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RELAP5 to TRACE Conv Plug-in Change Log

Version 3.4.7 - Released 7/8/2024:

  • An issue was resolved that did not allow deleting a vessel from the Trace Conversion Vessels tabbed pane.

Version 3.4.6 - Released 4/24/2024:

  • The Multi Junction TRACE component converter was updated to support converting to a TRACE multi junction component as well as several single junction components.
  • The Hydro Connection Angle conversion was updated to use degrees instead of radians. This supports and update to the TRACE plugin that modified the hydro connection angle to always be in degrees.

Version 3.4.5 - Released 11/3/2023:

  • The R5 to TRACE conversion plug-in has been updated to support selecting V5.0 Patch 8 as a target version.

Version 3.4.4 - Released 2/16/2023:

  • Updated the RELAP to TRACE trip converter to accept the Logical Trip Operator enumeration
  • An issue has been resolved that would prevent converting a combined TDJ/TDV pair into a TRACE Fill component.
  • The view conversion behavior was updated to resolve an error converting control blocks that show text annotations

Version 3.4.2 - Released 11/23/2020:

  • The R5 to TRACE conversion plug-in has been updated to support selecting V5.0 Patch 6 as a target version.

Version 3.4.1 - Released 10/6/2020:

  • The junction flow control word and the cell initial condition flags have been updated to support referencing an Integer SNAP variable.
  • The RELAP plug-in has been updated to resolve an issue which could cause the Model Options property view to become unresponsive if a model has many initial condition sets.

Version 3.4.0 - Released 3/4/2020:

  • Updated to work with Java 11. Methods that have been deprecated in Java 11 have been refactored to use the appropriate Java 11 equivalent.

Version 3.3.0 - Released 9/27/2019:

  • Updated to convert Time-dependent junctions to pump types 8 and 9 when converting to a TRACE P5 Dev version.
  • Updated to initialize the elevation change across fills and breaks when converting to a TRACE P5 Dev version.
  • The converter has been updated to always convert to elevation type IELV 2 unless the target TRACE version is set to base 5.0.

Version 3.2.6 - Released 10/29/2018:

  • The conversion behavior of time dependent volumes has been updated to prevent overriding a previously created pipe inlet or outlet.

Version 3.2.5 - Released 8/8/2017:

  • Updated to work with TRACE Plug-in Version 3.8.4.

Version 3.2.4 - Released 5/12/2016:

  • Updated to work with TRACE Plug-in Version 3.8.1.

Version 3.2.3 - Released 3/22/2016:

  • The material properties functional fit conversion logic was updated to match the material units update from TRACE Plugin version 3.5.5.

Version 3.2.2 - Released 11/25/2015:

  • The conversion logic for hydraulic connections was updated to support changes to the connection face data in Version 3.5.2 of the TRACE Plug-in.

Version 3.2.1 - Released 10/14/2015:

  • Added support for the conversion of steam controller, pump controller and feedwater controller control blocks. These controllers will generate an input control network the builds the error signal which is then fed through a PI controller. The PI controller will have the same control block number as the original controller.
  • An issue has been resolved which caused powered heatstructures to generate extra power components when a RELAP5 model is converted multiple times in the same Model Editor session.
  • The conversion dialog has been updated to include a list of the components in the model that cannot be converted. Unconvertable components will only be included for categories that are selected for conversion. The list of unconverted components will also be included in the final conversion report.
  • The vessel conversion utility has been updated to resolve errors that could prevent the UI from responding correctly when converting RELAP5 hydraulics into a TRACE vessel component.
  • The RELAP to TRACE conversion dialog and the report dialog have been updated to improve the user interface layout.

Version 3.2.0 - Released 8/12/2015:

  • Several minor issues were resolved that prevented compiling with Java version 7. Java 7 or newer is now required to run SNAP.
  • The heatstructure converter has been updated to resolve an issue where the reflood temperature arrays are not initialized correctly, and to initialize the fine mesh reflood flag when the reflood property in RELAP is set to a non-zero value.
  • The conversion utility has been updated to identify when a time dependent volume is connected to a time dependent junction, and convert the pair into a Fill component. The fill type generated is dependent on the combined properties of the time dependent junction and the time dependent volume. The junction's state data is used to build the liquid and vapor flow data of the Fill. The Time dependent volume is used to generate the fluid state data and the geometry data of the fill. If there is no fill type that supports the data as defined in RELAP, the time dependent junction will be converted to a pump, and the Time dependent volume will be converted to a break.

Version 3.1.2 - Released 1/27/2015:

  • The reactor kinetics converter has been updated to properly handle the reactivity table data. The delta K / K values are now properly converted to the units of dollars of reactivity. Additionally, when the source general table has a trip reference, the independent form of the TRACE table is set to the time-of-change option. This indicates that the independent variable form should be done as a time-of-change from when the trip is set to true.
  • The reactor kinetics converter has been updated to convert the moderator density and the Doppler reactivity tables into TRACE power component reactivity coefficient tables. The moderator density reactivity table is converted into the gas volume reactivity coefficient table, and the Doppler reactivity table is converted into the fuel temperature reactivity coefficient table. The reactivity coefficient type for these tables is set to [1] dK / Keff / da where a is the independent variable, and the gas volume units are set to [1] Void-weighted Moderator Density.

Version 3.1.1 - Released 8/19/2014:

  • The RELAP5 additive control block scale factor has been moved from the input connection to a sub block of the control directly. The control converter has been updated to obtain the scale factor from either location in order to support the new design as well as legacy models.
  • The RELAP5 logical trip input invert flag has been moved from the input connection to a sub-block of the trip directly. The trip converter has also been updated to obtain the trip invert from either location.

Version 3.1.0 - Released 7/17/2014:

  • The control block R5 to TRACE conversion logic was updated to ensure that the order of connections for division control blocks with two inputs is modified to result in the correct numerator and denominator identification.
  • The logic that determines which type code to use for summer control blocks has been updated. When exporting a summer control block with two inputs and non-unity input weights the control will be written as a type 103 if either the constant 1 (Additive Constant) or Constant 2 (Initial value) field are set to non-zero values. This replaces the behavior where only the Additive Constant field was used.
  • Signal variable input sources are now controlled via a connection instead of a direct reference. Components that are used as the source reference for a signal variable will contain a list of Signal Input Connections in the Navigator.

Version 3.0.6 - Released 4/1/2014:

  • Updated the installer dependency list to include the RELAP5-3D plug-in.

Version 3.0.5 - Released 6/11/2013:

  • The model conversion logic was updated to support the new signal variable and control block hierarchy added to Version 3.2.8 of the TRACE plug-in.

Version 3.0.4 - Released 10/31/2012:

  • The heat structure radial mesh conversion logic was updated to resolve an issue which could fail to convert the radial mesh of heat structures that contains more than one material type.
  • The heat structure boundary condition conversion logic was updated to identify the heat structures that use boundary flag 1000, and use the boundary general table to initialize the surface temperature. The boundary general table is used as the surface temperature table in TRACE.
  • The model conversion logic was updated to identify heatstructure radial mesh that follow a calculated format (equally distributed, or geometric sequence), and set the radial mesh calculation flag correctly.

Version 3.0.3 - Released 9/5/2012:

  • The heat structure conversion logic was updated to work with the new radial mesh data structures in version 3.2.4 of the TRACE Plug-in.
  • The valve conversion logic was updated to extract the correct value for the initial state of a check valve that uses a user defined integer to specify the open state.

Version 3.0.2 - Released 4/30/2012:

  • The Separator conversion model has been updated to ensure that the ALPSMN and ALPSMX variables are set to the default values expected in TRACE.

Version 3.0.1 - Released 7/11/2011:

  • Updated to resolve an error converting the functional fit data for RELAP5 volumetric heat capacity input to specific heat in TRACE.

Version 3.0.0 - Released 2/4/2011:

  • Updated to support the new SNAP 2.0 functionality including Job Stream support and headless capability.

Version 2.0.12 - Released 9/29/2010:

  • The separator component conversion logic has been updated to ensure that the VOVER and VUNDER variables are correctly converted to the TRACE ALPMIN and ALPMAX values.

Version 2.0.11 - Released 7/16/2010:

  • The logic that controls converting fluid condition properties for hydraulic components has been updated. The condition logic was to provide better support for converting volumes containing non-condensibles.

Version 2.0.10 - Released 5/20/2010:

  • The logic for converting the state data for hydraulic component cells was updated to resolve an issue that could cause a negative pressure or partial pressure to be set on a TRACE cell.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented converting RELAP5 heat structures that have a spherical geometry.

Version 2.0.9 - Released 11/19/2009:

  • The R52TR plug-in was updated work with the RELAP5 plug-in now allowing plot, edit, and restart frequencies to be set to user-defined integers.
  • The logic that controls converting TDJs was modified to prevent setting the choking flag on the resulting TRACE pump components.

Version 2.0.8 - Released 10/8/2009:

  • The model documentation added to the converted model has been revised. Instead of each component containing a note detailing the conversion results, a single model level note is added that lists the RELAP and resulting TRACE components. Individual notes are still added to any component that encountered an error during the conversion process.
  • The view conversion process was modified to preserve the associated component references contained in annotations.

Version 2.0.7 - Released 8/21/2009:

  • The general table conversion logic was modified to guarantee the correct table type in the TRACE general tables.
  • The conversion logic was updated to handle junction choking options. If a junction in RELAP5 contains the choking flag, the TRACE namelist variable ICFLOW is activated, and set to "[2] Turned on at cell-edges", and the resulting TRACE edge has the ICFLG value is set to 1.

Version 2.0.6 - Released 7/17/2009:

  • The heat structure converter was modified to produce multiple heat structures in the resulting TRACE model when a source heat structure has different power source data along its length.
  • The logic for embedding general table data in control blocks, the reactor kinetics power, general tables, and spawned power components was updated to ensure that the scaling factors are applied during the conversion.

Version 2.0.5 - Released 5/12/2009:

  • The conversion logic for Trip valves was modified to prevent introducing an error in the valve position table.

Version 2.0.4 - Released 2/27/2009:

  • The time dependent junction conversion logic was modified to generate function control blocks for both liquid and vapor velocity inputs when both state table inputs are set to zero.
  • An issue was resolved with the report exporter dialog which prevented entering in a target file name.

Version 2.0.3 - Released 1/14/2009:

  • An issue was resolved which caused heat structures to spawn power components containing an incorrect number of power shape rows.
  • The pump component conversion logic was updated to handle pumps that use a pump reference to define their pump curve data.
  • The logic which spawns power components from heat structures was modified to use the heat structures axial nodalization to define the axial power shape locations.
  • The RELAP5-to-TRACE plug-in help set was added to the help facility.

Version 2.0.2 - Released 12/19/2008:

  • The view conversion logic was modified to correct component rendering issues following the conversion.
  • The 1D hydraulic TRACE component wall roughness is now converted by flow length averaging the RELAP5 cell wall roughness values.
  • The logic for converting mass flows to velocities for hydraulic components was improved. Please note that improved fluid properly routines will be needed to properly handle some cases.
  • The general table conversion logic was modified to convert a RELAP5 general table with a single table entry into a TRACE table with two entries.

Version 2.0.1 - Released 10/24/2008:

  • The R52TR plug-in has been modified to default to generating TRACE V 5.0 patch 1.

Version 2.0.0 - Released 9/4/2008:

  • The R52TRACE plug-in was converted to use the new CAFEAN Numerics Library to support the new RELAP5 and TRACE plug-ins.

Version 1.0.0 - Released 7/12/2008:

  • Signal variables created from the converter in TRACE are now numbered sequentially from 1 instead of attempting to set the component number based on the source component number.
  • The logic for defining the edge angle was modified to preserve the cell-center to cell-center dz of adjacent nodes when converting to a TRACE model that does not support the IELV=2 namelist variable.
  • The RELAP minor edit request variables EMASS and TMASS are converted to TRACE signal variables 130 and 124.
  • The resulting TRACE model version now defaults to the developmental version of TRACE.
  • The material component conversion logic was modified to insert constant values into the material table when available. Additionally when building a constant value from a functional fit entry, the TOFF, and TSTART values are set to 0.0 in the current temperature units.
  • The power conversion logic was modified to support the updated power shape data for TRACE Power.

Version 0.1.8 - Released 6/20/2008:

  • Signal variables created from the converter in TRACE are now numbered sequentially from 1 instead of attempting to set the component number based on the source component number.
  • The IELV=2 namelist variable option is defined when converting to a developmental version of TRACE. This initializes the cell angle directly from the RELAP5 cell angle.
  • The POWER component radial power fraction array RDPWR is initialized by the conversion process from the radial power source data in the first heat structure's radial geometry.
  • The NOFAT namelist variable is enabled and set true when the converted model fails the NOFAT validation test.
  • An issue was resolved with the separator conversion logic which incorrectly set the side tube edge angle to +90 deg.
  • Support was added for several new TRACE generic variables for the developmental version of TRACE, including massE and cMass.
  • QPPO and QPPI generic variables have an appropriate encoded location value.
  • An issue was resolved when merging single junction components into adjacent pipe components that prevented generic variables that refer to those single junctions from updating correctly to the pipe component junction.
  • An issue was resolved which caused edge signal variables on Time Dependent Junctions to have an invalid location number.

Version 0.1.7 - Released 5/7/2008:

  • Added support for the new generic signal variables added to TRACE V5.043 for RELAP5 minor edit requests.
  • The target TRACE model version (V5.0, etc...) can now be selected from the options pane by selecting the root node of the converter.

Version 0.1.6 - Released 1/31/2008:

  • The HTML report that is generated from the report dialog has been modified to be XHTML compliant.
  • The logic that controls converting junction friction properties was modified to set the TRACE namelist variable NFRC1 to 2 when a reverse friction value is encountered in the original model that differs from the forward friction value. Otherwise the TRACE model will not include reverse friction values.
  • The ICFLG edge values are set to 0 for all edges during the conversion, and the namelist variable ICFLOW is set to 2 for all model conversions.
  • An issue was resolved inside the pump conversion logic which corrupted pump curve data during the conversion.
  • Time dependent junctions were modified to define the abrupt area change flag (NFF=-1) only if the area flag (A) is set to 2 in RELAP.
  • An issue was resolved that caused errors when converting a RELAP5 model that contains closed views while in Multi-Window mode.

Version 0.1.5 - Released 12/21/2007:

  • Updated to support feature plug-in version info available in SNAP 0.27.0.

Version 0.1.4 - Released 10/23/2007:

  • Vessel conversion utility was added to the converter. This utility provides a means of converting a set of 1D RELAP5 hydraulic components into a TRACE Vessel component. A set of user defined options are used to customize the vessel geometry and 1D component mapping.
  • Reactor kinetics with a fission product decay set to  GAMMA-AC is now converted to a TRACE power component with a decay heat number set to 71.
  • Logic was added to merge single junction components connected to JUN1 or JUN2 hydraulic connections into the corresponding component edges.
  • An issue was resolved that could cause branch junction signal variables to be improperly converted.
  • Support was added for CCFL model conversion.
  • Power components spawned from RELAP5 heat structures that include source data now generate an axial power profile from the heat structure's axial power fractions.
  • The calculation type, Steady state vs Transient mode, is now included in the conversion process. This option can be overriden by the user by selecting the root node in the conversion options panel.
  • An issue was resolved that prevented interpolating the thermal-conductivity properties when merging the RELAP6 material tables.
  • RELAP5 volume and edge signal variables that do not specify a hydraulic component (parameter -1) are now excluded from the conversion process.
  • Column sorting was added to the report dialog.

Version 0.1.3 - Released 8/24/2007:

  • Support was added for converting the following RELAP signal  variables: VOIDF, VOLLEV, TMASSV, VVOL, HTRG  through generic (ISVN = 3) signal variables.
  • An issue was resolved that caused heat structure conversion to fail when a cell with no hydraulic connections is encountered.
  • The RELAP5 to TRACE Conversion help-set documentation has been incorporated into the plug-in.

Version 0.1.2 - Released 8/17/2007:

  • An issue was resolved that caused the initial value of control blocks to be set incorrectly.
  • The conversion logic for multiply blocks with only one input was modified to convert them to SUM blocks in TRACE.
  • A power component is now spawned when converting RELAP5 heat structures that have source data provided by a general table. The table data from the general table is embedded in the power table inside the Power component.
  • The converter for User interactive request variables was modified to initialize the cbgain and cbcon1 values of the resulting interactive constant.
  • The kinetics converter was modified to spawn a trip-time control block when setting the independent variable source for table in TRACE.
  • A model note was added to model options indicating why the NOFAT namelist variable is set to true during the conversion process.
  • An issue was resolved that caused the ALPIN variable of Break components produced from the Time Dependent Volume converter to be initialized to 0.0.
  • The Valve converter was modified to ignore the orientation of Time Dependent Volumes when determining the edge angle for the valve edge.
  • DT and DTCRNT general signal variables are now converted to a Generic signal variable (ISVN 3) with a variable request string of "delt"
  • The logic for converting VOIDF volume signal variables was modified to spawn a control network that subtracts the volume void fraction from 1.0.
  • The logic for converting the QUALA volume signal variable was modified to spawn a control network that divides the volume non-condensible density by the volume vapor density.
  • Generic signal variables that have no corresponding TRACE variables were modified to allow the user to indicate that a constant control block should be spawned instead. The value for the constant can also be defined.
  • An issue was resolved that would prevent the conversion dialog from opening to continue a previous conversion if a component was deleted from the model.
  • When exporting the report from the Report Dialog, the extension .html is appended to files without a valid extension.

Version 0.1.1 - Released 8/10/07:

This is the pre-release version (0.1.1) of the plug-in. This is intended for evaluation of the underlying design and the UI layout. This version requires SNAP Version 0.26.5 or newer.  The following functionality is supported in this version:

  • All hydraulic components except for TURBINES can convert to TRACE.  The conversion of all pump and valve types not been rigourusly tested. The conversion between cell-centered angles and edge based  angles may result in elevation changes after the conversion. Conversion information such as total elevation change and hydraulic volume are included in the model notes for each converted component.
  • Heat structures that have adiabatic or hydraulic boundary conditions are converted, and heat structures with uniform source data provided from control systems spawn a Power component in TRACE.
  • The control systems are complete for all control blocks and signal variables that have a direct correlation to a TRACE control  component.  The trips convert to small control networks that produce  the same results as a RELAP trip.  Signal variables that have no direct correlation in either the TRACE signal variables or plot variables are converted to generic signal variables with the variable name set to R5: <varname> where varname is the variable name in RELAP.