The RADTRAD code can be used to estimate the containment release using either the TID-14844or NUREG -1465 source terms, and assumptions, or a user specified table. In addition, the code can account for a reduction in the quantity of radioactive material due to containment sprays, natural deposition, filters, other natural and engineered safety features. The RADTRAD code uses a combination of tables and/or numerical models of source term reduction phenomena to determine the time dependent dose at user specified locations for a given accident scenario. The code system also provides the inventory, decay chain, and dose conversion factor tables needed for the dose calculation. The RADTRAD code can be used for occupational radiation exposure assessments, typically in the control room, for site boundary dose estimates, and for dose attenuation estimates due to facility or accident sequence modification.
Change Log
Version 5.3.2 - Released 6/20/2024:
- Resolved an issue that caused a RADTRAD executable defined with no command line arguments to fail.
- Updated the Dose Locations Breathing Rates table dialog to have the buttons appear in a toolbar.