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R5TPR Plug-in

The R5TPR feature plug-in permits a RELAP5 model to be exported as a TRACE Portable Restart (TPR) file. This file can be used to convert a RELAP5 model to TRACE. The process for converting a RELAP5 model to TRACE using the R5TPR plug-in is as follows:

  1. Import the original RELAP5 model into SNAP.
  2. Export the model using the "Export TPR" menu option.
  3. Run TRACE with the "--useTpr --isCompEngine" options, supplying it the TPR file exported from SNAP renamed to trcrst. If no errors are encountered, TRACE will generate a trctpr file.
  4. Import the trctpr file into SNAP as a TRACE model.

This method of converting RELAP5 models to TRACE has some limitations:

  • If an error is encountered in TRACE during the conversion process, no trctpr file will be created. Removing the problem components from the original RELAP5 model should allow the remainder of the model to be converted.
  • RELAP5-3D components which are not included in RELAP5 MOD3.3 will not be exported to the TPR file.

The R5TPR plug-in adds the "Export TPR" option to the export sub-menu when a RELAP5 model is selected.  This option is also available on the right-click popup menu accessed from a RELAP model node in the navigator.  Selecting this menu item will launch a file selection dialog, for specifying the target file name and location.   This plug-in also provides a batch command which can be used toautomate the conversion process:

R5TPR EXPORT TPR <key> [filename]

where <key> is an optional model key, formatted with the character m and an integer value identifying the model to be exported.

Please note that the RELAP5-to-TRACE Conversion Plug-in (R52TRACE) provides an alternate means of converting RELAP5 models to TRACE.