored when the Depletion Component's Rod Position flag (INP_OPT - lcrp) is set to True.
  • The following new records were added:
    • Perturb. control rod absorption (PERT_CROD).
    • Transient record Auto Timestep Sizing (DELT).
    • Linear Combination Mode for the EFF_DOPLT.
  • An update was added to support the cylindrical geometry mesh and neutronics mesh dimensioning cards GRID_R/T, and NEUTMESH R/T.
  • An update was made to support the FDBK block's BYPASS_TH record.
  • The following updates were made to the TRAN Block
    • An update was made to enable the Impose Reactivity (IMPOSE_RHO record) properties under more circumstances.
    • An update was made to support the import of the CNV_TH_TR and NODAL_TR cards.
  • The TH Block was updated to include support for the TRAN_TIN and TRAN_MFLOW records.
  • The following updates were made to the DEPL component
    • An update was made to support the new Read Samarium Data flag (LSAM) for the INP_OPT record.
    • The help text and name of the PXSS property (OUT_OPT Record) was updated to use the name and description of the PKXS Property in the PARCS 3.4.0 User Manual.
    • The help text of the Core Heavy Metal Mass property (CORE_MASS Record) was updated to match the description in the PARCS 3.4.0 User Manual.
    • Support was added for the following DEPL records ISO_SOLV, ISO_SKIP, and ISO_CLIP.
  • An issue was resolved where the INT_TH record was written as enabled even when the enabling value was set to False.
  • The IO logic was updated to support word 19 LEDD on the TREE_XS record.
  • The GAMMA_FRAC card is now always included when the model version is 3.4.0 and the CDC_DED card is written. This resolves an issue where PARCS 3.4.0 will generate an error if the GAMMA_FRAC card is not included and the CDC_DED card is.
  • The GROUP_SPEC card is now always included when the model version is 3.4.0 and a Hex geometry is used, or when the model version is 3.4.0 and the FMFD component is enabled.
  • The Initial Core Power (CORE_POW record plevel word) is now optional in depletion cases and defaults to 100.0. When the value is inactive, no CORE_POW property will be exported.
  • An update was made to support the PINCAL_LOC, DET_XY_LOC, DET_Z_LOC, DET_Z_WEI, and DET_NAME cards when using a HEXGEOM geometry type.
  • An issue has been resolved that caused the Depletion Case BANK_POS record to export with an incorrect multi-line format.
  • The '# Rodded Xsec Sets' (NCMPR), '# Fuel Temp Points' (NFUELXSEC), '#Coolant Temp. Points' (NRHOXSEC), '# Coolant Density Points', '# Boron Concentration Points' (NBORONXSEC), and 'Logical Control Option' (lOpt)  properties of the FUNC_TYPE record in the XSEC Block will now be active after import.
  • The 'NEM' kernel type is now included in the Param component's Nodal Kernel drop-down list.
  • The Thermal-hydraulic component's Fluid Temperature terms are now optional. Terms will only be exported when active.
  • The PARCS job step has been updated to support the PARCS stats file, which has been re-named from parcs.pst to parcs.parcs_xml.
  • An issue was resolved where the CORE_TYPE record would export all Core Types other than PWR or BWR as 'CANDU'. This issue prevented models with Core Types such as PBR (Pebble Bed Reactor) from exporting correctly.
  • An issue was resolved where the Lattice Pin Rows and Lattice Pin Columns properties were not set on import.
  • An update was made to support the 'Perturbed Reactivity' data in the IMPOSE_RHO card of the TRAN block.
  • PARAM block record NODAL_KERN will now use values 1 (ANM) and 2(NEM) for the FMFD word opt2d1d (Flag for selecting separated nonlinear nodal solver for the FMFD kernel).
  • The CRB_BPRA array in the core component is only written out if the depletion hcr_bpra property is active and set to TRUE.
  • The control rod group search sample was updated to work with version 3.4.0 of the PARCS analysis code.
  • The NEACRP sample included with the PARCS plug-in has been updated to work with PARCS V 3.4.

Version 2.8.1 - Released 10/29/2021:

  • The SNAPID card will now be written for versions of the PARCS input greater than or equal to 3.3. Some versions of the PARCS analysis code less than this version did not properly handle this input which would prevent jobs from executing.
  • The PARCS plug-in has been updated to support the integration of AptPlot with SNAP 4.0.0.
  • The plug-in was updated to no longer rely on the use of deprecated methods.

Version 2.8.0 - Internal Release

Version 2.7.3 - Released 9/4/2020:

  • The display label for the Model Options property that disables the TRACE SCRAM trip in a coupled TRACE/PARCS case has been updated to improve clarity.

Version 2.7.2 - Released 8/10/2020:

  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support PARCS input specification version 3.3.2. These updates include the following:
    • The Transient component was updated to include nmaxtran on the N_ITERS_TR card. This word controls the total number of time steps that reach itr_tr_out before execution stops with an error message.
    • The Model Options component has been updated to support the following PARCS v.3.3.2 CNTL Block features:
        - The SEARCH card's pc_srch_max and pc_srch_min properties. These properties define upper and lower limits for boron searches.
      • - The RUN_OPTS card's range_warn property.
      • - The CPLD_CNTL card's cpld_bypass and cpld_wrods properties.  These properties control code coupling for bypass and water rod densities.
      • - The TH component was updated to support the new LIQ_T and LIQ_H type cards. These cards define the polynomial terms for the liquid temperature and liquid enthalpy functions.
      • - The TH component CDC_DAT card (defines the parameters associated with the bypass and water rod regions of the core) was updated to include new words byp_unif_rho and wr_unif_rho. These new words are testing inputs which define density values for the bypass and water rods.
    • The Parameters component has been updated to support the following PARCS v.3.3.2 PARAM Block features:
      • - The FLUX_LIMIT card: This card controls the flux limits in the core and the quantity of nodes that may be outside the limits.
      • - The CMFD card's cmfd_coarse_grp_itr and cmfd_find_grp_itr properties: These properties control the two group and fine group CMFD acceleration
      • - The DECUSP card's decusp3anm property: This property is a flag for the 3-node ANM control rod de-cusping solution.
      • - The NODAL_KERN card's SENM kernel type.
      • - The NPSN card's convention for specifying the old NEMMG or SP3 solvers by placing a negative sign before the npn integer.
      • - The NPSN card's if2ndtdrtv property: This property is a flag for including the time derivative of the 2nd moment in the transport solution.
    • GEOM card EXTRP_DIST now includes new word extradxy (Radius (cm) from the reactor central axis at which to apply the extrapolation distances for each group-wise value.).
    • The XS Data component has been updated to support the following PARCS v.3.3.2 XSEC Block features:
      • - The PERT_BETA card: This card provides a multiplier for the delayed neutron fraction (beta).
      • - The XS_LIMITS card: This card provides a flag for enabling cross section absorption, transport, and scattering tests, and defines the  lower and upper limits for the tests.
    • An issue was resolved that prevented DELCR data components from being created via the Navigator.
    • The Core Depletion component has been updated to support the PARCS v.3.3.2 DEPL Block INP_OPT card's lburn property. This property is a flag for reading the depletion data.
  • An issue was resolved that could prevent PARCS models from being properly exported in Python Directed streams when the Model Options property "Restart Option" was set to "Explicit Filename". This property will now always be treated as if it were set to "Define in Job Stream" for the purposes of models used in Python Directed streams.
  • An issue was resolved that could prevent Paths components from being created via the Navigator.
  • The Decusping Data table editor has been updated to be consistent with other SNAP table editors.
  • The TRACE and PARCS plug-ins were updated to support TRACE-PARCS Coupled Python Directed Job Streams. This new functionality makes it simple for analysts to create and submit TRACE-PARCS job streams using python streams. This new functionality supports coupled jobs which rely on both external files and SNAP built med models. A new TRACE Sample Coupled_TraceParcs_Python_Streams was included to demo this new capability.
  • The Use EFF DOPLT property has been updated to be enabled when the Code Flavor is set to Coupled.
  • An issue has been resolved which would prevent text from indenting correctly in ASCII views.
  • Several small docstring errors were corrected in the PARCS code support module for Python directed streams.

Version 2.7.1 - Released 7/26/2020:

  • Support has been added for interacting with the PARCS plug-in in Python directed job streams.

Version 2.7.0 - Released 3/4/2020:

  • Updated to work with Java 11. Methods that have been deprecated in Java 11 have been refactored to use the appropriate Java 11 equivalent.

Version 2.6.8 - Released 11/08/2019:

  • The initial sizing for the core geometry editor is now set to a more appropriate sizing such that the display is not squished in the view.
  • Compatibility updates for SNAP 3.0.2.

Version 2.6.7 - Released 1/15/2019:

  • The PARCS job step has been updated to resolve an issue which would prevent downstream tasks from running if the depletion package is not active.
  • The PARCS model has been modified to support undoing the enabling and disabling of the packages.
  • The control rod bank records have been updated to export on single lines when the version is set to 3.3 or greater.

Version 2.6.6 - Released 11/27/2018:

  • The cross section ASCII export behavior has been updated to always include cross-sections when the function type is inactive, and cross-sections have been defined.
  • The function type editor in the main cross section component has been updated to display the text "Unspecified" in red when the function type is active but has not been set.
  • An issue with the function type editor has been resolved which would cause an error when changing active function type, and prevent the function change from being undoable.
  • The cross section file editor in the general cross section data has been updated to support undoing and redoing the activation checkbox.
  • A minor job stream issue has been resolved where models could include built-in cross section files in the job stream submission when the built-in cross sections are disabled.

Version 2.6.5 - Released 11/20/2018:

  • The Core ASCII export logic has been updated to require the nztr and nzbr fields on the GEO_DIM card for version 3.3 and higher. Additionally, the card export order was updated to ensure that all the required cards are exported first.
  • The Core Geometry 2D Rendering displays have been updated to preserve their size as the core configuration changes and will now also resize appropriately.

Version 2.6.4 - Released 11/9/2018:

  • The planar reqion editing dialog was updated to resolve an issue which would prevent selection of cross-section data.

Version 2.6.3 - Released 11/7/2018:

  • The display label for the dependent column of the rod bank movement table has been updated to display the correct units, "steps," when the "isaccel" property for the table is set to 0.

Version 2.6.2 - Released 10/29/2018:

  • ASCII Contexts have been updated for Core Geometry GRID properties to be more granular and open appropriate editors for the underlying data.
  • The logic that generates the TH section header has been updated to resolve an issue where the header would be included with no records.

Version 2.6.1 - Released 8/16/2018:

  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support PARCS V. 3.3.1 Some of the updates include:
    • New DECAY_HEAT option dcy_mult (decay heat calculation multiplier).
    • Enumerated value support for fixed Xenon/Samarium read in from the restart file
    • Help description text for history distribution values phst, pths, pxesm and other attributes.
  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to include support for context sensitive ASCII, and the Validation Window. The ASCII views will now have contexts which identify the location in the PARCS components which are responsible for editing those properties.
  • The cross sections data structures were optimized in order to resolve an issue which could prevent cross section data from being edited.

Version 2.6.0 - Released 4/20/2018:

  • The PARCS plug-in has been updated to support code version 3.3.1. This version is available through the Input Version property of Model Options. The previous developmental version of PARCS has been labeled PARCS V 3.2 M21.

Version 2.4.6 - Released 11/21/2017:

  • The model differencing logic has been updated to exclude job stream components when job streams are disabled.
  • The PARCS plug-in has been updated to support the inclusion of referenced accessory files when submitting a PARCS model as part of a Job Stream Sequence.
  • An issue was resolved that could prevent coupled TRACE / PARCS jobs from executing through job streams when the PARCS restart file is not included.

Version 2.4.5 - Released 7/17/2017:

  • The PARCS plug-in developmental version has been updated to PARCS v32m21. This includes adding the following inputs:
    • The thermo-hydraulic component has been updated to support overriding the derived flow area and hydraulic diameters using the HD_FA card.
    • Support has been added for the BPRA rods. The depletion component was updated to include a flag for tracking the history of BPRA type rods, and the control rod banks were modified to include a flag for selecting which rod banks are BPRA type rods.

Version 2.4.4 - Released 4/6/2017:

  • The PATHS component ASCII import logic has been updated to fix issues encountered importing a coupled PATHS case that includes the channel type array data without non-fuel channel nodes included.
  • The PATHS channel type editing dialog was updated to hide the area and hydraulic diameter columns when those values are defined as varying axially.

Version 2.4.3 - Released 12/2/2016:

  • The PARCS plug-in has been updated to support version V3.2 Mod 19 of the PARCS analysis code. The geometry package has been updated to include the new boundary condition options and data.
  • The Core Depletion "PMAX Files" editing dialog was updated to make entering and modifying PMAX file paths more intuitive.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented PMAXS_F records from being written properly for PMAXS files with relative paths set to "Copy".
  • An issue has been resolved which prevented executing stand-alone PARCS cases using an external file for the PARCS model.

Version 2.4.2 - Released 10/5/2016:

  • An issue was resolved that could prevent coupled TRACE / PARCS jobs from executing through job streams when the PARCS restart file is not included.

Version 2.4.1 - Released 8/12/2016:

  • The PARCS plug-in was modified to always write out PMAX file locations as absolute paths when the Copy option is not selected. This ensures that the PMAX file reference is valid when being submitted to a job stream.
  • An issue was resolved with the PARCS plug-in that would cause PMAX files to be copied to the working directory when the Copy option is not selected. This affected coupled and stand-alone PARCS runs.
  • The TRACE job stream execution wrapper was updated to resolve PMAX file locations into a local path when submitting a coupled TRACE / PARCS job.
  • An issue was resolved that would cause errors in a PARCS job stream when opening a PARCS model while no valid PARCS applications are defined.

Version 2.4.0 - Released 4/13/2016:

  • Support has been added for the PARCS version 3.2m17 input specification. The model version can be set in Model Options, or when selecting a file for ASCII import. The default model version value is defined in the PARCS preferences in the Model Options preferences dialog.
  • The PARCS plug-in now supports a PATHS only mode, where the only data defined is a PATHS component model.
  • The PATHS component has been modified to support PATHS models using hex geometry. Thefor hex geometry models with PATHS component data defined has been updated to improve the graphical editing behavior.
  • The ASCII import logic for models that use the planar regions input has been modified to support cross sections that are not included in the Kinetics XS Data compositions.
  • The core geometry has been updated to better support the 120 degree hexagonal model. Support was added for the A vs B symmetry option for 120 degree hex models, and the top-down views of the PARCS core have been updated to properly lay out the 120 degree nodes
  • The TH package was updated to ensure that when coupled with TRACE, only valid FDBK records are enabled, and included in the model.

Version 2.3.0 - Released 8/12/2015:

  • Several minor issues were resolved that prevented compiling with Java version 7. Java 7 or newer is now required to run SNAP.
  • The engineering units of the PARCS plug-in have been updated to match the units defined in the latest PARCS users manual.
  • Changed the display name of Guide Outer Radius to fix a typo.
  • Changed the display name of Switch Time Expand to remove a duplicated display name.
  • Changed the display label for density units to include the superscript for the power over cm.
  • Support has been added to handle reading/writing/editing type 2 detectors. These detectors can be specified anywhere in the core at any orientation. Previously, the only supported detector types were the LPRM detectors for the BWR which were located at the corners of fuel assemblies.
  • The cross-section data has been modified to unify the editing dialogs for base macro cross section data and the corresponding change rates when not using the multi-group option.
  • The cross-section editing dialog has been updated to improve the display appearance.
  • An issue has been resolved which would prevent undo / redo from working correctly with the general cross section, general rod bank, Main PFF Data, and the FMFD data.
  • An issue was resolved which would prevent the axial lengths along the Z axis from being edited for hexagonal geometry models.

Version 2.2.10 - Released 4/30/2014:

  • An issue has been resolved which would prevent copying over cross-section benchmark files when the file location has been specified by the user.
  • The job stream submission logic has been updated to support supplying the same cross-section benchmark file for multiple benchmark types (rodded & unrodded etc).

Version 2.2.9 - Released 2/27/2014:

  • The depletion package has been updated to support defining PMAX files with spaces included in the filenames.
  • The core geometry component has been updated to resolve errors that were encountered when importing large full core hexagonal geometry models.
  • The rendering panels for displaying hexagonal core geometries have been updated to use a red-green colorblind safe color pallet, and to resolve issues with the layout of hexagonal geometries, including node selection using the mouse.
  • The cross-section data component was updated to initialize the number of cross sections for Function type 150 based on the sum of the Unrodded Xsec Sets and Rodded Xsec Sets.

Version 2.2.8 - Released 12/20/2013:

  • A TRACE job step issue was resolved that prevented the PARCS restart file from being defined in the job stream for a coupled TRACE PARCS run in an engineering template.

Version 2.2.7 - Released 9/12/2013:

  • The depletion component was updated to resolve an issue where the 0th step of a control-rod-worth search run included an invalid input history file reference.

Version 2.2.6 - Released 7/19/2013:

  • The PARCS ASCII export logic has been modified to write out the SNAPID field in the model heading section instead of with the control cards. Please note that the PARCS User's Manual has not yet been updated to reflect this change.
  • Options have been added to Model Options control how the restart and depletion history files are handled. The Restart Option property in Model Options has been changed to a drop-down list that includes three options: Off, Explicit Filename, and Define in Job Streams. When the Explicit Filename option is selected, the Restart File property is enabled, and the file specified will be automatically included during job stream submission. When the Define in Job Streams option is selected, this card will be exported with the filename set to a placeholder. The filename placeholder will be replaced with the connected file from the job stream during execution. If no file is connected, this record will be removed from the input. If an input is supplied from an external file reference, it will behave as though the Define In Job Streams option is selected. The Use INP_HST property in the Depletion component is now a drop-down list that includes three options: Off, Explicit Filename, and Define in Job Streams. When the Explicit Filename option is selected, the History File property is enabled, and the file specified will be automatically included during job stream submission. When the Define in Job Streams option is selected, this card will be exported with the filename set to a placeholder. The filename placeholder will be replaced with the connected file from the job stream during execution. If no file is connected, this record will be removed from the input. If an input is supplied from an external file reference, it will behave as though the Define In Job Streams option is selected.
  • An issue was resolved that could result in an invalid error message being reported on the depletion component when the timestep data is set to use burnup.

Version 2.2.5 - Released 7/11/2013:

  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support version 32m11.
  • The pop-up help descriptions were updated for the following cards: TH_FDBK, XE_SM, EXT_TH, WIELANDT, CMFD, TIME_STEP (TRAN), CDC_DED (FDBK), TIME_STEP(DEPL)
  • Support was added for for the following new properties:
    • SNAPID: snapid is printed into dep file and is for SNAP use only.
    • TRANSIENT property inicr: Flag to force transient start from a critical state.
    • TREE_XS property Lzdf: Z-direction discontinuity factor.
    • THETA property nordprec: Order of precusor approximation.
    • CORE_MASS: total heavy metal mass in reactor core in MT, used by SNAP.

Version 2.2.4 - Released 6/11/2013:

  • The PARCS job step has been updated to allow defining the depletion history input file for control rod group search runs. The control rod worth search PARCS execution has been updated to use relative file locations instead of an absolute file locations for the additional input file names generated during execution.

Version 2.2.3 - Released 4/11/2013:

  • The rod-worth search calculation was updated to correct an error calculating rod-worth for single rod out cases.
  • The sorting algorithm was updated to consider rod-worth differences smaller than E-14 as equivalent.
  • The rod-worth search summary report was updated to display control rod grouping in ascending order.
  • The PARCS FileTypes class was updated to include a Generic HTML file type, which was then set on the report output of the ParcsKeffectiveJobStep. The HTML summary report generated by this job step can now be opened in a web browser directly from Job Status.

Version 2.2.2 - Released 4/9/2013:

  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to adhere to the Java 7 API specification.
  • The NEACRP sample model for the PARCS plug-in has been updated to work with newer PARCS stand alone executables.
  • An issue was resolved in the Control Rod Group Search feature that prevented the Core Depletion -> PMAXS Files -> "Copy" option from being deactivated automatically. This issue caused PMAX files to be incorrectly duplicated and retained after the CRGS run completed.
  • The "Include Duplicate Rod Sets" option was added to the PARCS job step when executing a Control Rod Group Search. This option determines whether the control rod group search will include calculations with duplicate rod sets (e.g. {1,2,3} and {2,3,1}).
  • An application definition for the PARCS K-effective extraction tool will be automatically generated when launching SNAP.
  • An issue was resolved where the Core Geometry hexagonal symmetry angle was not being displayed in the property view.

Version 2.2.1 - Released 3/29/2013:

  • The PARCS top-down core display beans were modified to resolve an issue that caused the display beans to shrink to an unuseable size. Additionally the validation of planar level cross-section input in the Core component was modified to prevent reporting errors for valid input.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented PARCS models from being used in an Engineering Template model.
  • The PARCS plug-in has been modified to include a job step, and executable jar file for building a K-Effective report after a parametric PARCS job step.
  • The "Keep Results" property was added to the PARCS job step when using the Control Rod Group Search feature. This property allows the user to limit the amount of disk space used by the search by retaining the "Summary Only" (default) or to increase the spaced used to diagnose runtime issues. The "Summary and Inputs" option adds the PARCS input files to those retained after execution. The "All Files" retains the summary files, the PARCS input files, as well as the files output from every PARCS calculation performed by the search.
  • The plots and summary created by the PARCS control rod group search feature were updated to display the predicted and upper bound values as "worth" rather than "k-eff".
  • The "predicted worth" wad added to the final plot created by the PARCS control rod group search.
  • The PARCS plug-in should support defining the duration either as an array of Days, or an array of Burnup fields, and convert between the two values using the optional heavy metal mass property.
  • The core geometry dialog has been updated to allow selecting the assembly type numbers defined inside the core when the core contains assembly types.
  • The editing dialogs for the control rod bank locations have the X and Y axis swapped when compared to the ASCII I/O.

Version 2.2.0 - Released 1/8/2013:

  • Support has been added for a rod-search case. This case enables a rod-search calculation when a stand-alone PARCS model is submitted to PARCS.
  • The ASCII import logic for parsing large sequential table rows has been updated to support tabular data delimited with tabs.
  • The ASCII I/O routines for model options have been updated to prevent writing out control rod bank positions for candu reactors in the BANK_POSB card.
  • The additional properties of the external therm-hydraulic card are disabled when the flag is set to False.
  • Support has been added for the CR_WORTH card of model options.
  • An field has been added to model options which disables the control rod bank initial position in the model.
  • The ASCII export logic of the core component was updated to support assembly types with two or more digits for the type name.
  • The core component was modified to resolved an issue where duplicate control rod banks could be added if CUSTOM_CR fields exist.
  • The assembly type label for assembly types in the geometry package now support a default value which is not included in the input file.
  • The PMAX file location can now be specified in two ways: with a simple relative or absolute file path (identical to the previous method) or with a protocol-prefixed URI. When the path specifies a protocol, it indicates a URI used to locate the file during stream execution. This URI may use any custom file accessors available to streams, such as the local file accessor, the Calculation Server file accessor, etc.. When a job stream is processing a PARCS step, it will attempt to locate any files using a prefixed URI and substitute the absolute path to the PMAX file.

Version 2.1.2 - Released 9/5/2012:

  • An issue has been resolved in the CORE package where after ASCII import, CORE assembly type references to PMAX files in the depletion package were lost. This only affects models that use the ASSY_TYPE data in the CORE component.
  • The dialog used to select cross-sections (PMAX Files) for the assembly types in the CORE package has been updated to resolve an issue which prevented the selection from being recognized.
  • The PARCS execution wrapper was updated to resolve an issue that would write an error to the log file if a file in the working directory did not have a file extension.

Version 2.1.1 - Released 6/18/2012:

  • Support has been added for sets of depletion cases which can be appended to the end of an input file. Each Depletion Case object in the model represents a set of depletion data. The Depletion Case can be selected in the Model nodes of a Job Stream; this results in the full model being exported with the depletion data appended to the bottom of the file.
  • The table based GUI custom dialogs have been updated to ensure that pressing the OK button while the table editor is still active sets the current value before closing the dialog.
  • The PATHS component has been updated to support the two methods of defining channel type supported by stand-alone PARCS. The plug-in has been modified to support defining multiple PATHS components within a model. Only one PATHS component can be selected for inclusion in the ASCII export. Selecting one PATHS component automatically de-selects all other PATHS components.
  • The PARCS model has been updated to include a field which indicates that the model is either a stand-alone PARCS model, or a model that is coupled with TRACE. This flag enables the PATHS components and the depletion cases when set to Stand Alone.

Version 2.1.0 - Released 1/17/2012:

  • Support has been provided for PATHS (A Steady State Two-Phase Thermal Hydraulic Solver for PARCS Depletion) integration into the PARCS plug-in. This includes:
    • A separate PARCS component with ASCII view and other standard component features (diff, notes, etc)
    • Read/write routines for PATHs ASCII data.
    • Editors for easily configuring channel layout information (for both hex and cartesian core configurations)
    • Core dimensioning logic for ensuring appropriate channel configuration.
  • The Transient component was updated to resolve an error when first setting the scram option to use the table data.
  • The ASCII import logic for the transient component was updated to allow floating point representation of the scram input control option integer.
  • The Cross Sections inside the Main cross section component now have a boolean flag indicating that a given cross section should appear in the generated input model explicitly. This allows for references to cross-sections defined through PMAX files.
  • When importing a PARCS model, a cross section will be created for each PMAX file reference encountered when the depletion option is used.
  • The logic that controls importing the cross-section references inside a kinetics cross-section, and DELCR components have been updated to be more robust in the way inputs are parsed.
  • A warning message is now written out when the number of PMAX files is different from the number of cross-sections defined.
  • The boundary condition flags have been updated to allow a -1 value to identify a "periodic" boundary condition.

Version 2.0.5 - Released 8/16/2011:

  • The ASCII export of the BANK_POS card was corrected to no longer line wrap after 50 values.
  • Support for the WHIT_NOI card was updated to remove its dependency on EXCI_MOD.
  • Support for the WNFSMOOTH property was added to the WHIT_NOI card.

Version 2.0.4 - Released 7/11/2011:

  • The interactive option is now available for standalone PARCS job steps.
  • The Job Status animate option will now work for standalone PARCS jobs when an animation model is associated with a PARCS step.
  • An issue was resolved that caused the PARCS plug-in to retain a lock on ASCII files that it failed to import under some circumstances.
  • The PARCS step was updated to support file-set inputs when used by the AVF plug-in.

Version 2.0.3 - Released 4/1/2011:

  • Support has been provided for the GEOM section ALBEDO_[N][S][E][W][R] input data.
  • The DEPL section depletion time step data will now be written in compression format when appropriate.
  • An issue was resolved where DEPL inp_hst file was not being written to the execution directory during a stream submit.
  • The MOVE_BANK card can now be enabled/disabled through a user defined boolean.

Version 2.0.2 - Released 3/23/2011:

  • The Control Rod Bank component now supports a "Stuck" option which can be set to ensure the control rod bank position does not change.
  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to work with global units in the engineering template plug-in.
  • The maximum number of spatial modes for noise (EXCI_MOD) card now allows specification of a user-defined boolean. This allows the value to be toggled by a global variable in an engineering template.

Version 2.0.1 - Released 2/28/2011:

  • Support was added for including standalone PARCS Job Steps in Job Streams.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented importing relative file paths for properties such as the Neutronics T/H mapping table and cross section files.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented the Core Display annotations from appearing on the toolbar of 2D Views in PARCS models.
  • An issue was resolved where the GEOM block SYMMETRY card was not being parsed for Cartesian core configurations.

Version 2.0.0 - Released 2/4/2011:

  • Updated to support the new SNAP 2.0 functionality including Job Stream support and headless capability.
  • The core-geometry dialogs have been updated to open with better initial sizing.
  • The external file references in a PARCS model have been updated to support relative paths.
  • The ASCII importing logic for the kinetics cross-section component has been updated to be more robust.
  • Support was added for the COSS_RELAX model property card.
  • An issue was resolved where the TH component sometimes failed to write the INP_THF card.

Version 1.2.3 - Released 9/29/2010:

  • An issue was resolved where specifying a custom maptab file to include in a resource bundle would result in a zero length bundle file.
  • Additional logic was added to the resource bundle export to ensure temporary files are deleted.

Version 1.2.2 - Released 8/18/2010:

  • The ASCII read/write routines and editors were updated to provide support for the MSLB 14 cross section benchmark case.
  • Support was added for the new cross section file references available on the FUNC_TYPE card.
  • Several issues related to support for hexagonal geometries were addressed. This was only partially implemented in the previous version. An issue was resolved where the core hexagonal 2D geometry dialog did not display the correct number of hexagonal rings for 360 degree symmetry core configurations. The core component ASCII import/export routines and assembly rotation editor now support assembly rotation input for hexagonal geometries. The core assembly editor was updated to allow referencing PMAX files as planar compositions for hexagonal core geometry.
  • The core component ASCII import/export routines and assembly definition editor now support specification of assembly type.
  • A read issue was resolved where the PARAM block LSOLVER (linear solver) card attributes precond and ngmresvec were not handled properly. These values are now set to their appropriate defaults when not provided.
  • An issue was resolved where the detector axial location data was not being edited/exported properly. A new property editor and editing dialog were added under the core component properties.
  • The file selection property editor used to select optional external files such as PMAX and MAPTAB was updated to indicate when the associated property is disabled.
  • An issue was resolved where the generated PARCS bundle used for coupled PARCS/TRACE cases did not include the maptab mapping file specified in the export dialog.
  • The ASCII importer was updated to accept integer values which end with a decimal point character.
  • The ASCII importer was updated to allow reading block data located in non-contiguous regions in the file.
  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support model diff viewer comparisons for individual component selections and models.

Version 1.2.0 - Released 1/8/2010:

  • The Calculation Server interaction logic was updated to support the new CAFEAN RPC communication package in SNAP 1.2.0.

Version 1.1.2 - Released 12/8/2009:

  • The TH input block as been renamed to FDBK in accordance with the latest version of PARCS 3.0.
  • Support was added for the new CDC_DAT card located in the FDBK input block.
  • Support was added for the new crbsteps input located on the CR_AXINFO card.

Version 1.1.1 - Released 11/3/2009:

  • The following editors were updated to resolve an indexing issue which occurred when adding or removing items:
    - Core Depletion, PMAX Files
    - Plot Input, General Plot Data
    - Plot Input, Axial Plot Data
    - Plot Input, RECT Plot Data

Version 1.1.0 - Released 11/2/2009:

  • The PARCS plug-in file I/O routines have been modified to greatly improve performance, and to significantly reduce the size of the resulting MED files.
  • The PARCS plug-in was updated to support the PARCS version 3.0 input specification. An input specification version flag has been added to model options. This flag allows a user to edit data according to either the 2.7 or 3.0 input specification.
  • Support was added for the new TRANSIENT value kinopt. This value defines the type of kinetics modeling the calculation will perform.
  • The LSOLVER card attribute linearsolver now defaults to 2.
  • ASCII import/export routines and editors were added for neutronic meshes per bundle, control rod composition guide tube, and SCRAM time/velocity pair data.
  • Editing support has been provided for the additional coolant density correction option (CDC_DED) types.

Version 1.0.3 - Released 10/8/2009:

  • An issue was resolved which prevented saving/loading the core geometry view components.

Version 1.0.2 - Released 3/23/2009:

  • An issue was resolved that prevented plotting PARCS channel data in AptPlot/Acgrace directly from an animation display.

Version 1.0.1 - Released 2/27/2009:

  • An issue was resolved with importing/exporting the CRSRCH and DETECTOR input cards.

Version 1.0.0 - Released 12/5/2008:

  • The PARCS plug-in import routines, export routines, and editors were updated to support PARCS version 3.0.
  • The PARCS plug-in was converted to use the new CAFEAN Numerics Library for sharing floating point values (reals) as well as some integers and tables. These shared values can be assigned to a property in the Properties View by pressing the numerics selection button to the right of the value. With this new system "Numerics" can now be copied/pasted between models along with the components that use them. Note: Models created with PARCS plug-in 0.5.2 and earlier will be converted to the new system the first time they're opened. This conversion includes User Defined Numerics, Views, Model Documents, etc.
  • The Attribute Level Documentation reference feature was added to the PARCS plug-in. Model Notes can now be attached directly to nearly any property in a PARCS model.

Version 0.5.2 - Released 5/7/2008:

  • Added support for disabling the PMAX file reference in the DEPL component.
  • Added error messages when file references inside PARCS point to non- existing files, or files which cannot be read.

Version 0.5.1 - Released 1/31/2008:

  • The PARCS resource bundle export dialog was modified to include an optional MAPTAB themo-hydraulic mapping file in the bundle.

Version 0.5.0 - Released 12/21/2007:

  • Several dialogs were updated to ensure current edits are completed when the dialog is closed. This eliminates the need to hit the enter key prior to hitting the 'OK' or 'Close' button on the dialog.
  • Updated to support the new Model Error Report dialog available in SNAP 0.27.0.

Version 0.4.0 - Released 11/21/2007:

  • Added support for the PARCS Thermal Hydraulics Coupling Plug-in.
  • Fixed ASCII import/export routines for CANDU model rod bank positions.

Version 0.3.7 - 10/24/2007:

  • A right-click popup plotting option was added which allows plotting table data in APTPlot from most PARCS table editors.  A plot selection dialog has been provided which defines the independent variable and  associated dependent variables which are to be plotted.
  • Added a custom editor for the DEPL timestep information.
  • An issue was resolved that could result in the progress monitor hanging during PARCS ASCII import.
  • CNTL component I/O code was updated to include PARCS version 2.71 definitions.
  • Support was added for PARCS 2.71 DEPL timestep properties.
  • Component documentation links were updated to reference the PARCS 2.71 users manual.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented assigning user defined numerics to PARCS real value properties.
  • Additional editors and I/O updates were included to support the PARCS 2.71 user's manual updates.

UPDATE 10/23/2006:

  • An issue was resolved that caused the plot file cache to be rebuilt each time a PARCS job was loaded.

UPDATE 10/9/2006:

  • An issue was resolved that would cause the plot file cache to be written to an incorrect location for jobs created by importing a MUX file directly.

UPDATE 9/18/2006:

  • Updated to work with under the new SNAP 0.25.0 Runtime.

UPDATE 4/27/2006:

  • Copy/Paste functionality was added to the PARCS plug-in tables.

UPDATE 2/16/2006:

  • User manual document references were added for the individual PARCS components.
  • Custom editors were implemented for Core detector components.
  • The input/output routines for detector data were updated.
  • Fixed an issue where cross section comments were not being processed correctly.
  • An issue was resolved in the control rod bank editor that prevented selections from being cancelled.
  • HEXGEOM user comments are now exported to the ASCII deck.
  • Added functionality to export PARCS benchmark cases, and if desired, the appropriate benchmark files.
  • An issue was resolved which caused an error when deleteing components in the AssemblyTableDialog.
  • Fixed a bug where the core hexogonal control rod editor was not color coding the control rod bank locations.
  • The GEOM ASSY_TYPE variable now exports to ASCII using the expanded format.
  • Fixed a bug where the control rod bank CRB_DEF values were outputting an internal key instead of its appropriate component number.
  • Resolved an issue that caused invalid data to be imported from ASCII for the FMFD Planar pin planes data.
  • Added support for reading and writing PARCS restart decks.
  • External files referenced by absolute paths are now handled properly for ASCII import and export.
  • Resolved an error with the resource file selection editor which was not highlighting the currently specified file.
  • Added a custom editor for CANDU vertical control rod banks configuration.
  • Added a custom editor for the CANDU vertical control rod banks type configuration
  • Set the core type specification to optional.
  • Modified the TH_MESHX/Y/Z values to be output in expansion format
  • Added a shortcurt method for assigning a TH Mesh.
  • Paste functionality from the clipboard to the Rectangular core configuration dialogs was implemented.
  • The INP_HST file is now copied on export and job submission if requested.
  • PMAX files are now copied on export and job submission if requested.
  • Added a core assembly rotation editor (ROT_ADF)

UPDATE 1/13/2006:

  • Added runtime and post-processing support. Note: Modifications to PARCS are required to output plot data needed for animation.
  • The PARAM section is now output immediatly after the CNTL section, solving an issue where PARCS was not  dimensioning cross section array data properly.
  • Resolved improper formatting of the PLANAR_REG card on export.
  • Added optional values for the TIME_STEP attributes, resolving an issue where unknown values were being exported.
  • Added an editor allowing the assignment of planar pins on the planar region configuration data in the GEOM section.
  • Added a copy file editor for the planar pin cross section data files, providing working directory storage of data files during job submission.
  • Functionality was included to remove the XSEC data from the navigator if FMFD data was enabled, and vice-versa.
  • Resolved an issue with card CR_AXINFO containing an unknown value in some circumstances.
  • An issue was resolved which had the GEOM card BANK_CONF being output in all circumstances.
  • Added functionality to the downscatter editor which now enables the specification of either the downscatter matrix data or both upscatter and downscatter data.
  • Resolved an issue in the ALBEDO cards which was not accepting an array of albedo values as valid data.
  • Resolved a mispelling of the GEO_DIM card, was exporting as GEOM_DIM.
  • Added functionality to specify print option #15, enabling the print options for a harmonics case.
  • Fixed an issue with the RAD_CONF card in GEOM where attribute isolang should have been set namelist.
  • An issue was resolved in the XSEC section cards ADF and CDF, continuation values were not allowed.
  • Resolved an issue with PFF_RODDED data being output incorrectly.
  • Added the ability to import and export cards FISS_SPECD and EFF_DOPLT.
  • Resolved an issue with the DELCR_BASE and NEUT_VEL card which were not handled correctly when the multigroup option in the XSEC section was enabled.
  • Added support for the 'hardwired' VVER benchmark case.